~Transfer Kir Points~

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7:04pm Sep 4 2019

Normal User

Posts: 206
I have to admit this was not my idea originally but I am making a thread for it 
because I've seen that others support this :)

Riley made a comment on the SB about how she wished she could transfer her Kir points.
I wish we had this implemented because lots of users would prefer to help others with their Kir quest by giving points instead of giving up their own pets from their collections to help with others Kir quests! 

I know Kir was meant to be a challenge, so maybe 
make a limit on how many points a user can transfer in a 24/hr period? 
I hope this idea gets noticed by others and others give it some support! 
If you do please comment below with some suggestions to improve 
the original idea or just your sole support in general :)) 


7:23pm Sep 4 2019 (last edited on 7:24pm Sep 4 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 17
This would most likely theoretically work like this:there would be a Kir Shop item that would be purchasable for, for example, 5 Kir Points, and using the item gave the user 5 Kir Points (like a "Kir Token").

Kir Shop items can already be bought and sold by players as far as I know, meaning you can already effectively buy and sell your Kir Points. The main difference is that items like Eggs require the player to be at a high level with Kir to even access them from the shop.


7:27pm Sep 4 2019


Posts: 2,153
Pretty sure it was discussed during development and the only deterrent I remember was the potential for cheating. but staff also didn't have the tools they do now, so I could see it potentially happening. Support!

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

1:38am Sep 5 2019

Normal User

Posts: 102
Support this but they listed this as something they wouldn't ever do :c

I love Shaefu.

9:52am Sep 5 2019

Normal User

Posts: 206
I don't understand why. If you put a limit on how many people/points can be sent in one day, there's no chance people can cheat. It's just as simple as transferring CP to another player. There's no limit on that, but you can still transfer it from player to player. If they made an "item" in the Kir shop for certain amounts of Kir points, and then be sent to other players, other players could redeem them like they would a barter token, except for Kir points.


4:44pm Sep 14 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
It's not about "cheating", it's about making Kir easier. ^^; This is explained in the list of things they won't ever implement/consider. Kir is meant to be a personal, extremely difficult challenge, and to create a good, active market around high-coloured pets. They seem very adamant about not implementing anything that could make the whole thing any less arduous. 
And I agree with that, so no support. 

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
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