Bringing back Failed Hatch Items

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2:06pm Jul 26 2013 (last edited on 10:56pm Jul 26 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 611
Most old members remember back in v2 when Seasonal Failed hatches gave special items, based on the color of the creatu that failed; but for those who don't or weren't around like myself you might recognize these items:

Unfortunately, after the switch from v2 to v3, these items were no longer available from failed hatches. After asking around, it seems these items were available to make fails a little bit less upsetting, but with the release of mutants, those seemed to do the job better, and were more sought after by the community.
During the Valentines Day Event of 2013, Iluvu Pages were brought back, with the release of this little nifty item,
The Valentines Envelope.
My idea for the website, is to bring these other items back in a similar manner. I'm not really sure what items you could hide these little treasures in, but I thought for Easter it would be cool for the Gold Plastic Easter Eggs to have the Easero Shields in them, since the prizes in them really aren't that fantastic. I'm not exactly sure if this would be a good idea or not, but that's where the community comes in with their amazing feedback, and contributions of ideas as well!

I know a lot of older users may have these items already, but as a newer user it would be nice to have a shot at getting some of these too, since I wasn't around to get these items when they were available, along with many other users. So guys, this is where YOU come in - what do YOU think would be a cool way to bring these items back, and if you don't agree with them coming back, why not?

Thanks for reading, and remember all opinions are welcome!

EDIT: It would also be nice if these items were to return with Achromatic and Calico colors as well, sort of like how Iluvu Pages did.


2:14pm Jul 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
I support this %100.
I remember those items. They were great. :o
You have the Sona's support!


2:14pm Jul 26 2013


Posts: 910
I miss these ;c You've got my support. I'll edit this with more input later. But for now, I support. (:


2:15pm Jul 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 583
I think it would be a cool idea to get themed items from other hatch fails too. I'd love to get gondra wings or ardur spikes in various colours. It might make these numerous fails I've been getting seem a little bit better. Haha.

I support.

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

2:20pm Jul 26 2013 (last edited on 2:22pm Jul 26 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 611
Thank you guys!

@Drow I wasn't exactly suggesting they come back through failed hatches again, I was suggesting they return another way sort of like how Iluvu Pages did with the Valentines Envelopes, since we get Mutants from failed hatches now! But do you think them returning the same way would be better for the values to stay high? I also think it'd be cool for more hatch items like Gondra Wings to be released! What if we had Failed Hatch items AND Mutants?


EDIT: Just edited first post, with another suggestion regarding the missing colors.


3:07pm Jul 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
I would love to see these items come back.
While I may have been around when they were available, I didn't know about them, so I completely missed any opportunity to get them. I would love a chance to get these items (especially the wearables) without paying an insane amount of tu.


3:32pm Jul 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 129
I support this. :3 I think having failed hatches turn into the items would be awesome. o u o
I don't see why it couldn't be from failed hatches? I mean, mutants and failed hatches are two different things so o: 

Anyway, bringing back these items would be awesome! n u n

We're dead.

6:06pm Jul 26 2013


Posts: 2,153
One suggested way of bringing these back that happened in staff brainstorming but was never brought to the site was to give a random chance of obtaining one of these items in Kir's quest.

Say if you turned in an albino jaaku, you'd get the chance of getting albino jaaku cloak. Instead of a drop of magic for the 11,111th time. o.o

I'm not sure why it was never implemented, but I think this would be a nice way to bring the items back into the game as well as giving a bit more incentive to turn in the rare pets to Kir.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

9:14pm Jul 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 611
Broken that's a really nice idea!! It would also keep the items rare and like you said give people an incentive to turn in rare pets!
I'd love if there were items for every pet too, like what Drow said!


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