~Rate Please~ My epic Story (I Think)

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9:34pm Nov 10 2009 (last edited on 10:06pm Nov 11 2009)

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Posts: 2,842

 I was sitting in the meadow looking up at the pale sky. I closed my eyes and felt a warm breeze on my face. I sat there for what felt like hours. When I opened my eyes I saw a paper dove flittering around the treetops. The breeze slowly died down. As it did the bird floated into my hand singing a beautiful song. Once I caught it time flashed by and I was sitting cross-legged on a bed. The walls were blue with white bird stickers. One was peeling off and another was peeling off.

            I woke with a start to my sister Mollie yelling at me,

“Lia wake up we’re going to be late!” I grumbled, kicked off the covers, and trudged down the hallway and down the stairs. I poured myself a gl*censored* of juice and sat down at the table.

“Ughhh, I am so tired.” I said lowering my head to the table.

“Telia Adams get your head off the table.” My mother scolded me. Her face softened when she saw how tired I was. “Are you still having that dream about the meadow?” she asked. I nodded,

“Yeah, and because of it I can’t get much sleep” I thought for a minute, “Whatever, we need to get to school. Finishing my juice in two gulps I ran upstairs, got dressed, grabbed the keys, and said to Mollie, “Let’s go”

            The rest of the day went by fast and it was rather boring, but last period, which was chemistry, was pretty interesting. 

“This is Annie Wara” Mr. Ridge introduced us; “She will be in this cl*censored* for the rest of the semester.” Most of the cl*censored* was uninterested, but me and my friends Reese and Rayne thought she looked interesting. We went up to her and introduced ourselves and we all had a lot in common. She also looked quite a bit like me; curly blonde hair, brown eyes, and freckles. We were put into partners for today’s *censored*ignments. We had to answer twenty questions on what we had learned. Annie and I were partners and at the end of cl*censored* we had gotten all the answers right. I turned to Annie and said,

“Okay Annie, you, me, Rayne and Reese should be partners for or big group project coming up.” She nodded, looked over my shoulder at Rayne and Reese and said,

“Sounds good. You guys wanna come over to get a head start on it?” she asked, her brown eyes intense

“Sure. I can I just have to drop off my sister.” I said as Rayne and Reese shook their heads.

“Mom says we have to come home directly after school. We have a reunion,” complained Reese to us about their boring life. Annie turned to me and said,

“I guess it’s just us” I nodded as she wrote her address on a paper and gave it to me.

            I stood outside the car digging through my purse, trying to find my keys. Mollie grumbled, and then complained out loud to me about homework and a test. So I dug harder for them. When I found them I started the car, sped home to drop off Mollie, and then drove to the address Annie had given me. I rung the doorbell, she answered and we went up to her room. It wasn’t until I was sitting cross-legged on the bed that I noticed the blue walls with bird stickers. One missing, one peeling off, and a dove singing a beautiful song on the windowsill.


12:36pm Nov 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,551
It's interesting... is there more?


3:29pm Nov 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,842
Thanks Nightmare. Nope not yet. Its for English. It was supposed to be a short story. About a page.


10:19pm Nov 11 2009 (last edited on 10:20pm Nov 11 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 220

The first paragraph reads a little choppy for me.  Well-placed commas and more elaborate sentence structure would make it read a lot more smoothly.  Not sure what grade you are in, so I hope I ain't about to make suggestions that will blow your mind, lol.  I won first place in multiple writing competitions while I was in highschool, though, so hopefully this'll help.

Something like this might flow a little better than those short, choppy sentences:

I seemed like hours, in which I sat in the meadow, looking up at the pale sky.  I closed my eyes, relishing the warm breeze which danced across my face.  Upon opening my eyes, I saw a dove made of paper flittering among the treetops.  The breeze slowly died down, and the bird floated with it, right into my hand.  It was singing a beautiful song.

....and so on and so forth.

Hoped this helped!


8:06pm Nov 12 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,842
Thanks sooo much Sacrifice. And yes, yes it did. Do you mind if i use that? XD I am only in grade 8  and so far in all the years of school we have done 4 writing pieces in tottal excluding essays.

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