When Time Stopped-lolbook-

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2:39pm May 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

Its got the same thing as an rp on here with Woof and Paige...only with elves and other thing as opposed to Werewolves and vampires. Plus, the main character, Kip, is not an orphan by choice. She serves the king to extents which exhaust her but doesnt complain. She finds joy in talking with Fire. Literally. She talks to Fire.

Its huge un long. You prob'ly dont wanna read it... Also, Relents are being mine. Dont steal. XD


                "See? There they are." Ari giggled, pointing at the troupe of soldiers. Jami grunted and pushed her out of the way so he could see.

                "Four 'n' ten." Ari said, peering over his shoulder, offering needless help. " Well, not countin' that'n..." She motioned to the figure Jami had already noticed. She sat separate the others around the fire. Her dress was simple enough to suggest she was not a noble, and the sword at her hip told that she was no commoner. The men ignored her all-together, save for the wary sideways glances her direction.

The fires light danced on her plain features, and made it appear that her red hair was on fire. As the two watched, she turned her head their direction. They ducked back behind the tree. Ari giggled, stifling it with a four fingered hand.

                "Do'ya think she saw's?"

                "Don't know. Wonder what she's doin' way out here with a group of m-Ari!" Jami grabbed her by the collar of her silver and black dress and dragged her behind the closest tree.

                "What do you think you're doing?" He demanded, shaking her, "You mess up and our whole mission is blown!"

Ari's red eyes turned black. "Your mission, Jame, not ours. My people simply 'greed to help ya 'cause we trust ya so much."

                "And if you get hurt, Inf will hurt me." Jami argued back smoothly. Unable to argue with his logic, Ari's eyes resumed their red color.

                "You're 'ight, o' course." She said sighing. Then she grinned. "'sides, where're you goin' t' find the perfect distraction?" She gestured to her slender form and giggled. Jami rolled his eyes. Such a vain thing. He turned back to watch the armed force behind them.

                "Oh, I'm sure Inf would do it..."

                "Wou'n't count on't."

Jami and Ari whirled around to face a all man with medium length orange streaked red hair.

                "Inf," Ari said, standing straight and raising her hand to salute him. Inf grabbed her hand down and brough his face close to hers.

                "Don' s'lute me;’t’s a human thin'." He said

Ari giggled and touched her nose to his. "Wha' 'bout kissin'?" She asked, lowering her eyelids.

                "Hmmm. Le'me think 'bout that..."

Jami coughed uncomfortably. "Uhm, Inf, were you goin' to tell us somethin'?" Ari laughed quietly at Inf's blank look.

                "Eh? Oh, ye', I b'leive I did," He spoke to Jami, doing his best to ignore his mates laughter. "We're all set. Got Relents position'd all 'round, just outta sight."

                "Alright then. Ari," He turned to her. "You're up."

                Inf cought her hand and she walked by. "Be careful," He said softly.

                "Ain' I always?" Ari laughed.

                "No," The answered in unison

                "I'll be fine, love." Ari's serious tone surprised the two males and left them staring after her as she made her way into the fires light.




                The soldiers’ attention left their bowls as a woman staggered into the clearing, her pale skin and dark hair contrasting one another even more in the fires light. Kip stood with the men, but did not move forward with them. Instead, she backed up with her hand on the hilt of her sword. Her eyes darted around the site; this was odd. There had to be something else going on, some hidden motive. If only she could-

                "By the Gods!"

A soldier’s shout made her turn her head back. The woman was seated on a stump, looking around, dark brow furrowed in alarm, red eyes wide.


Something moved to her right, a form creeping in the shadows towards the covered wagon bearing the supplies of their journey. Flames danced along the tips of her fingers as she rubbed her thumb along them. She looked at the group with the....woman...and moved to follow the silent, solitary figure, not intending to shout an alarm just yet.




                Jami's hands clamped on a sheath and picked it up, gripping the silver hilt. The noise it made as he pulled the sword out made him glance around. A soft sound and a voice signaled the arrival of another being.

