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10:58pm Nov 23 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Similarly to how a search feature was added to the cooking basin, instead of all my inventory items having to load every time I go to offer a trade, it would be amazing if I could please just search for each item I want to offer. As the trades feature stands now, I cannot use it on mobile because it takes so long to load everything that I get an error message saying the entire page has to reload. It also glitches on desktop due to large numbers of inventory items that are trying to load. If instead of loading every single item you could just search for the one thing you’re looking for, that would make trades much easier to use!


3:09pm Nov 26 2021

Normal User

Posts: 854
This would be especially helpful from a mobile phone, because the offer window is cut off with no way to see or select the inventory items on the far left!

<img src=>
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