Negative Amounts of TU

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7:30pm Jun 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 878
So yeah I was just scrolling through my show room when I realized that I needed to upgrade it. I did a few several times and then I realized I didn't have enough TU, But I click the upgrade button anyways. Guess what happened. I had a negative amount of TU. So in other words I can upgrade 100 billion  times Even with no tu. But the consequence was that you had a negative amount of TU.  I don't know if it's on glitch or not,  But I would like it to be fixed. 


9:46pm Jun 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,658
This has already been an issue pointed out before. We already have placed this on the list of fixes to be done so hopefully it gets fixed really soon.

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