                "T'would be wise to be out of harms way a'fore doin' that,"

Jami stopped breathing. "I had to be sure this was it," he replied just as softly, turning around. He gasped. "You!"

Kip quirked an eyebrow at him. "Yes, me. Who're you?"

The boy faltered. Was she going to sound the alarm as soon as he told her?

                "Finkledorf." He lied. The girls ex
pression remained stoic, void of any ex
pression. He some how knew that she did not believe him. But then again, she would have to be a simple to believe something as ridiculous as that.

                "It's obvious that Im here to steal," he went on slowly. Was this a trick? "And the item I'm stealing," he held up the sword, still in it's sheath. "Is somethin' that was stolen from me when I was but a wee lad."

                Kip blinked. "Okay. I'm goin' to go sound an alarm now."

                "No! Don't! I beg you not-" He grabbed her sleeve to stop her. The girl whirled around, over-long bangs following in the momentum. Her eyes flashed as she grabbed his hand and wrenched it back. Jami stifled a yelp.

                "Don't. Touch. Me." Kip growled. Her victim saw a flash of fear as it left her eyes, but not  so fast that he did not wonder why it had been there in the first place.

                A loud yell broke out. Jami broke away and pushed past Kip, out the wagon, sword in hand. Kip followed close after, thinking of the reprimand she would receive for letting a thief get away. She turned around the wagon to face the fire, standing rigid at the sight she beheld.

                The young woman from before stood surrounded by soldiers, yet now, her petite form was guarded by that of a tall man with orange-streaked crimson red hair. Soldiers’ glances drifted to and from the couple and the wolf looking creatures standing around the parameters of the camp, hackles raised and wings furled out, an impressive variety of colors. Kip stared at the creatures she had only heard tales about; Huge, vicious demons that preyed on the lost and alone who wandered too far into the belly of the forest. On closer look, however, they were not nearly as big as she had expected.

                She drew her sword as she walked closer, looking around for the raven haired boy when suddenly she sighted him….right in the midst of the Relents, sword held ready in his hands. The battle hardened captain stepped forward and stood directly in front of the crimson haired man, his lip curled in distain.

                “Demons,” he snarled, raising his sword. Inf's hand shot out and the captain fell. Chaos broke out.


Jami tackled a soldier to the ground.

                "Go, now!" He yelled. "Get him away from here!" He grunted as he strained to keep the man grounded, watching as the Relents spirited their alpha away, an arrow protruding from his ribs. The pack's healer would take care of him.

                Rough hands yanked him up and forced him back down to his knees. He watched as his sword was retrieved from the ground, looking up to see the red headed girl holding it as well as her own. Their eyes met and she looked away, suddenly interested in the trees.

                "Kip!" One man barked. "Restrain him!" Jami looked around, expecting 'Kip' to be one of the older squires, but was surprised when the girl jumped.

                "Yes’sir!" She replied, stepping forward. Jami watched curiously as she knelt before him, weapons in the hands of a squire. "Sorry," She muttered, so softly he almost missed it.

                Jami did not have time to think about what was going on before something in the ground slithered. No; the ground itself moved. He stared as the earth covered his arms and hardened instantly, holding him fast. Kip brushed sweat from her eyes and staggered as she stood up. No ones hand reached out to help her.

                Where's the justice in that? Jami could not help but rage. She almost faints, following an order, but they won't even stand next to her. 


                A roll lay just out of the boys reach. A joke, played by the soldiers. The men had long fallen to eating while another circled through, healing the wounded from the earlier scuffle. The man Inf had knocked unconscious sat, glowering, a goose-egg forming just behind his ear. Jami could not help but sympathize.

His gaze fell on Kip. She had retreated to the far edges of the flames, looking out into the forest, her food untouched. She seemed to have recovered from...whatever it was she had done. Jami sighed and hung his head, hoping to get some sleep.


