Wolves with Wisdom

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11:17pm Jan 7 2012 (last edited on 3:49pm Jan 11 2012)

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Posts: 282
So I haven't been on Res for a LONG time, and now I'm back. I want to do a wolf RP.

The Wisdom Woods have been around for more than 500 years. About 200 years ago, a young wolf named Raji stumbled upon this forest with his impregnated mate, Zilcon.  The Woods were a perfect place for Zlilcon to give birth. There was many caves, ponds, a giant lake, and large areas for hunting. Raji noticed the Woods had no scent markings, so he took the Woods as his own.  Zilcon gave birth to 4 healthy, strong pups a few weeks later.  A year later, a young wolf by the name of Limine came meekly to Raji, begging for him to let her stay. Raji agreed, feeling sorry for the pitiful pup. She was only about a year old.  A year later, a small pack consisting of three wolves came wondering near.  Their names were Taylic, Bontit, and Katniss. After another two , Limine and Strutfer, one of Zilcon and Raji's pups, mated.  Many years later, after more lone wolves joined the pack, Raji was shot by hunters.  The pack agreed that Strutfer should now gain Raji's spot as alpha.  The strong pack now had twelve members.  For years, they continued to give life to more small wolves, and fall into death's grip.  The pack, now known as the Wisdom Wolves, were well known.  A pack about 10 miles away, known as the Redhooks, were declared enemies with the Wisdom Wolves, when the Redhooks attacked the Wisdom Wolves, killing three pups, the alphess, and two hunters.  The Wisdom Wolves mourned their loss, and agreed that they would one day get revenge on the Redhook pack. And so, as the years went by, every member of the Wisdom Wolves were taught to hate the Redhooks. Now, the pack was agreeing to finally get revenge on the Redhook pack.  But, little did the rest of both of the packs know, that a small romance was deep in bloom. Kiara, and young female wolf from the Redhook pack, had fallen for charming Brutis, a member of the Wisdom Wolves.  They had been keeping their secret, knowing that they would most likely be killed if the rest of the pack found out.  The young wolves had their own Romeo and Juliet story.  

So, sound good? That's basically the history of the Wisdom Woods.  Here's the WW pack so far:

Wisdom Wolves
Alpha: Flare (whatever6551)
Alphess: Silver (me)
Hunter: Brutis (me)
Hunter: Lyall (Tld)
Hunter: Zavi (Guiven)
Babysitter: Cheyenne (whatever6551), Xizri (Guiven)
Warriors: Iceblink (whatever6551)
Others: (unlimited amount)

Alpha: Ruckner (me)
Hunter: Nyari (whatever6551)
Hunter: Saleos (Tld)
Babysitter: Euryale (Tld)
Warriors:  Zaebos (Tld), Concussion (whatever6551), Duna (Guiven)
Others: (unlimited amount)

No insta-mates!
Romance is definitely encouraged ;)
Be realistic! Meaning no powers, or wings and stuff
Put 'Unicorn' somewhere in your bio to show you read the rules :P
Swearing is aloud
No killing, unless it's your own wolf
Maximum of four wolves per person
No 'RP it out' for personality

Bio Skeleton:


My Bios:

Name: Silver
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Alphess
Looks: Silver is like her name. Her coat is shiny, and almost glows. She has smoldering eyes, and a long snout. She is slender, yet muscular.  Silver has amazing speed and agility. Her right ear was injured in a fight, and she hates talking about it. http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4128/4999061918_cf3f42d48a_z.jpg
Personality: Silver is stern when a wolf does something wrong, as an Alphess should be.  She also loves pups, and enjoys romping with them. Before she was the Alphess, Silver was a babysitter.  She is kind, and compassionate.  Silver is also a little bad in the flirting area, and has not had much experience.  She's quite shy around male wolves. 
History/Past: Silver was born and raised by the former Alpha and Alphess, but they were both killed by bears while hunting for food.  She has never had a mate before. 
Other: Nothing

