Staff Apples and Apple Stuff

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11:11am Mar 10 2020 (last edited on 4:18pm Mar 17 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 857
I'm looking for some of the older staff apples.
These can no longer be plucked from the Apple Tree, however, there are thousands of them in the game. (For example, Bears Apple, Amount in Game:1,883)

Even though they are plentiful, not many users seem to be selling them, so please check your Storage!! :)

I also need some other "Apple" items, so I'm just going to include them all in this list.


Bears Apple
Bottle of Luxurious Apple Juice
Candied YAM Apple
Christmas Apple
Cless Staff Apple
deedlitmon Staff Apple
Easter Apple
Franco Staff Apple
Green Spring Apple
Ohso Apple
Outsane Staff Apple
Poison Apple
Ricki Apple
Teachers Apple
Winner of Biggest Apple Contest
YAMs Apple of Doom Lollipop

These will all be fed to Vegeta.

Please post or rmail me with the apples you have and price. Thank you!

1:12pm Mar 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
Bears Apple
Christmas Apple
Cless Staff Apple
Deedlitmon Staff Apple
Easter Apple
Franco Staff Apple
Ohso Apple
Outsane Staff Apple
Poison Apple
Ricki Apple

All these should be added to the tree now :)


1:18pm Mar 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 857
Thank you, Kina!

4:28pm Mar 16 2020 (last edited on 4:28pm Mar 16 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 734
I have a Green Spring Apple but I have no idea what they actually go for, so offer?


8:01pm Mar 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 857
Rmailing you!
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