Food Pen Stuff

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8:45pm Jul 4 2014 (last edited on 8:56pm Jul 4 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
just a couple thoughts, since i'm here so off-and-on and my pets keep dying o:

1. an alert that lets you know when your food pen is getting close to empty. this way even if you're only on for a little bit you'll have a reminder you need to refill. it could be turned off in preferences for people who don't need it

2. a counter on the food pen's page to show how many days the food in your pen will last so you'll know when you need to come back and refill it

i was also thinking of suggesting a counter to show how many food points your pen has, but i guess with #2 that'd be kinda redundant


1:35pm Jul 5 2014


Posts: 2,154
I don't think a counter to show how many days the food in the pen will last would be a good idea, for one reason only - it's dependent upon how many pets are on your profile, and the current hunger level of those pets. Those are variables that can change at a moment's notice and would probably cause quite a bit of confusion and upset if someone had one pet out and assumed the food would last 100 days, emptied out 30 pages of pets from their showroom, then didn't log in again for 3 months o______o (not a reasonable assumption but hey I can see it happening).

A counter to show the number of points the food in the pen has though, that's a lot safer I think. Plus we need points brought back anyway. Not sure why that went away in the first place, it was really convenient... >(

tl;dr - support for an alert and food points counter. no support for how many days food in the pen will last.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

5:25pm Jul 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
ahh, yeah, that makes sense. i just figured points by themselves would be a little incomprehensible without doing the math to figure out how much each pet eats every day

but then that wouldn't be too hard to do, i'm just a lazy butt hehe

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