Name: Ruckner
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Pack: Redhooks
Rank: Alpha
Personality: Ruckner is getting older, but that isn't stopping him from doing anything. He's been alpha for quite a few years, but no other wolf has challenged him, because Ruckner scares the living daylight out of them.  But he does have a soft side. Usually a pup can worm it's way into Ruckner's heart and win him over forever.
History/Past: Ruckner was abandoned when he was one and a half years old, so he had to learn to fight for himself. Ruckner was found by one of the hunters of the Redhooks, and has been with them ever since.
Other: None

Name: Brutis
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male 
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Hunter
Personality:  Brutis is a flirt. Always has been, always will be. He's a definite ladies man.  Brutis has a very charming personality, and is great at winning female wolves over.  Everyone loves him. Brutis is extremely funny, and is known to crack a joke in hard times.
History/Past: Brutis and his sister, Teila, were the only survivors of their old pack, who died from rabies.  The frightened wolves fled from the horribly diseased wolves. Teila had unknowingly carried the virus with her.  She died while they were near the Wisdom Wolves.  Brutis howled his grief, and the Wisdom Wolves found him.
Other: None

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

8:13am Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 6:00pm Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((May I join? I'll play Kiara if I can change her name, but if you don't want me to change it, I'll join anyways. Heeyyy! Your unicorn is missing!
I also would like to play the Redhook alpha, if that's okay. Then I'll have a few other wolves.))


Name: Nyari (Kiara)
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: Redhooks
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Nyari is cynical and difficult to impress. She doesn't believe in fairy tail (PUN FTW) endings, and doesn't plan to start. She likes to fight, but she isn't as good at it as she is hunting.
History/Past: Nyari was born with the Redhooks, and has been raised with an aggressive lifestyle. 

Name: Cheyenne (Pronounced Shy-Anne)
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Babysitter (?)
Personality: Cheyenne is laid-back for the most part, but she knows exactly how to keep her pups in line. She tends to be submissive, and dislikes conflict, but she makes sure that the Redhooks are hated among all of the pups, and that they know how to hunt and fight at least a little before they go into major training.
History/Past: Cheyenne has never had pups of her own, quite frankly because she has never had a mate. She tends to be difficult to get close too, and then she's also naive and innocent, and misses out on a lot of flirtatious innuendo.

Name: Flare
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Alpha
Personality: Flare is a good friend of Storms (if this isn't okay, I'll change it ;) ) and they have been since pup-hood. Though he wasn't as friendly with the former Alpha and Alphess as she, Storm chose him to co-rule the Wisdom Wolves. He tends to be shy for social gatherings, but he knows how to lead.
History/Past: (Above)

Name: Concussion
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Pack: Redhooks
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Concussion is simply aggressive. He likes anything and everything that has to do with fighting and killing, and tends to make impulsive decisions.
History/Past: Concussion was born in captivity for the purpose of bringing the wild wolf populations up. Because of his aggression, they almost decided not to release him, but they ended up doing it anyway, and they landed him straight in Redhook territory.
((I would like to take this time to give credit to all of the photographers who took the pictures of the wolves that I am using as characters for this roleplay))


8:46am Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Join as a hunters of Redhook and Wisdom, a babysitter of Redhook and a warrior of Wisdom? I'm very capable of playing four characters to balance out the gender ratios (1 of each gender per pack), and will be able to control my characters. Unicorn. ]]


11:20am Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 11:26am Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 282
((Whatever-Yes that's fine. You can change her name, and you may join. Actually, I am going to play the alpha. You could become the alpha for the WW. Submit your bios please.
Tld-That's a good point. I'll change it so everyone can have four, and yes you may join. Submit your bios please.))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

11:31am Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 2:17am Jan 12 2012)

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Thank you :3 ]]

