Switched At Birth Fanclub

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3:26pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 479

For discussions on all things Switched at Birth.  Talk Daphne, Bay, Emmett, Toby, etc...  <3

So, what do you think about the show so far?

I'm in love with it.  And I have a crush on Emmett.  And of course, Bay & Emmett make an adorable couple.  I hope they stay together.  <3

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6:42pm Jul 21 2011

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Posts: 2,282
lol. how did you get that avator?


3:53pm Aug 9 2011

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Posts: 479

Rave Item Pack...  :/

I can't be the only person on Res that loves Switched at Birth...

Anyway, I LOVED last night's episode.  I can't believe Emmett actually spoke.  For Bay.  That was, in my opinion, the most Romantic thing ever.  I love them and hope they stay strong.

I can't believe Angelo just showed up.  I don't trust him.  I think something's off.  And Regina still has a secret that I want to know...

Daphne seems like she's gonna try to be a homewrecker and break Emmett & Bay up.  I get it, she knew him first.  He's her best friend.  But he waited for her for 8 years.  Now that he's with Bay, I think it's too late for them.

And Toby seems conflicted in the older brother role.  He wants to protect both Daphne & Bay.

My recap of last night's episode.  I know there have to be other fans.  Discuss with me!!

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8:59pm Aug 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 212

I so agree, Sm. <3 I cryed when Emmet spoke :O But I can't belive I have to wait till Jan. 2012 for the next season *tear*!


7:47am Aug 12 2011

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Posts: 479
I know!  I was so mad when they said I have to wait so long for a new episode...  Who's your favorite character on the show?

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5:30pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 212

Probably Bay. Bay deserves Emmett more than Daph. When Em & Daph kissed, I was like, " TRAITOR!" I mean, she had years to tell him. :P


6:21pm Mar 4 2012

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Posts: 479
Up  This needs updated.
Starting this tuesday, I'm going to start recapping episodes.
Join me fellow SaB fans!  Discuss.  ^.^

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9:07pm Mar 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 479
NO!  WHY?!?!  D':

Sad.  Depressed.  Brokenhearted.
Why, Emmett, why?  :(

Smuh doesn't know what to do with herself now.  I will recap the episode when I am less sad and disappointed.  </3

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11:19am Mar 15 2012 (last edited on 11:19am Mar 15 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 19
Emmet. Hes a filthy expletive now. Ugh, HOW COULD HE DO THAT TO BAY.

10:47pm Apr 30 2012 (last edited on 10:48pm Apr 30 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 328
Yess!!! My first time venturing onto the fan club boards, and I just have to join this one. I'm surprised there's not a lot of action on it. I absolutely love Switched at Birth.It brushes me up on my sign language since I haven't had to use it in a long time. I'll have to tell my sister about this thread.
I cried when Emmett spoke for Bay too. Bay is probably my favorite character. I can't believe Emmett did what he did to her toward the end of this season, but omg I really want them to work it out. I feel like they are perfect for each other. I feel so horrible for Daphne since Wilke is going to boarding school. I can't wait to see how it all works out.


11:11pm Apr 30 2012

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Posts: 479
I agree with everything posted above.
Waiting impatiently for the next season...

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2:04am Oct 5 2012 (last edited on 3:23am Oct 5 2012)

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Posts: 479
Alright.  Been a while since I updated this.  It took a lot of time to get over my heartbreak.  Anyway.  My thoughts up to the most recent episode are below.

There are things under this that have spoilers from the show.  If you are NOT caught up, I advise you not to read the below information if you do not want to read spoilers.

My thoughts on:
Daphne:  I do NOT want her with Chef Jeff.  First off, he's kind of seeing Melody.  Secondly, he's her boss.  Third, he's way older than her.  That kiss.  I was hoping it wouldn't happen.  But it did.  Just.  No.  I don't want that relationship to happen.  I think we all know it'll end badly.
I don't like how she used Travis to make Chef Jeff jealous.  I'll be the first to admit, I didn't like him when he was introduced to the show.  He seemed like a huge jerk, and the way he acted toward Wilke (Who meant well.  And was really good to Daphne.  I really do miss him) pissed me off.
BUT.  My view of him has changed.  We all saw how his home life was, and when your family isn't willing to learn the only language you can speak to communicate with you, it can piss you off.  Make you feel lonely. Whatever.  When Daphne told him she'd go bowling with him, I was looking forward to it.  And when she basically blew him off, it made me sad for him.
I want her to give Travis a chance.  Or Scuba.  He seemed pretty awesome.  Though he seemed pissed at her when he got in trouble over the shrimp. -Promo for next week's episode-

