Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

My Res Fanfic

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12:54am Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Yes people, I've been having an itch to write this. I am in no way going to make this super special and do not plan on entering this into the PAB contest. Why? Because this is just to help appease myself with recent goings-on and quench my literary thirst. (: Enjoy. I'll update this whenever I feel like it, or when you crazy fans harass me into submission. xD


            Ever know what it’s like to be blind-sided? Caught off guard? Unpleasantly surprised? I do. I know. I thought it was just a website. I thought it was just for fun, but some one took it too far. Now we’re stuck here. No control, no safety, no nothing. Thousands of us. Trapped… It’s like some one stomped a foot down between reality and fantasy, marking the line where sanity and havoc parted. Events ushered us towards that cliff where we fell so far. Now we’re stuck here with no way out, and we’re struggling to make the best of it. Unfortunately for us, the one who put us here is lurking. Watching us with intent eyes, like a hawk. Like a God. This being, this person... they did this to us. They created that worm hole that sucked us in from our conscious state to this dream-like horror. They will pay the price for putting us here, from separating us from our lives. They will pay. Rescreatu is no longer just a game. Because now we’re living in it, and we’re going to find a way out and back home.



            “No!” I leapt up from my pillows, beads of cold sweat trailed down my face, searching for a crevice to hide in while my body’s temperature retreated. I could see very little in this darkness. It must have still been in the twilight hours of the night. I couldn’t feel my heart beating in my chest. Which was weird because hearts were probably the thing humans needed to have twitching out in your body in order to keep them alive. “God, it feels like I slept on a pile of rocks…” I grumbled while walking out of my room. I stood at the door, listening for any noise, maybe it was just in the wee hours of the morning and my mom was upstairs? She would stay up late, or wake up early just to finish some movie thing she was working on for her choir. Though I heard nothing. I glanced around the room nervously.

            “Toby?” I called out for my dog. Nothing. Though a strange echoing of my voice. It sounded like I was in some sort of cave. I pressed my hand against where my door normally was. Cold, damp soil. I was certainly in a cave. “What is going on…?” I murmured to myself. I had to get out of here, fast. Though where was the mouth of the cave? I couldn’t see any light and I couldn’t feel any air.

            I began to wander. I closed my eyes, rather than having to strain them to see nothing but darkness and I kept my hand against the wall and took slow, large steps. “If this is what it’s like to be blind, I hope I never have t- Ow!” I was met with a wall. What sort of cave was this if everywhere I was surrounded by walls? Unless this wasn’t a cave at all, but a prison. “Fuuuuuhhhhh.” I hissed. I walked over to the wall adjacent to where I was and flopped my back against it. Like paper, it tore a hole and I toppled down a grassy hill. I came to a halt on my rear, legs spread and hands between them to keep my balance. I glanced around through my tossed hair, now with the pretty grass accessories, and surveyed just where I was. It was weird. It looked so familiar, like I had seen it before.

            I looked behind me, there was a torn hole in… the air? I pushed myself to my feet and walked over to the hole. I moved my hand to the area around the hole, there was nothing but air, behind it was a large field leading to a beach. Just as I reached my hand towards the gaping hole in the air, it sewed itself shut with glowing threads. Pulling the split flaps together and clutching it close until the wound healed. I stared at it for a moment, not sure what to make of it. Instead I glanced around to see if anyone else had witnessed this enigma.

            There was no one here, though in the distance I could see a few spires and building roofs. It had to be civilization. I began running towards the concrete forest, in hopes that I could find some answers for this anomaly that just occurred.


12:55am Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

It took several hours, but I managed to get to civilization. I expected to hear the noise of cars, busy streets, and screams of people from the city, but I heard nothing. What exactly kind of place was this? The thought of the movie "I Am Legend" came to mind, and I instantly shivered. If I were alone here, I'd surely go crazy. (Well, crazier than I already am.) Mindlessly, I wandered up and down the dirt path. It was strange, despite having many buildings here, there was no pavement, no road, no concrete. The buildings didn't even look like they were made from cement, just... a strange, colored substance.