                The night wore on and the last of the men retired. A watch was set up, but they seemed to be more interested in the flagon of ale. The first snores of the men off duty *censored*ailed the ears of Kip and she grinned, standing up and walking to the fire. If she knew Jami's gold eyes followed her, she did not show it as. She set her bowl down and knelt before the flames. Before Jami could say anything, she plunged her hand in the fires dwindling flames as if it were water.

                Kip closed her eyes and smiled, pulling her hand out. Her audience stared with every widening eyes as she stroked the ball of fire in her open palm. It arched as if a living thing, weaving between her fingers. She held it at eye level and stared into it, then chuckled and sighed.

                The fire's light reflected in the azure depths of her eyes, a touch of sadness on her thoughtful features. With a sigh, she threw the fire up into the sky, watching as it burst into a shower of sparks, and brushing a few away that landed on her head. Jami quickly shut his eyes as she looked his way.

                “Are you hungry?” The girls soft yet rough voice made him flinch. He opened his eyes and saw her worn leather boots, blinking as she crouched down and gulping as she held it out to him. “Are you hungry?” She repeated, sounding as if she was losing her patience.

                Jami shrugged. “I would, but I’m a bit of a bind…” He moved his arms, tugging at them, but they did not budge from the earth around them. Kip made a small sound and set the bowl down.

                “Promise not to go away?”

                Another shrug. “Would I have much chance of gettin’ away?”

                A slow grin spread over the girls face. “Nope.” She hesitated a few seconds before leaning forward. Jami watched as Kip hovered her hands over the hard earth that covered his arms. She bit her lip and pushed down. The ground rushed away and Jami nearly fell forwards at the sudden loss of support on his numb arms. He rubbed his arms to get the blood flowing and looked across at Kip, brushing hair and sweat from her eyes. She sat down, folding her legs underneath her and shrugged, pushing the bowl his way. His mouth watered. Kip drew lines in the dirt. When he had finished, she filled the bowl with water.

                “So, what else do you do? Earth, fire, water…Do you do wind?”

                Kip lunged and they rolled. She leaned over him with her arm pressing against his throat. She snarled. “ How did you know I do Fire?! Were you spyin’ on me?!”

                “Spying is such a strong word…”!

She pressed down harder and he choked, gasping. “Okay, okay! Maybe I was. But I couldn’t help it.” He closed his eyes as Kips weight disappeared off of him. When it seemed she was not going to harm him, he opened his eyes and sat up. Kip was a ways off, out of his-or her-reach and sitting ridged.

                “I…manipulate the four basic elements. Wind, Fire, Earth and Water. Good ‘nough? Are you gunna shun an’ ignore me like ev’ry one else?” She snorted when Jami told her she had an accent.

                “Where are you from?”

                “North. I come from the north.”

                Uh-huh. And the fact that you have an eastern accent means nothing because…?

                “Earth’s always hard.” Kip said softly, continuing her explanation. “She dont wanna move. You have’t really fight ‘er.”


Kip nodded absently and answered, but it was as if she was talking to herself. “Earth’s the only element that’s gotta set gender. Hardly moves, and when she does, it’s subtle and slow. Like an old woman.” She smiled a little bit. “Fire’s always movin’, writhin’. It can be angry or kind, gentle or harsh…as Im sure you saw,” Her blue eyes snapped up to his face and he caught her look of surprise as she saw his amber eyes. She shook her head and went on, drawing a breath.

                “Water’s the same, yet the opposite of Fire. It sings or screams, is calm and quiet or rushin’ and loud. Always has somewhere to go. Wind…is complicated. You cant contain the wind, you can only ask it and hope it obliges. In that way, it’s a lot like Earth.”

                Jami raised an eyebrow. “Hmm. Talk much?” He asked jokingly. Kip shook her head.

                “Not really. Don’t got no one to talk to.”


They were quiet then, Jami eating and Kip staring at her feet, drawing up her knees.

                “What’s your name?” Kip asked suddenly, not looking at him. Jami took a while to swallow.

                “Told you already. It’s Finkledorf.” Kip chuckled.

                “No, I mean, the name you go by. Not the name your parents gave you.” Jami stared at her, then realized she was grinning a bit.