Bay:  I feel bad that she tried to be honest with John and Kathryn about her street art only to be yelled at and told to give it up.  I know it's illegal, but it's a part of who she is.  I don't know if John and Kathryn understand that.  When they're asking her to stop doing it, they're kind of asking her to give up a part of what makes her who she is.
Not entirely sure how I feel about Zarra.  I feel bad that she doesn't have a family or a real home to call her own.  I'm glad Bay has someone that understands her street art.  I know Emmett understands, but Bay is still hurt.  Though she seems to be healing.  Which is great.

Toby:  I like that he may have a new love interest.  Nikki seems like she can bring him out of his funk.  I think he should continue his music.  It makes him happy.  Maybe he and Nikki will start dating.  She's pretty sweet and, paraphrasing Bay, "doesn't seem like like the kind of girl that would sleep with Bay's boyfriend".
I don't feel like we've seen much involving Toby.  I thought it was sweet of him to stick up for Simone about that website.  I will say, when he told Kathryn that Simone slept with Emmett, I was in shock.  lol

Regina:  It sucks that she can't sign right now.  I know she's sad that she can't communicate with Daphne very well because of her hand.
The marriage to Angelo to help Bay wasn't the smartest thing, but she wasn't thinking straight.  She was thinking "Bay is hurting, and this can stop it."  I just hope she doesn't begin to fall for it again.  I'm still wondering how her relationship with Patrick is going to work out with this marriage going on.
I'm actually really glad that she's being a 'friend' to Simone.  Much as it pissed me off that Simone and Emmett slept together, she's still a person, and she still has feelings.  I can't just forgive Emmett because I love him and still hate her.  I forgive her, too.  And she really needs Regina to keep her on the right track.  I was glad when Regina caught her buying Alcohol and stopped it.  Regina can help her through the rough times.  She needs someone to be there for her.

Emmett:  I love this boy.  I really really do.  I was pissed at him when he slept with Simone.  But I want him and Bay to get back together.  He knows he messed up and he wants to fix it.  With every episode that he and Bay speak to each other, my heart hurts a little more.  Bay's on friendly terms with him, at least.  They seem to be friends, talking to each other and Bay borrowing his camera and all.  I get if she doesn't want to get back with him.  And I'm glad they're on talking terms.  I still hope there's a chance for them, though.  That 'mural' he did for her really made me cry.
Regina's words sum up my thoughts on the whole situation exactly: "I love that boy, but what the hell was he thinking?!"
When he met Robin at the motorcycle event, and told Daphne "I already met the perfect girl", I wanted to cry.  Bay kind of told him to go out with Robin in a way when she left them together saying "I feel like I'm the one that's interrupting."  I don't want that.  I have nothing against her.  She seems really sweet.  But I'm still team Bay & Emmett.

John:  I thought it was really sweet of him to hang out with Travis.  Since Travis's own family is so -whatever the word is-, I'm glad John is connecting with him.  Especially after Daphne basically blew him off.  John's really great to him.  More of a dad then his own dad, I'd say.
I thought it was a low blow on Bay's part a few episodes back when she was hanging out with Angelo and said "That's what dads are for." or whatever.  You know she meant it to hurt John and it worked.  He raised her, not Angelo.  There was no need for Bay to say something that hurtful.  And he's letting Angelo stay in the house with them FOR BAY.

Kathryn:  I don't have much to say about Kathryn at the moment.  All I can say is that when she ran into Emmett at the Event at Carlton and basically ran in the other direction...  It hurt my feelings to see his face.  I think he knows she knows now.  She's protective of her daughter, I know.  But she was so kind to Emmett during his parents' divorce.  Kind of sucks to see that completely gone.

Angelo:  I still don't really trust him.  I feel like he's up to something still, to be honest.  I don't feel like he's telling Regina the entire truth about the nurse.  BUT.  It was a pretty big gesture of him to thank Daphne for her gift in ASL.  It meant a lot to her, you could tell.  And it was really thoughtful of him to do that.  Doesn't make up for him leaving, but it was a start.

