Dragon...And A Half

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6:40pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 3:28pm Jun 23 2010)

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Posts: 3,002


Different families are scattered all around the world. These families have been around for generations, escaping the public eye and staying secret. They have a secret. These families live amongst regular humans and go to school, but they also have a wild side. Past down from their ancestors from when dragons still ruled the world, a new generation of kids learn that they are all tied together to form their ~Destinies.~

These kids have known about their powers all of their lives and ancient tales have been pas.sed down from generation to generation. The chosen six have come and must travel into the unknown to unlock the secrets of their pasts. These five were chosen to bring back the reign of dragons, seeing as humans are destroying the earth.

((not much, but it came off the top of my head :P))

~ Rules ~

1. Listen to me and my co-owner, Dragon.

2. This is a LITERATE roleplay. If I have never rped with you before, I will ask for a sample of your writing. Do NOT just post a bio. I will tell you to leave. Literate-Use correct grammar. No chat speak. Post at least 5 lines per post.

3. There are only 5 spots

4. No mary-sues, godmodding, or powerplaying.

5. I will post more rules when I come across it.

6. Use some form of Ooc;

7. Keep gender ratios even

8. There will be violence and romance, but keep it PG-15 :P

9. One Charra per person.


The kids are half-dragons. They can change totally human and totally dragon. Each chosen kid has different dragon sides. Fire's scales are of the deepest red and when the sun hits it, they seem to dance and writhe in flames. They can breath fire and withstand the highest of temperatures. Earth's scales are of the deepest green like a lush forest. They can control the earth around them and sprout plantlife with their fingertips. Air can control the wind and the lightning that comes from the sky. Their scales are pure white and shine like diamonds in the sun. Water can control the elements of water and can also freeze the water and control ice. Their scales are of the deepest blue and shimmer with a hint of green like the ocean. Spirit is a stunning purple and can control the emotions around others. They can also emit purple flame from their jaws and throw balls of spirit at others.

The 5

Spirit - Meh

Water - Nono

Earth - Winter

Air - Tode

Fire - Dragon

(((and omg. I don't know how the hell this plot is going to take off XD))


Character Skelly
Delete the []

Name: [First and Last]
Preferred to be Called: [Nickname]
Age: [Between 15-18]
Gender: [...]
Draconic Looks:
History: [Optional]
Persona: [Just a few posts, but you can rp most of it out]

The Characters [Name, Gender, Element, User]
Taylor Sommers, F, Spirit, Shadow
Zakeru Tokage ,M , Fire, Dragon
Kye Smith, M, Air, Tode
Kismet White, F, Water, Nono
Keb J. Harrison, M, Earth, Winter

Story of the Ancients

Long ago, the lands were roamed by dragons. These fearsome creatures were abundant and the human race was few. Back then, humans were no threat to these magnificent creatures so the dragons ignored them. But, the humans grew. Their numbers rose and they overcame the dragons. The dragons sealed themselves away in the Magyk realm where only the Medallions of the Elements could arouse their slumber. They await for the chosen ones of the elements to step forth and obtain the Medallions from the five temples scattered around the world.

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

6:45pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
Me be Spirit?

(Banner made by Kina)

6:48pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Join with Air?

-grumbles about not having Fire-

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:50pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
[[Tri. I've seen some of your roleplays and I don't think this is for you. Sorry. Sure Dragon. Actually, you can have Fire. I think i'll join as spirit.]]

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

6:54pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Seriously!? I can take Fire?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:11pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
[[lol Dragon yeah. I was going to join as spirit. Then i thought...hrm maybe fire, but I really wanted Spirit XD...oof :X I forgot the charrie bios. wait a sec :P]]

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:16pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310



And Nice. 

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:27pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 7:45pm Jun 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Name: Taylor Sommers
Preferred to be Called: Spirit or just Spi :P
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Female 
Element: Spirit

Looks: normal_girl_with_bunnie.jpg anime girl holding bunny image by drkromanceMinus the bunny >.> and she's also wearing stone washed jeans.
Draconic Looks: Under the chin and under her stomach, the scales are a deep black.
History: >.>
Persona: Fierce, being spirit and the most revered element, she resumes the position of leader. She flies at the point of the formation when they fly, but she also strives to protect the other elements. She is always looking out for others and sometimes gets herself hurt because of it.
Crush: Open
Other: No

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:39pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Name: Zakeru Tokage

