Huge Pet Sale (RWN, CS Pets, etc)

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3:23pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Hey guys! I've just recently returned to Res after a longgggg semi-hiatus! And man, there have been a few changes! So! I'm selling a good portion of my showroom to save up for some effects and such. Have a look and make an offer on anything that catches your eye and I'm sure we can make a deal. 


3:51pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Is only the "Selling" Section for sale? :) How much for 2D, Ashy, Hateful, Historia, Pompey, and Texans? :)


3:59pm Mar 20 2014 (last edited on 8:10pm Mar 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Yes, only the "Selling" section is up for sale. c:
I may be tempted to part with a few in the "Not For Sale" section, but the offer would have to be veryyyy impressive.

Hmm... Let's see... How about...

2D- 5mil
Ashy- 150k
Hateful- 40mil 
Historia- 8mil
Pompey- 5mil
Texans- 400k


4:01pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
I will 2D, Ashy, and Texans. :) I'll send over 5.55 mil. And let me go look through your other sections; my offers can be pretty tempting if I like a name enough xD Can't hurt to ask anyways.


4:04pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Would you part with Sociopath, 7, or Phobia for any price? Totally fine if the answer is no, just figured I'd ask ^-^


4:06pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
I'm not willing to part with 7 or Phobia, but Sociopath... If you can make an offer I'll think about it. c:

And alright! I'll send those three over~


4:09pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
I don't want to offend you if the number that popped into my head was too low D: But it was 100 mil, if that interests you at all.


4:12pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
I'm not offended at all! To be honest, I was thinking around 120mil, so you weren't super far off. cx
Would you be willing to do that or...?


4:13pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Yay! :D I would be willing to do that, in fact. I shall send the tu over.


4:16pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Alright! Thank you very much~!


4:18pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Sure thing! Hmmm... Also. Sorry. One more thing. Is there any chance you'd do 30 mil for Hateful? c:


4:20pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Ahhh... No, sorry. :c 
40mil was the lowest price to come to mind. To be honest, I'm still having a bit of an internal struggle on whether I should even sell him or not. xD


4:26pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Hnnng........ Eh, you know, stocks have been good lately. If you'll still sell, I'll buy. ^3^


4:29pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Hmmmm..Oh man, I'm really really sorry, but... I think I'm going to plug him in my Not For Sale category. 
I'm so indecisive, it's a huge problem... I'm really sorry. :cccccc


4:30pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 579
Aw, that's fine. I should have bought him when I had the chance. xD No worries.


5:33pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 350
Are you selling/trading Glue, Flea, or Casey?


5:34pm Mar 20 2014 (last edited on 5:34pm Mar 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,242
Flea and Casey aren't for sale at all, ahahahahaha.

I might be willing to part with Glue, but the price would be very, very high.


5:42pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 350
Well maybe I could persuade you with a name trade;) I gots lots a pretty nifty names in my showroom. 


5:48pm Mar 20 2014 (last edited on 5:48pm Mar 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 314
How much do you want for Collides (in your "Selling" category)?

Also, would you be willing to part with Eris, Gravitation, Ionize, and/or Kerberos?


6:13pm Mar 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,242

Perhaps. Let me go take a look around~ cx


I'd like about 600k for Collides, if that's okay~? 
Also, I'm very sorry, but none of the others are names I'm willing to sell right now. :c

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