Name: Saleos
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Credit goes to J-C @ DeviantArt
Saleos is a clever, somewhat sly wolf. He's a trickster who loves jokes and pranks, sometimes coming off as mean-spirited and childish. He's not very into responsibility, though Saleos is very close to his sibling, Euryale. He covers for her mistakes, sometimes taking the blame for her. Euryale is the only wolf Saleos truly feels attached to, only because she's his sibling. He often protects her and watches out for her like a mother watching her cub, though he would much prefer to be alone. He sometimes chooses to skip pack meetings to go off on a solo-hunt, though wolves can't complain much because Saleos would always bring back something for the rest to eat. Saleos is known for not obeying orders, and gets away with it most of the time because of his excellent hunting skills. 
Other: Eyes are grey, like Euryale. Hunter of Redhook.


Name: Euryale
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Credits to Nika-Wolfgirl @ DeviantArt
Unlike Saleos, Euryale is not very outspoken or confident in her decisions. She's extremely submissive and willing to take the blame for things she didn't do. Saleos hates her for that, usually encouraging Euryale to be more stubborn. Her tendency to talk things out and make peace with others is what makes her weak and feeble. Despite her shy behavior, Euryale enjoys being near other wolves and listening to their conversations, though she rarely participates. She's gentle with pups and younger wolves, making her ideal for the babysitting job.  Euryale always carefully considers her decisions, unlike Saleos, who jumps to conclusions. She would always restrain her brother if he would ever lash out at another wolf, soothing him with a comforting nuzzle.
Other: Necklace not included. Both are in Redhook pack. She is the babysitter.


Name: Zaebos
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male
Credits to LunacyHusky @ DeviantArt
Zaebos, physically, is strong and swift. He's quiet though, preferring to live life by himself. He's not a very sociable wolf, not knowing how to care for pups or play with juveniles. Zaebos also seems to emit this cold and intimidating aura because of his size (quite large). He's very cold towards strangers, though he would not attack on the spot. Zaebos is also quite strategical, thinking about each step instead of leaping right into it.
Other: Part of Wisdom pack. Fighter.


Name: Lyall
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Credits to Nika-Wolfgirl @ DeviantArt
Lyall is rather rough and fun-loving. She loves play, acting like a pup most of the time. She only takes the orders she likes, and most of the time tries to ignore the rest. Lyall adores pack life and her packmates, wanting to be in the center of attention. She's quite outgoing and cheerful, though her friendly banter can quickly become and annoyance to any peace-loving wolf. Lyall is also rather clumsy, often tripping over nothing. 
Rank: Hunter
Other: None


11:54am Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 282
((What pack is Lyall in?))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

12:14pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 12:14pm Jan 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Oh, woops :c She's also in Wisdom, along with Zaebos. ]]


12:28pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 282
((All right. When do you think we should start?))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

3:21pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

((Any chance I could join, or is it too late?))


5:44pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((Your avatar is very pretty, Guiven! I'm working on my bios right now, you all. Sorry for the wait. They'll be on the first post that I made. :) ))


8:53pm Jan 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 282
((Guiven, sure!))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

3:16pm Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 3:48pm Jan 16 2012)

