My Heart, Your Hands

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2:15pm Oct 13 2010

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Posts: 3,557

Ugh, no actual plot yet.  However if you are willing to give me one we can do a 1X1 together! :D 

I'm trying to make a tragedy roleplay and I have this really good idea but it has an NC17 plot. O.O' 

Anyway, first one to pull up a good tragedy/romance plot that is 1X1 I'll roleplay with you. xD

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1:55pm Oct 14 2010

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Isn't this fun?

2:36pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Oct 14 2010)

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I don't really have a plot unless I know exactly what the Rp is going to be about. For tragedy it can mean a number of things:

  1. The cla.ssic love/death thing (mainly suicide or murder by another source)
  2. Betrayal of a friend or loved one...of course that is very tragic.
  3. Death of a loved one or friend

Since Tragedy is a plot based on human suffering (or any creature suffering) you could have:

  1. The spread of a disease
  2. A loved one being extremly ill
  3. Past life hauntings (You could take this as literal and say ghosts, or go off a more reincarnation type plot of two lovers from their past life. Ex: Roman or Egyptian people reincarnated in two normal humans in the present time)

So in any roleplay plot if you add, Sickness, Betrayal, Love (of some kind), a few past issues from their childhood, and death it will make an amazing tragedy Rp. ^.^

 Sorry. I'm bored. lol. ^.^


8:18pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 3,557
Immortal: I would love to do this one RP with you. O__O'  Want to hear the plot?  If your interested of course. xD

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8:22pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 1,825
Ooc:// Of course i'm interested. ^.^ I love mature plots. <3


8:35pm Oct 14 2010 (last edited on 12:24pm Oct 15 2010)

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Posts: 3,557


Isn't this fun?

8:42pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 1,825
Wow. That sounds very interesting. O.o I like it. <3


9:26pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 7,187
[[ may I lurk? :3 ]]

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:37pm Oct 14 2010

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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Wanna do a 1x1? Romance? :D


12:08am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

(Immortal: The thing is it was going to be a NC17, but no one is interested, so I guess the NC17 Will have to be cut out. XD 

I'd prefer to play at Crispin, not so good with Raul or Ivan's role. xD  (As said, the names can be changed, but would you like me to explain what they look like?  Looks can be changed as well for RP ^^' XD)

 Eastern:  What do you have in mind?  Of course, your one of my fave RP buddies. O__O'

Tsuande: Of course, you are mah friend. :3)

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12:09am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557
Also, is it considered tragedy? ^^'  Because in the book Ivan and Crispin meet each other several times and Ivan is, like, appologetic to Crispin, who is pissed off he is a demon';s beetch, and the demon actually has feeligns for them both..Sort of...Ugh, hard to explain, but I tried very had a Romance/Tragedy/Paranormal. ^^""")

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12:18am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// Ummm. It would be concidered a tragedy if Ivan would have let Crispin die when his throat was cut, but that doesn't limit the fact that it can later become a tragedy. The true meaning of a tragedy is:

Main character/s always have a fatal flaw which leads to their various downfalls, what makes it a tragedy is usually that the character/s themselves are of good intentions and are in fact trying to help or bring about and end to a terrible situation and either through extenuating circumstances or a direct result of their flaw they fail and often die as a result.

Actually, Yes it does make it a tragedy or a half way tragedy. If you create a situation near the end about maybe the demon getting mad at Ivan and Crispin therefore putting one of them into another compromising situation being all "It's you or him" type of thing and thus creating a situation whether one of them has to decide to end their own life or be selfish (which is a very common flaw in Tragedy stories) and live to let the other die. Thus the Demon would be winning on both situations and the one actual love of which ever boy survived died just so the Demon could get his way and be happy with that one kid. Unless you twist it so that somehow even though that one boy died, the other one is soon to follow thus making it a very sad but amazing tragedy.

Now I am terribly sorry for ranting. lol. It's your story so I don't mind. I just find it very interesting and wouldn't mind to rp it out with you if you want. <3


12:29am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

(Actually, I do have a tragedy set out mainly on Ivan..See, he's the main charecter, and he's tryign to make it up to Crispin, but he ends up doing some very, uh.....He makes it worse, and...Uh, one of the three die, it's not a suicide..I really can't say much without giving it away. :/

However, oddly enough the demon is comic relief.....He has very crude sence of humor. >__>'

I woudl love to wrtie it and have you review it, give me constructive criticism 'n' stuff. XD)

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12:30am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557
(Also, I wasn't annoyed by your 'rant' at all! ^^' I'm glad you told me, I tohught tragedy was crappy stuff happening to the chartecter.)