                “Was that a joke?”

                “Hmm. Maybe,”

                Jami shook his head, chuckling. “My names Jamis, but my colleagues call me Jami.”

                “Your colleagues? Y’mean the…people who were here before? And those…things?”

                “Relents,” Jami shrugged for the umpth time and gestured with his hand, holding up two fingers, then crossing them. “One and the same.”

                “Oh.” The girl must have known she would get no more for an answer, for she nodded and leaned forward, moving the Earth around his arms once again. She grinned slyly. “Im goin’t take a walk ‘round, confident that the prisoner ain’t gunna ‘scape.” She picked up the bowl and stood, her legs gaining strength as she walked away. Jami called after her and she turned to answer.

                “’Cause I’ve got plen’y o’ things on my conscience; I don’t need your death to be on there also.”  

                Jami’s mind went blank for a few seconds before he took her hint and started working on the loose packed Earth, pausing for a second to watch Kips small figure weave through the trees, a flame in her hand, her mouth moving as if she were talking to it.

Uh-huh. I never claimed to be an author. Dont think I'll be quitin my day job any time soon. Not that I have one...

Next chapter up when I feel like it. XP 


Resident mounted archer

10:25am May 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925

Le Squeal! :D

It's wonderful.

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


9:53pm May 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

Yay! Someone likes it! :D

Heres the next chapter...


    When Kip returned, Jami was gone. She looked around the camp and nodded, but could not decide whether to feel relieved or disappointed that she was now completely alone.
    No need to fret, young one. The crackly voice of the Fire entered her mind. No doubt I have that the young lad will show up again.
Kip frowned. “What should I care if I never see him or another like that again; I can’t have friends. An’ I’m not young,” She said indigently. “I’m almost eighteen summers.” The Fire chortled.
You are young to me, Firebird; I have seen many, many, centuries more than you. A snapping sigh. Don’t be so set on being alone; you still have your whole life ahead of you.


Jami paused to hear the one sided conversation. He watched as Kip stroked the Fire thoughtfully a said something suddenly too quiet for him to make out. The Fire throbbed and Kip laughed. It throbbed once more, as if to say good-bye before it was thrown up, disappearing in a dance of sparks once again.
    He nodded his head, his mind made up, and glanced around, a sudden breeze picking his ravens feather hair from slightly pointed ears as he ran deeper into the forest.


“Kip!” The commanding officer’s loud bellow nearly shook the trees. “Explain this!” He was pointing to two broken mounds in the Earth. Kip stepped forward and inspected it needlessly, a confused look suddenly appearing on her face. She walked back and lifted her chin.
    “It appears, sir, that the thief has escaped.”
    Pain lanced through her jaw and she gasped, pressing her palm to her face. She removed it after a few seconds and stood up straight as a bruise started showing. The men grinned and the commanding officer stepped forward.

“Poor little orphan bird
cant hold back the pain
What on earth is she to do
theres nothing she can gain”

    Kip remained faceless as the men laughed at their ditty they had come up with the first night she had been *censored*igned to their platoon. She curled a lip.
    “Is that how you fight, commander? Insult women and walk away?” She laughed humorlessly and smacked her forehead as if a thought had just occurred to her. “No wonder you’re so high rankin’!”
    “Enough, Wench!”
    The commanding officer spun around and his fist once more connected with her cheek. Kip hissed and bit her bottom lip as a trickle of blood slowly smeared across her face. She ducked as the man lunged at her, flames erupting from her out-stretched hand as he stumbled to correct his footing. He dropped to the ground to snuff the flames.
    When he was sure he was not going to be eaten by the non-existent Fire, he straightened his rumbled tunic and chain mail. The girl was now standing quietly, restrained by several soldiers. She looked at him calmly looking at him with-was that a smirk? Insolent little…
    “Your orders, sir?”
    Smiling slowly, the man straightened up and said airily, “We’ll take her back quietly. Keep her restrained and guarded…so she doesn’t bring harm to herself. Maybe the king will find pity on on the deranged idiot for her attempted *censored*ault on an officer. Hmm?”
    Kip sighed as the men burst into raucous laughter and tugged her along.
    Here we go again…