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Posts: 733

Name: Zavi
Age: Young adult (3 years)
Gender: Female
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Hunter
Looks: Zavi is a pale, off-white color with a gray/silver smudge on her nose. She has green eyes flecked with gold. Her ear tips, and front right paw are black. She is quite small and slender.
Personality: Zavi has a seemingly cold mask. She often snaps at other wolves, she can get away with it, for some reason. She doesn't talk often, and is an unusually good fighter with very sharp teeth and a very keen sense of smell. But this mask of hers is nothing like the true Zavi. Deep down, she hates fighting, and is really very lonely, but is afraid to approach other wolves, because even the best of them have beeen know to turn on others
History/Past:Zavi was born three years ago to a loner. She had two siblings, but her brother went missing and her sister turned her back on her.
Other: Duna is Zavi's sister
Name: Duna
Age: Young adult (3 years)
Gender: Female
Pack: Redhooks
Rank: Warrior
Looks: SIlvery white, with bright blue eyes. Her tail is redish brown, giving her the nickname 'Foxtail'.
Personality: Duna is vicious by nature. She isn't at all like Zavi who really, deep down, hates being cruel. Duna enjoys it. She's had her eye on the open alphess spot, and is hoping that Ruckner will take her as his mate. She has a soft spot for pups. SHe is quite skillful at her job, and is headstrong, she won't back down from a fight.
History/Past: Duna was born three years ago to a loner. She had two siblings, but her brother went missing and she left her "worthless" sister
Other: Zavi is Duna's sister
Name: Xizri
Age: Three and a half years
Gender: Male
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Babysitter
Credit to whoever did this. No credit to me.
Looks: Xizri has black fur with silver tips, giving him the appearence of having a silver glow about him.
Personality: Xizri is kind and loving. He can snap, but usually apologizes for it. He loves playing with the pups in his care. He is a fairly good leader, but prefers to take charge only if someone else won't.
History/Past: Xizri was born in the Wisdom Wolves pack. He had a normal childhood XD
Other: N/A
((Sorry, I'm horrible with bios, I prefer to describe my characters in the roleplay. I can add more if you wish though.))


3:42pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 5,279
((I'll add another male to balance it out! I wanted to give Flare a brother, but I couldn't think of another female to balance him))


10:03pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 282
((That's fine))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

2:58pm Jan 10 2012

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Posts: 5,279
Name: Iceblink
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Pack: Wisdom Wolves
Rank: Warrior
Looks: http://mellow-d.deviantart.com/art/Wolf-98663531 (With blue eyes; credit to photographer)
Personality: Iceblink is the very opposite of his brother, Flare, and is a cold-hearted killjoy most of the time. He takes everything seriously, and has a good grip on his temper, which rarely fails him. Even in battle, his movement is calm with deadly precision against opponents who are often enveloped in rage.
History/Past: Iceblink never really got along with Flare, nor does he plan to start, even if he is the alpha. He may be low-ranked in the pack, but he knows how to hold his own, and has never once been pinned down to the ground by anyone other than his brother when they were pups. He has never challenged the alpha, nor does he plan to, however much he disagree's with Flare's methods.


4:38pm Jan 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 282
((Good, should we start soon? Or wait for more people?))

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

5:12pm Jan 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,279
((Let's start!))


9:10pm Jan 10 2012

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Posts: 282
Silver awoke to the sun shining into the fairly large cave she occupied.  She squinted, trying to block out the brightness. Silver stood up and stretched out her tired body; yawning in the process.

She padded out into the large woods surrounding her home. Silver sniffs pointed her long nose outward and sniffed. Nothing unusual, which is a good sigh.

"If love isn't a game, then why are there so many pla[injection]yers?"

2:52am Jan 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ I'm a bit unsure about the settings and details, I'm assuming that the Wisdom Wolves still live inside the forest, and the Redhooks nearby? ]]

"Morning, Euryale." Saleos greeted his sister as he trodded into the den, a rabbit clenched in his jaws. As usual, her brother had gone out at dawn to hunt, bringing back their breakfast. Euryale, who had just awoken, got up and stretched. Her mouth opened to expose a pink tongue and shiny white fangs, her grey eyes blinking awake.
"Mmm... Morning, Saleos." She greeted in turn, sniffing at his rabbit that he had dropped onto the den's floor. "A rabbit?" She observed. "They're quite hard to catch." Saleos puffed out his chest in pride.
"Well, you know nothing can escape the best hunter of the Wisdom Wolf pack." He said. Euryale rolled her eyes, but nuzzled him in thanks. 
"Better not be tell that to Nyari." She said, amusement twinkling in her eyes. Euryale's belly, unable to take the enticing smell of the rabbit, suddenly cried out in hunger. "Guess I'd better eat." Euryale said with a little embarrassment. "Do you want any?" Saleos shook his head.
"Nah, I ate a mouse on the way back, not very hungry today." He said nonchalantly as his sister quickly gulped down the delicious meat. "You better hurry, sooner or later the pups will be wailing for your attention."
"I do love playing with those pups." The grey she-wolf's voice was affectionate. Since she was extremely shy around adult and juvenile wolves, Euryale preferred to play with the pups, telling them stories and joining in their games as their mothers recuperated.