So what about you, my fellow SaB fans.  What are your thoughts?  Post away.  And I will try to keep this more up-to-date.  I let things slip sometimes.  I just need reminders.

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11:54pm Oct 8 2012

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Posts: 479
There are things under this that have spoilers from the show.  If you are NOT caught up, I advise you not to read the below information if you do not want to read spoilers.

So tonight's episode.  Pure awesome.  Just like all the other episodes.  Well.  Most of them.  The whole Daphne/Wilke, Simone/Toby, Bay/Emmett episode was pure sadness.  Except for the 'proposal' to Deaf Prom at the beginning.  Heart-melting.  Anyway.  On to the review.

My thoughts on:
Daphne:  I had hoped that she and Scuba would date or whatever.  When he asked her out at the beginning of the episode, I was like "Don't say no!".  Even though she blew off Travis.  Who I also hoped would get a chance.  He seemed really nice.  Except when he got pissed because Chef Jeff fired him.  And took it out on Daphne.  Not cool, dude.  Not cool.  She tried to cover for you and that's how you thank her?  So Scuba's off my nice-guy list.  Jerk.
The relationship between her and Chef Jeff is still not a good thing, in my opinion.  But she seems happy right now.  And she deserves to be happy. So whatever.

Bay:  I don't trust Zarra.  And I don't think Bay should, either.  She basically used Bay for her money.  Didn't even tell her "Hey.  There's someone else included in that bail money you think is all for me."  Seriously, Zarra?  I was glad that Bay had someone to talk to about her drama and her art.  But you're getting lower on the totem pole of trust.  When Daphne rode by on her Bike, I had the same feeling of distrust.  Especially because of the way Zarra kept looking at her.
Alex, Alex, Alex.  I'll have to admit, when I first saw the previews and pictures for the new season featuring Bay's "New Boyfriend", I had instant dislike for him.  But he actually seems to be a really sweet guy.  I still want Bay & Emmett back together.  But Alex doesn't need to be used by Bay.  He still clearly likes her.  So I don't dislike him.  I dislike the idea of Bay & Him as a couple because I'm still rooting for Bay & Emmett.  He IS cute, he IS sweet, and he's a good guy.

Toby:  Can I just say, I felt just as blown away by the information that Nikki has a boyfriend as he was.  I'd hoped for some sort of relationship between them.  But it seems like they can still be friends.  Hearing her story was sad, but it gave Toby some perspective.  And can I say WOW.  He actually went to talk to Emmett after that.  To start a new band with him.  Huge step there, my friend.  Huge step.  I didn't like seeing Toby sad.  Sucks that he and Nikki won't be dating, but maybe he can find someone that makes him happy again.  Nikki is a great person very sweet.

Regina:  I thought it was sweet that she and Patrick were going to try to work out their relationship.  But despite the fact that she *does* like him, I feel he may be right.  She's still in love with Angelo.  Even if she can't admit it.

Travis: I hurt for him.  I'd ask *why* he was sleeping at the car wash, but I have a feeling I already know.  Poor kid.  Maybe John & Kathryn could take him in or something.  He's sweet.  I really misjudged him in the beginning.  Again, I don't think it was right for Bay to ask him to do what he did for her.  He could get in serious trouble.

Kathryn:  It wasn't the smartest idea to invite Alex and his parents over.  I get why she did it.  But if you'd just realize that Bay's street art is really important to her...  She and John are great parents.  They just need to realize that Bay doesn't want to hurt them.  That's why she was honest.

So I ask again, one week later.  Your thoughts, lovelies?

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1:04am Oct 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 479
No update until at least Saturday.  I missed Monday's episode because someone in my family decided to cancel my DVR settings for the episode.  So I promised my best friend (who also missed it) that I'd wait til she stays over so we can watch it together.

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1:07am Feb 22 2013 (last edited on 4:03am Feb 22 2013)

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Posts: 479
There are things under this that have spoilers from the show.  If you are NOT caught up, I advise you not to read the below information if you do not want to read spoilers.

My thoughts on:

Daphne & Travis:  After the whole thing with the agent coming to the Kennish household to check up on Regina & Angelo's "Marriage" and Travis in the Towel, I hoped they'd STAY together.  Travis.  In.  THE TOWEL.  "You liked how I looked in the towel, didn't you?"  *squee*  Yes.

