Price Houndoom's Art?

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6:19pm Feb 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 9
I'm a new user and wanted to see how much my art might be on here.
Here are some of my examples of pet overlay I've done.

Then if you want to see my other art I have my gallery
I have some human art I haven't uploaded there though.
I can post them here if anyone is interested...

Thanks c:


4:15pm Feb 19 2013 (last edited on 4:16pm Feb 19 2013)


Posts: 3,187
;0; oh wow, 
id say 10mil or more 
if you ever open commissions id love to buy some art off you 


4:20pm Feb 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
After I'm done being in debt, I'm going to order some art from you
whether you like it or not

Human sketches: 5-8m They seem really complex for sketches.
Animal Sketches: 5-8m

Flatcolor liketle="" target="_blank"> this: 12-15m since it's full body
Waist-up flat: 10-13m
Both Human and Animal Headshot flat: 6-9m

Human Colored and shaded full: 20m+
Human Color and shaded waist-up: 15m+
Human Color and shaded headshot: 10m

Animal color/shaded full: 15m+
Animal color/shaded headshot: 5m

That's what I'd be willing to pay, anyway. ;o;

Really pretty.<3 You'll get a lot of business here.

hello my name is elder price
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