    “Yes sir. Y’see, this she-devil charged at me. I didn’t want to hurt her in any way-I don’t know what evoked it in the first place. Anyway-“
    Kip snorted and yawned, acting bored, but every nerve was on fire and twitching.
        They’re touchin’ me they’re touchin’ me they’re touchin’ me they’re touchin’ me… Her brain raged as her eyes drifted from face to face. The men holding her were all young men, each one casting wary glances her way and standing stiffly. There was probably a chance she could break away; this was so boring.
    “Yes. That will be enough, Sir Laon. I will deal with her. Dismissed.”
    The accusing knights mouth opened and shut, but he knew more than to defy an order by the king. He nodded once and left with his helmet under his arm and nose in the air as he p*censored*ed her, smirking. The younger knights, uneasy to be left alone with her, scurried out behind him. The enormous doors closed with a resounding echo. The kings laughter made her turn her head and walk forward, kneeling.
    “M’lord,” She bowed her head to hide her grin. “I didn’t mean no ill will, I only meant to teach ‘im to respect a woman.”
    “I know.”
    The kings laughter sounded once again, sending shivers to crawl up and down her spine. Cool fingers seemed to brush against the beaten side of her face, but she knew no one who really knew her would dare to do so. She raised her face and closed her eyes, thankful for the cool softness, even if it was only magic; perhaps that made it all the better.
    The fingers lingered for a few seconds on the incision on her cheek.
    “I’ll leave it to scar,” A pause as the cool wisps fell away. “to remind you to respect a commanding officer.” Searing pain once again lashed across, even sharper than the first and second shots she had taken. The feeling went away and Kip let out her breath. She opened her eyes and heard shouts outside and the clang of steel on steel.
    “Go, girl. And do not forget.”
    Kip stood and bowed at the waist to the empty chair before turning and trotting towards the doors. She drew her sword as the doors opened.
    She flinched at the sudden brightness. As her eyes adjusted, she gasped; the boy, Jamis, stood surrounded by several soldiers, daggers in either hand.


Dun dun duuuuuuun

Okay. Epic phail......and possibly the shortest chapter, but I seriously couldnt think of anything and I liked it. *sigh* Everything seems so much longer when its two notebook pages...the spiral notebook kind. 

Resident mounted archer

10:39pm May 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963


Neither one of the two could tell you what happened after that. Some say that the girl decided that she wanted the glory for herself and flew off the steps to the castle, tackling the boy just before a broadsword fell on his head. We'll never know.
Kip pushed Jami roughly up the steps, his arms held behind him as she hissed in his ear that he was a total and complete idiot, or 'tot'l'n c'mplete idyit', as Kip put it. Jami chuckled under his breath.
        "Aw. An' here I thought you would be so incredibly happy to see me." Kip scoffed and smacked him upside the head.
The big doors opened at a signal from a knight and they walked in, the servants closing them after Kip, Jami, and a few soldiers had entered. A wavering shadow appeared on the throne, its shape never staying the same, but the dim outline of a seated man slightly visible. Kip gripped his upper arms hard enough to make him grunt. She said nothing, but lessened her death grip. He looked back at her.
Her lips were pressed in a thin line, arched eyebrows slightly raised. He blinked at the scar on her cheek; that had not been there three days ago, and it would not have scarred like that as fast as it would have had to…
He broke his gaze to find Kips eyes meeting his own. She smirked.
        "I have authority issues."