From earlier reviews I've given, you guys know that I've wanted them together for a while.  But the fact that Daphne broke up with him after the whole Food Truck incident...  I'm wondering if she did it because he had a lot of anger or because of what Emmett said about not having to date him just to "Prove she could date a deaf guy".  I love Travis' character, really.  I hate seeing him sad.  I wasn't a fan in the beginning because he was a HUGE jerk to Wilke, who I LOVED.  But I grew to love him.

I hope that everything works out for Travis.  And I also hope that the two jerks that robbed Daphne and gave her that huge freaking bruise on her stomach get arrested.

Bay:  Her switch to Carlton was pretty cool, as hard as it was on her in the beginning.  To think that Buckner accused her of cheating and taking away the happiness she had for the amazing grade she worked hard to EARN.  I'm glad she's beginning to fit in more at Carlton and that the rude girl -whatsherface, I forget her name- seems to have cooled down.  They seem to be friends now, right?

I AM STILL ROOTING FOR BAY/EMMETT, DAMMIT.  Always have, always will.  I seriously SCREAM at the TV every time it makes me think "This will be the episode.  IT WILL" and then...  "Haha, got your hopes up.  PSYCH!"  You producers are making me want to find you and force you to write my favorite couple back together.  Seriously, stop making my emotions go everywhere.  I mean, come ON.  The episode where she tried to go to Mexico with Zarra.  It wasn't smart at ALL for her.  But Emmett came after her with John.  "I will always find you."  WHY DO YOU MAKE HIM SAY SUCH AMAZING THINGS?!  And then NOT let them get back together.  *sob*  They ALMOST kissed.  If not for John and those stupid headlights.  D': And of course, "Are you sure you're ready to move on?"  NO.  No, she isn't sure.  I hope.

Noah seems decent -at least the dude can ADMIT that he deserved to get punched for the extremely rude thing he said to Travis at Bay's party.  He honestly deserves more than that, in my opinion, but it's over, soo...  Meh.  Still, I am against the Bay/Noah coupling.  BAY/EMMETT FOREVER.  ...Yes, I am a fangirl.  And no, I cannot be helped.  It's just how I feel.


Toby:  I cannot believe that he and Nikki broke up.  Or that Nikki broke up with him, actually.  Or maybe I can.  They were cute while they lasted.  But breaking up on the DAY, hours after even, that the boy tells you he loves you.  And that you told him you loved him.  Harsh, dude.  But I kind of get the "It'll hurt more if it lasts longer" thing.  Kinda.

The new girl.  Ah...  I don't even know her name, and she's probably gone from the show after that one episode.  It did feel like she was using Toby, and he just got out of a relationship, so he needs some recovery time.  Not some girl trying to use him to piss her mother off.


Regina, Angelo, & Lana:  The fact.  THE FACT that Regina is drinking again kills me.  FIFTEEN YEARS SOBER, REGINA.  And you just.  Wow.  I'm so disappointed in her.  And lying to people.  She needs help.  I'm so worried about her.  She needs to get away from Zane and his friends.  They don't know that she *was* a recovered alcoholic.  And now she's drinking with them all the time, slipping into a deeper and deeper hole.

The episode with the dude.  Travis in the Towel.  That was just...  Woah.  So intense, I was sitting on the edge of my seat.  So close to getting caught.  Especially when Lana came out and was all "I'm pregnant with Angelo's baby."  I was like.  HO-LY CRAP.  She didn't want to cause trouble, but what else could she say?  And the fact that she's giving Bay's little unborn sister up for adoption.  ...Or is she?  I would think Bay would be happy having a little sister, maybe.  Blood family.  I keep thinking maybe Angelo or John/Kathryn could adopt the baby.  For Bay.


John:  So John is running for Senator.  I love that he picked Bay's artwork to use for his campaign.  I wish they'd had the chance to use it.  But he told her he really loved it, and that made me smile as big as she did.  He's accepting that side of her, finally.


And the preview for next week... Regina yelling at Bay.  Guessing that Bay is gonna confront her for her drinking.  She needs help.  OH.  Right.  The SILENT episode that is coming up.  The episode that will be COMPLETELY in ASL.  I cannot wait.  It will be a lot of reading for me, but I'm excited for it.  March 4th, people.  :D

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1:08am Feb 22 2013 (last edited on 1:16am Feb 22 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 479
Poll for the fans:

Are you more for:
Bay/Emmett (1)

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