Isn't this fun?

12:36am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 1,825

I would love for you to write it out and I read it. ^.^ I like being the constructive criticism party. <3

Yeah that's what I thought a tragedy was until my english teacher like yelled at me. It's good you have comic need that in a tragedy. If you just had a tragedy all the time your reader would hate you. lol. It's also good to have some type of forboding in the story as well that leads up to the dramatic event. <3

So yeah. In your story it sounds like the fetal flaw is the fact that Ivan loves Crispin. Love can be the downfall thus creating the tragedy. Or you could make pride the tragic flaw, but just as long as Ivan has a flaw that leads to his downfall then your good. ^.^


11:32am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 3,557

(Also, can you give me an example of 'Catatonic'?  Peopel keep saying when I try to make Crispin go into a depressive or PTSD (Post Dramatic Stress Disorder) state I make him Catatonic. O__O'

Also, I love that picture of Adam Lambert. O_O'  Next to Elton John he's my favorate homosexual in the music biz. XD

Uh, back in charecter:  Do you want their basic looks or are we going to make it up for the RP?)

Isn't this fun?

11:40am Oct 15 2010

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Posts: 1,825

Ooc:// It doesn't matter to me. You can do what you want with the looks. *shrugs*

and Catatonic is a common symptom in schitzophrenia (sp). It has muscle rigidty and mental stupor (or lack of thought). It can alter excitment and confusion. Basically lack of movement, emotion...ect.

You like Adam too? Aww. I love him. He's like my own personal Idol. I went to his concert for my birthday and it was amazing! I'm now waiting for his special pre-sale calender to go on sale and the first 2500 to buy one gets a signed one. (Okay so maybe i'm a little obsessed). lol. I can't realy explain what he means to me in words. And I will stop before I go on a phsycotic rant. ^.^


12:36pm Oct 15 2010

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Ivan:  Long blue hair, that trails down his back.  His eyes are golden.  He is tall and very slender.  He normally wears black jeans, black boots but red or other dark-color shirts.  Not really much for jackets, but he has a black faux leather one he wears occasionally. He has both ears pierced, only wearing red studs.  He also had a gold necklace.

Crispin:  Caramel brown hair and deep, deep blue eyes. He is very tall, almost seven feet and is unnaturally skinny, but doesn't look unhealthy.  His skin is very pale, looking sick, but it's just naturally very...Vampire-sih? XD  (No, he DOES NOT SPARKLE!)  Not like a vampire, but you get the picture. Dx  He normally wears either blue or black jeans, brown shoes.  White tee-shirt and a brown jacket, no matter what the weather. He has three piercings right next to each other about halfway up both his ears. The right side are studs but the left are dangly.  He and Ivan have a silver Men's watch on their right hand

Neither of them come off as gay. Dx  I hate it when people think that they are gay off the bat...However, if I don't tell the readers they are gay they are very surprised when they kiss or hug or something. XD

Raul;  Long black hair kept in a pony-tail.  His skin it red-brown-ish, and his eyes are honey.  He is very muscular, but doesn't look like a body builder.  He normally doesn't wear a shirt and has five piercings on his left ear, and a necklace with a bone on it.  His pants are black leather.

Isn't this fun?

12:37pm Oct 15 2010 (last edited on 12:38pm Oct 15 2010)

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Posts: 3,557

(Want personalities, too? XD

And that's awsome, remember the girl talking on the cell phone at one of his concerts?  He had me laughign so hard. XD  I'm going to go to one of his concerts in the near future, I hope I see you there. XD)

Isn't this fun?

12:38pm Oct 15 2010 (last edited on 12:42pm Oct 15 2010)

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Posts: 1,825

ooc:// Yes please

Yeah I do. I think it was a guy on a cell phone though. I'm having a mental break down though. Right when i was about to buy the calender my computer froze then I went to my home computer and it froze to. So I gave up. >.>  My luck sucks.

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