Kip gasped and shot upright, waking to the darkness of her chambers. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Why was she like this? What was it that had ripped her from her sleep? Thinking, she stood up, trying to remember her dream, but could not. She sighed in frustration, but could not shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen; something bad bad bad bad…
She shouted and grabbed her head, trying to drive out the pounding. She did not have to worry about anyone waking up to check on her; her room was far from the others with walls as thick as her arm. She snorted. A needless precaution. What did they expect her to do? Burn the whole castle?
Shaking her head to clear out the thoughts, she blew into her hands to warm them. A golden light filtered through the gaps in her fingers. She opened her hands and twisted the Fire around with her fingers.
"Talk to me, please?"
About what, youngling?
"Anythin'!" Kip pleaded with it, sitting cross-legged on the hard bed. "Somethin' random. Somethin' logical that'll keep my mind from spinning."
Your mind is not spinning, child. It is agitated and confused, but I *censored*ure you; it is perfectly still.
Kip glared at the Flame.
What? It asked, snapping with laughter. You asked for something to take your mind of what is in your mind, so I told you how your mind is behaving. You might want to stir it up a bit.
Kip groaned and fell backwards, but was unable to keep a smile from her face. "I know. I just want somebody to talk to." She closed her eyes when the Fire fell silent, only to have them snap open at what it said next.
Jamis will talk to you. You know that he is your friend.
Kip changed positions and looked at the Flame. "How do you know that?" She asked, gesturing questioningly. "I all but led him into the dungeon!" She stopped to think, then shook her head. "No, I did that to..." The Flame flickered. Kip imagined it laughing, though it remained quiet.
She sighed. "Alright. Fine. I'll go talk to Jamis. Happy?"
Kip snorted and let the Flame go as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, this time feeling the rough stone beneath her bare feet; the first time she had been too agitated to notice it. She walked to the door and pushed it open on well oiled hinges.

The hallway was empty as she made her was down the long corridor, keeping her eye out for servants or ghosts. Not that she feared the ghosts; in fact, she thought she would very much like to meet one or two of the poor souls that wandered these lonely halls.
They would probably have more to say than most people.

Jami sat against the wall, looking at the gap they called a window. What moonlight there was came filtered through it and touched his hair, making it have a blue sheen. He sighed. For, despite Kips worst fears, he was just as lonely and aching for companion-ship as she was. He would talk to anyone.
Anyone, that is, except for the man in the cell beside him. They had nothing in common save for the fact that they were both in here for a very long time.

"What're y'n fer, mate?" The man had asked gruffly.
"*censored*ault on an officer, disrupting the peace, attempted *censored*ignation on the king," He had counted them off on his fingers as he listed them. The man whistled low and laughed.
"Naild'jee  good, di'n't they?" His obnoxious laughter made Jami grit his teeth. "Nah. I'm in 'ere fer theft," his stump hand was proof enough. "Would've been only that, bu' tha' tall red headed s*censored*, Kat, er wha'ever, saw to't ah stayed in here good'n long."
The man lifted what remained of his shirt, showing a continuous burn that spread across his chest, creeping up the left side of his face. Half his ear was gone.
"Yep. Tha's a trophy'a some sort, ah recon. Y' don' see't 'til y'git 'er real mad, but she got this fire in 'er that'll burn the unburable…If y'git wha' ah mean."
Jami nodded, able to guess as much.
The man went on. "Bu' wha'll really git'cha seared-my bud o'er there dared me-" He nodded to a corpse held upright by shackles "Is touchin' 'er places no man 'scept a lover would dare venture."

Jami decided he didn't like the man.

As dark as the dungeon was, Kip could see easily. 'Cats-eye', they called it. She was still hoping to meet a ghost. Getting past the guard was easy enough, for he had been keeping company with a bottle and was bleary eyed, let alone able to discern a solid human being from a spirit. She grinned at the memory of him screaming, stumbling away like a deranged idiot to cower in a corner, whimpering.
Now she frowned. Why do they need guards down here, anyway? The people down here are locked securely behind bars…and the guards don't do no good down here, anyways. Just give 'em a bottle or a sweet and they'll free ya quick as ye please.

