The Jester

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1:05pm Sep 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

They say the Jester only comes out at night. That she slinks
along the abandoned paths of the city when twilight hits the spire of the
church.  No-one is sure if the Jester
truly exists, but a rumour always has an inkling of a truth in it.

"It takes the souls of children and turns them into
evil imps," women whisper fearfully in the market. Their get cling to
their skirts, knowing that the Jester will come for them should they misbehave.

"The Jester steals from the rooms of the nobility,
walking in their rooms and watching them sleep," the men growl over
tankards of ale in the local tavern. Lords and Ladies tremble in their rooms at
night, keeping watch as their candles burn lower.

"The Jester… is our saviour. Protecting us from the
wrath of the rich," thieves hiss as they crowd in their safe houses. For
it is true, the Jester has sworn to protect the underground.

Nevertheless, such as every story, there is far, far more to
their villains. And perhaps, ours is not a villain at all, but a young lady
whose woes are our tale to tell.

Make what you like of this. o3o It's a test for a new character. =3=


3:27pm Sep 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
This has got me so curious


Must. Know. More. About. Character.


4:41pm Sep 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 9,641

I don't know if I want to write as her now. x3 She's not insane enough. Moved onto my new wolf character Kraliçe, and she's one crazy child. @_@ Voices, and she listens to them. :I

But I might write more? Man, my inspiration changes so much. FFF

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