"Good morning, everyone!" Lyall chirped as she strutted back into the Redhook's main territory. Zaebos, who was guarding the main entrance, stared the brown she-wolf down, though she didn't buckle under his chilling eyes. "What's up, Zaebos?" She asked, voice never losing that cheery tone. Lyall didn't fear Zaebos, after all, they did share a den together when they were pups. Zaebos was never playful, even as a pup, but they did sometimes tussle together.
"Where were you at dawn?" He asked, voice calm and even. Lyall blinked innocently.
"Taking a morning stroll! What, am I not allowed to do that?" 
"It would've been better if you were out hunting for the pack, Lyall." 
"Well, it's not like we've got a food shortage. I can go hunting with Brutis right now, in fact!" Zaebos shrugged.
"I didn't see him this morning. He's been acting... Stranger lately." Lyall scoffed at his words.
"I don't know what you're talking about. You really should relax more, you know."


2:42pm Jan 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

((So am I.))

Wisdom Wolves


Zavi was hunched in the shade of the trees outside of the denning area. SHe quivered with excitement where she sat. One of the biggest hunts of the season would be starting soon, and Zavi was looking forward to playing her part. The pack had several pups to care for this year, its growing size meant that even though prey was abundant, the hunters had to work much more than usual to catch it. Mice and rabbits sprang this way and that, darting across the path of a patrol. Some wolves claimed rabbits had hopped right into their jaws. Not many wolves believed these rumors though.

Zavi lifted her muzzle to scent the air. Sweet smells of new life drifted across her, damp plant material, and many other, friendly, healthy scents could be picked out in the late-morning air. She couldn't help little whines of excitement escaping her from time to time. At the moment, she was merely watching the comings and goings of the Wisdom Wolves, for she knew soon, they would be showered with food as the deer migrated into the forest.


Xizri yawned and stretched luxuriously as the sounds of padding footsteps echoed peacefully around him. He knew today that the pups would get a tour around part of the pack's spacious territory, and he was happy, content. He began to wonder absentmindedly whether he would ever settle down with a mate and start a pack of his own.

Bored, Xizri sat up stiffly, stretched again, and stood up with a groan. He could smell prey running through the forest, and he hadn't eaten yet today. Still working on loosening his cramped muscles, he padded towards the outskirts of the denning area.

Under a very old willow tree, a young squirrel was scavenging for food. But Xizri couldn't temp himself by gazing at the plump little rodent. He knew most of its bulk was fur, and he didn't want to spend the next week picking all that fluff out of his teeth. He brushed past the tree, careful to startle the little thing, intent on finding some piece of prey more worth his time and skill. Even though Xizri wasn't a hunter, he could catch himself a small meal if need be.




Duna stood rigidly on top of a rocky outcrop, a little ways from her pack's denning area. From here she could see most of the territory, as long as it wasn't shrouded in mist. She could also see her excuse for a wolf, sister's ugly territory. But that was no concern of hers at the moment. If I succede with the deer hunt, maybe Ruckner will finally take me as his mate! Duna had spent weeks going over this in her head. If she did manage to succede, this would be her territory soon enough.

Duna stifled a short bark of amusement as scuffling sounds escaped from the denning area. The Redhook's pups were growing strong and healthy with each passing day. In another year or so, they would be a huge benifite to the pack, hunting and fighting alongside the other adults.

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