His eyes just beginning to close, Jami was jolted from the darkness and dragged to the surface. He opened a bleary eye, then closed it, opening both amber optics and blinked the sleep away to see Kip standing on the opposite side of the metal bars, holding a loose jerkin closed at the collar and shifting bare feet nervously.
He jumped up and brushed off his rear, scattering a couple rats. He shuddered and leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Kip simply stared at him. Then her eyes darted to the other cell and she paled, drawing a breath and backing rigidly away. Jami watched her reaction and decided he liked the man even less.
Trying to ignore the man, Kip cleared her throat. "Do you have time to talk?"
Jami answered her with a bl
ink. "Uh, yes?" Kip laughed uneasily at his answer and knew by the tone he said it with, he was wondering if she was really a simple.
"Talk about what?" Jami asked. The girl blinked as if suddenly realized they had accomplished doing absolutely nothing for five whole minutes.
"Anythin', I guess," She answered, sitting against the wall. "Where you're from, fam'ly, friends, relationships..." She grinned impishly. "Es'pecially those."
The boy chuckled, replying "Only if you do, too."
Kips smile faded a little, but she nodded, her eyes turning thoughtful.

Beginning with his family, Jami recounted how his father had disappeared soon after he had reached the age of ten and his mother had been killed in a 'hunting' accident. He skipped the details and Kip respected that. His friends, of which he had two he had with his life, had ever so conveniently died in the war three years ago, when he was around fifteen turns. As for relationships, he had always been on the move, never able to forge any real bonds.
"Why?" Kip asked. "Why do you move 'round, 'stead of settlin' down?"
Jami lifted his shoulders. "I like going places, doing things. A companion would slow me down."
"Really?" Kip lifted an eyebrow and smirked. "What 'bout those Relents? Do they slow ya down?"
The boy shook his head. "No, they're actually very fast, especially in their canine forms." He held up one hand and rammed it into the other. "They also have boundaries. Nearly physical. If they cross into another Plocks land, they become very sick." He moved his hands. "They have to go around."
Another nod. "They couldnt come up with a better name for themselves, so they combined packs and flocks."
Kip chuckled. "They sound entertaining."
"Oh, they are. They keep me company when they can, mostly, though, it's the group you saw today."
"Oh? How far does their territory reach?"
"All over Aaven." Jami replied. "They're the only Plock on here."
Now Kip was confused. "How they know they'll get sick then?"
Jami shrugged. "Beats me. Could just be something Inf made up to scare the young into behaving."
Kip laughed and shook her head. She fell silent and tilted her head. She drew a Flame.
"It says it's happy to know I'm enjoying myself."
"Ah. So it's alive."
"Uh, yeah. I figured y'might've found that out when I told y' bout their genders." Kip looked at him in annoyance. Jami held up his hands in surrender and laughed.
"Sorry. I'm glad youre enjoying yourself."
Kip nodded and stood up, letting the Fire out. "Me to. I'd better go now'r they'll start t' wonder where I am." She looked at the other man in distaste, curled up in his corner, and turned to leave. Without thinking, Jami reached out, grabbing her sleeve. She whirled, growling so that Jami instantly let her go.
"I-Im sorry," he muttered, letting his head and arms drop. Kips face twitched and she nodded.
"So'm I."
She turned and walked back the way she came.


I confused myself, but I love comin up with dialogue. Kips and the other cell-bound man's are pretty close to the same. Maybe they're from the same part.....

In I love Kips way of talkin to herself. :XD:tle="XD" width="15" height="15" /> She's lonely.

And the Relents ways. Funny. I actually came up with those as I was typing this out. It's no where in the tran thingy. I win. :la:tle="La la la la" width="19" height="19" />

Somethin is different about this chapter than the others, but I like it so it stays. See if you can find it... 

It aint the paragraphing. That got jacked on transfer. Imagine its there.

Resident mounted archer

6:11pm May 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
Well, I didn't read too much, but I liked what I read. And I haven't really read the roleplay, so in some aspects I was a bit confused. But I like it.


12:38am May 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,963

Only the ti
tle is from the RP, all characters, settings, and...whatever are mine and purely coincidence. XD

LOL. Im thinking that this will go absolutely no where, but thank you much! ^^  

Resident mounted archer
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