How terrible.

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12:56am Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 50
I haven't been on here for so long, that all my pets died.  And I have -214 TU right now.  I don't even know how that happened.  I didn't really buy anything.


4:42pm Sep 12 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Oh, that sucks!  I wasn't on for a while,a nd my pets are dead too.  I feel your pain.  although, i don't understand the -241 tu...

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6:04pm Sep 12 2009

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2:39pm Sep 13 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Rollback?  What is rollback?  I don't think I've ever heqard about it.  Does it mean you owe rescreatu tu?

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5:40pm Sep 13 2009

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Nah. Couldn't have been the Rollback; she joined quite a while after that happened. I don't even see how it could cause negative tu at all, actually. o: Perhaps it's just.. some sort of v2 glitchiness. I recall a lot of people saying they had negative tu when it was first launched. Maybe there's still some occasional problem with it.

The best way to figure it out would probably be to send in a support ticket, Borris.

And the Rollback, Knux, was a pretty big event in August 2008 that reverted the entire site back to the state in which it had been three months before, in June. It was pretty much a last resort solution to a hack that had left Res down for three weeks and whiped part of the database. Lots of people lost lots of stuff they'd gotten between June and August.

... Lard, I wrote a lot there, for something like this. xD


5:52pm Sep 13 2009

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Posts: 201
Dang the rollback happend that long ago? Daggum...

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5:57pm Sep 13 2009

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Posts: 6,216
Holy crud, that sounds scary. o_______o  I've heard of it but I didn't know what it was.


9:58pm Sep 13 2009

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Posts: 50
Maybe.  Or maybe I just went on a major shopping spree without thinking about it.  But oh well I've got 4323 now so I'm okay.


11:24pm Sep 13 2009

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xD It does seem pretty long ago.. Makes me feel old.

It was. Three weeks without Res is horrible, especially when it's because of the site being down and not knowing why. o3o

Hmm. I don't really see how you could have done that, though. It doesn't let you buy things if you can't afford them.. How befuddling.


4:40pm Sep 14 2009

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Posts: 6,216

;o; Three...weeks...

-has horrible spazz attack-

When I was like a month old, Res was down for half an hour.  I got really scared, hyperventilated that it was another hack, went on a rampage on my friend's comment section on their site, and finally ran to my bedroom, slammed the door, and wailed on the mattress. o_o'' 


6:41pm Sep 15 2009

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Posts: 1,359

Ah yes, yoshirules... I remember that.  Now, I understand.

Last year... it seems so far away now, doesn't it?  We've all gotten older since that occurance, and it was crazy.  I didn't have anything to do for days.

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10:00am Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 1,117

The hack and rollback? Yes. Me neither. It was awful.

All my pets died too, and I've been able to rivive about half of them. I understand your feelings, too, Borris.

And omg Pet!. I would do that too, if Res gets hacked again.


3:13pm Sep 16 2009

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Posts: 6,216
I didn't even know about the rollback. DX I would've been much more scared if I did know then.  I only knew that someone hacked and nothing more.  Enough to make me really scared...I'm too attached to the internet. ^^;


1:15am Sep 17 2009

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Well. Hopefully it'll never happen again. I couldn't easily imagine any of the current staff doing something like that. o:


3:39pm Sep 17 2009

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o_O Staff?  What?  I feel clueless. x_x I dislike being such a newb, lol. 


6:47pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Wait... Are you saying that it was likely that it may have been one of the staff members who hacked the site?

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7:29pm Sep 17 2009

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8:24pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 50
Ahahaha!  A staff member hacking the site..


9:21pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 1,359
Well... you never know.  I remember a staff member either being kicked off the site... or retiring.  Well... you still never know. 

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10:25pm Sep 17 2009

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Posts: 3,642
Lard, I feel like I'm practically gossiping about this or something. x3 They never said whom it was, but yah. Apparently it was a staff member who did it - and was promptly kicked.

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