Remove All from Category in Showroom

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11:54am Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
I don't know about you guys, but it can be tiring to have to sift through pages upon pages of your showroom, whenever you want to pull all the pets out from one category only.

For example, I've been taking my creatu to the apple tree by category, so i don't mess up which category each creatu goes to.  So for me to pull all of my creatu out of the "Hall of Pride" category, I have to sift through 12 plus pages of my showroom.  And I have about 7 or 8 categories.

And I KNOW this must be a pain for others, because there are probably hundreds of users on the site that have more creatu than I do.

I think a "Remove all from _____" option in the showroom would be a great idea.  The _____ would be replaced by a dropdown box, to pick the category.

What do you guys think?

 photo ZaphieBannerProgress_zpsa364f1e4.gif

11:56am Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 777
Yeah Some more features like to make showrooms easier to manage would be awesome :3


12:58pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
I think it should be more than that, like an option to drop down into that category and remove specific pets from it. That would be so convenient I don't even have words :U

Anyways, I think I heard broken, Pat, or one of dem other higher up staffies talking about a showroom re-code. Support anyways though ;D


1:51am Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
I think it would be nice to extract creatu like how you view them. You click the category and all the creatu in that one drops down. o3o 

.... I don't know if that made sense.

ANYWAYS, support. x3


4:55pm Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 335
Total support, with both Thornless and Vin. I know a lot of people have been requesting that pets can be removed by category/creatu/color, and like Meg said I think they are working on that.


6:24am Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
I support. The Ice Tunnels and Stardust event have messed up all of my categories, so this'll be a really useful feature. > 0 <


8:37pm Jan 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 673
Yeah. All my categories are so messed up now with all these events >.< 


Ginger Mirabilis by Zen

10:24pm Jan 16 2013


Posts: 1,585
"I think a "Remove all from _____" option in the showroom would be a great idea.  The _____ would be replaced by a dropdown box, to pick the category.

I LOVE this idea. Full support

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