Preferred to be Called: Lizard

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Male

Looks: Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights, and it has black stripes that frame his face; it ends at his jaw line. His eyes have light orange irises with a dark red circle around his black pupils. Flowing down from his shoulders is a black t-shirt with a coiled crimson dragon with its wings unfurled so its wing-thumbs were closer to it up-raised head. Its tail was curled around the side of the shirt, over the stomach of the front, and the tip rested just before its silver claws. The shirt ends abruptly at his waist, showing his muscular, tawny stomach. Lightly hugging his hips is a pair of tight black denim jeans that go down long legs and ends sort of rumbled at the beginning of the of black converse. As said before, he has tawny skin and is muscular up to a point. Zakeru also stands at roughly six feet tall.

Draconic Looks: He has deep crimson scales with black markings on it that looks like runes. Sprouting from his shoulders are large, bat-like wings. The membranes are a lighter crimson and he has black feathers outlining the wing fingers and arms. The runes also make themselves present on the membranes. His eyes are a deep alien blue-black. And the tuffs of fur down his back, on his tail, and the mane are actually feathers that are black and red in colour.

<< - General Dragon Looks - >>


Persona: Zakeru is basically quiet unless he needs to say something of somewhat importance. He has a calm temperament and a slow fuse, but when that fuse snaps, he is rather dangerous to be around. Though, he his easy to calm down through being blind folded. Despite some anger issues, he is very protective and will sometimes get himself hurt to save those he cares about.

Crush: None

Other: When he gets hurt, his wounds can sometimes turn into scars overnight. Also, people make fun of the color of his eyes. His last name means "Lizard" in Japanese. And he can control the element of Fire.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:44pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 993
((Posshibly join as Earth?))

meow school's out and I'm back for the summer~

7:45pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
[[sure Winter :P]]

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:45pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 7:46pm Jun 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


I guess I kind of have to stay this time, huh, Shadow?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:49pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

[[I'm not forcing you XD do you want to leave? O.O]]

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:52pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


Ah, hell no! -clings to roleplay-

You're gonna have to pry me away!

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:54pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

[[so you don't think this rp is an epical fail? 8D I was sooo bored. I got the medallion idea from the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Those games are EPIC!!!]]

((Twilight Princess sucked though. The foes were too easy >.>))

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

7:56pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


[[ Naw. I just think my newest roleplay is going to fail epically. And I never played any of the Zelda games. -headtilt- I want to... ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:01pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 8:03pm Jun 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

[[o.o never played the zelda games. The 1st one ever made was the Legend of Zelda and the things looked like Blocks. It was for the 1st game system after Atari. My mom found everything in that game. EVERYThING. All the useless powerups and stuff. To find some of the temples (places where pieces of a legendary triforce reside. The triforce is used to kill Ganandorf, the gerudo king, man of the desert, etc.)) you had to burn a bush. Just one bush, but there were millions so you had to burn, leave the map, burn, leave the map. just to find one temple and there were 10 in all. My mom said it took her 2 years to find everything in the game >.> Ocarina of Time is also very challenging. The graphics suck compared to nowadays, but the foes are original and extremely hard to beat the first time. Ganandorf is near impossible to beat and there's one temple. The Water Temple, that took 3 months for my mom and I to figure out. We had to restart the whole game because we couldn't figure out what rooms we had gone in and defeated. You probably did not understand most of that so let me shorten it. Those games are hard, original, and epical. Twilight Princess is easy, predictable, and the graphics are amazing :P]]

[[wow, i'm a dork]]

[[Graphics in Twilight Princess

Graphics in the original-

Graphics in Ocarina - ]]

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

8:05pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


[[ Now I really want to play the Zelda games. O.o ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:07pm Jun 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,556

join as water?

I already have the bio!

Name: Maria Mistpool

Preferred to be Called: Misty

Age: 15 :(

Gender: female

Looks: me describe. Brown hair blue eyes sea blue dress

Draconic Looks:

History: N/A

Persona:rp it out

Crush:none open.

Other: N/A

ZZAZZ the Level 153 Charizard 'M
Adopt a glitch pokemon at glitch city labs!

8:10pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 8:11pm Jun 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

[[Kitty. Um, may I ask for an example of your writing :P]]

((And I don't think you read the rules This is a LITERATE roleplay. If I have never rped with you before, I will ask for a sample of your writing. Do NOT just post a bio. I will tell you to leave. Literate-Use correct grammar. No chat speak. Post at least 5 lines per post.))

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.
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