Trash Isthmus.

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4:33am Dec 21 2012 (last edited on 4:33am Dec 21 2012)

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Posts: 1,576

  Julius Presler was the only child of Zachariah, Relcore's most successful creatuologist, and Estrelle, a pleasant housewife. He was treated like a gem, as with most families of three. The hazel haired boy grew up around creatu which his father had brought home to study, and the sick creatu his mother had found while trawling through the Atqueen Forest were nursed back to health by her. The creatu were treated just like her own children, all precious individuals. Walking past Rancher shops with creatu crammed into cages, with a large sign over the natural colored ones screaming in marker - "CHEAP, 1000tu ONLY, MUST GO!!" had always caused the family to feel rather uncomfortable. "Natural colored creatu," his mother had told him one day when he asked why they were being tossed like trash, "are dear and precious in their own way. They don't have to be of a special color, like sepia or cream or even blonde, but they're just the same, maybe even more amazing than the albinos or azures."
  Despite having a father that was rather famous, his family had never been too much of show-offs, in fact, they had been too modest. The Relcorian family celebrated the boy's thirteenth birthday, also traditionally the day where the birthday boy or girl was to head out and explore on their own and bring home their findings. He was patted on the back, hugged by his parents, sent off with "Be safe" and "Take care". Then he pushed open the door, told told his parents with a smile that he'd be back before the sun set.
  Relcore was a rather clean place, filled with nature and was one of the most pleasant places to live, in Julius' opinion. A place where he had always wished to explore, but never did, was the Trash Isthmus. His parents had told him to not venture there, due to the amount of parasites and bacteria squirming all over the place, but today was his special day, right?
  He walked around, observing the - well, trash filled land. Empty cans and apple cores speckled almost every square meter that didn't have a huge piece of driftwood just basking over it, piling up as sea cloth blades and protective masks were thrown in for good measure. Above all this hung the dry scent of just plain ew, as well as a flag with a trashcan printed on it, flapping in the wind as if proud to be the worst place on Relcore.
  As he trudged through the thick carpet of dirt and grime, a round violet ob[injection]ject caught his eye as it twinkled in the sun, the bottom of it soiled with mud. Darker purple blotches splattered over the ob[injection]ject, and as he went closer he realized that it was an egg. He was unsure as to which creatu it held, however, but it was an egg.
  Something was living inside it.
  He carefully picked it up, brushed away the bits of dirt and wiped away the mud with his shirt. Cupping it in his hands, he returned home as the sun began to set. However, just as he passed the exit of the Trash Isthmus, he realized that his hands were starting to get rather damp. Then moist. Then wet, dripping wet. He looked down, and realized that a crack had formed in the egg. His nerves were numbed, he was scared. Oh no, what had he done? It began to break apart, a cry released as a small head peeked out of the shell, about a quarter gone. Thrik, the sky blue creature called, as it sat in the shell of liquid.
  It was sky blue, with darker patches, similar to the patterns on the egg. It's eyes were a soft violet, matching the dorsal fin that sloped down it's back. It had two webbed feet, and it's little forked tail poked out of the water as it looked at Julius, both equally curious about this new species.
  He ran just fast enough to reach home on time as promised, but slow enough to make sure the egg's contents were safely inside. When he returned home, his mother flung his arms around him, but he quickly moved away. "What's wrong?" she had asked, but he had only raised the egg to his mother's eye level. "Oh dear..." she managed after a long moment of silence as she flicked her gaze towards his father's lab. "Julius, dear," she whispered, "I don't think that's the best thing to bring home when there's a starved, ever-hungry Tesuri in the house."

AN: Hey, hope you enjoy ! <3


4:48am Dec 21 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

Hngnjksad ; n ;
Amazing writing as usual. ; n ;


4:38am Jul 31 2016

Normal User

Posts: 12
i dont getit

If u have any unwanted Mutants i will take them as long as they not too much
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