    I walked around until I smelled something familiar. Food! Glorious food! Hamburgers, to be exact. I ran towards the source of the smell. The large yellow building had a slanted roof and a triangular window. I peeked inside and saw dozens of meat products, but no one at the till. Carefully, I walked in through the door and sniffed. The smell was so delicious. Like a thousand of my favorite foods came together and gently caressed my sense of smell into a craving state, begging for more.

    The drive for food pushed me into the store entirely. I was certain the shop was legit, as I didn't pass out instantly upon the scent once I entered. I examined around for a bit, picking up several bags of "flavor" that were labeled according to how they smelled. I spent a few moments sniffing the packets before I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and glanced down. A lizard-like creature was there, prodding my arm with its tail. "Can I help ye find somethin'?" I gawked, wide-eyed and slack jawed. The creature had wings on its back and wore an apron with a large butcher knife in one of the pockets. Blood stains covered its apron and claws. I stepped back a bit, feeling my heart race once again. I inched closer to the door and once I reached it, I dashed out like a bat from Hell.


Once I felt I was far away enough from the creature as possible, I leaned against a building and gasped for air. Completely out of breath and weak kneed. “What the heck was that?!” I asked myself, breaks between words were made as I gulped down some air, attempting to fill my lungs and steady my heart. Doubled over and hands on my knees, I felt the compelling urge to sit down. As I did, I felt something furry brush along the back of my legs. A chill ran up my spine as I turned around to see what could have possibly run past.


There was a small, mouse-like creature. Large paws, ears, and tail. Our gazes locked for a brief moment before we both quickly turned and ran in opposite directions. At this point, I had wished I wasn’t lazy before and was actually in running shape. I continued my mad dash, glancing behind me to see if any other creatures were following. Unfortunately, I had glanced back one too many times.


I toppled over after running into, what seemed to be, a brick wall. I shook my head and clutched it as a throb of pain washed over my skull. I lifted my gaze as best I could. The sun was in my eyes at this time and caused a slight blinding from the view. My eyes began to droop and I felt myself fall backwards, my mind shutting down and my body becoming limp. If this was a dream, I wanted to wake up.


“Whatever. She couldn’t have done it. Didn’t you see how scared she was?” A girl’s voice was saying this.

“I just don’t want to cross out all possibilities.” The voice was strange. It had an accent to it and belonged to a man.

“So you think I did it too?”

“No… It’s just…”

“Whatever. You’re just overly paranoid.”


At this point, I was starting to open my eyes and strain them to clear the vision. I was seeing blurred images at this point. “Oh god…” I muttered as I pushed myself up from the bed. It was an actual bed this time, made from the softest material I’d ever felt. I saw a figure run towards me and sit gently on the bed and push me down carefully.

“Don’t move just yet, you haven’t recovered.” She said in a concerned tone.

The male in the distance huffed and spoke a bit angrily. “Don’t baby her, Rozi, she’s a big girl.”

“Shut up, Allen!”


Suddenly my vision cleared and I glanced around. Before me was my friend, Rozi, and behind her a bit was Allen. “What the f-“ I jumped out of my bed and scrambled back. This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment, and I didn’t like where it was going.


“Whoa! Calm down there crazy pants!” Rozi said while grabbing and hauling me down to the bed, forcing me to stay there. “You’re still recovering you spaz, lay down or I’ll knock you out!”


I stopped wriggling and stared up at her. Allen stepped up and pulled Rozi off. “Rozi, I’m sure she can take care of herself. If she can jump up that fast, then she’s well enough to be standing.”


“What’s going on here, you guys? Where are we?” I asked, sitting up and staring at them. I propped myself up with my hands and felt concern wrinkle my facial features.


They both glanced to each other, then returned their gaze to me. “We’re in Rescreatu…” My mouth dropped yet again. I stared at them both with disbelief. How was that even possible? Rescreatu was an internet site, it wasn’t reality. I threw my legs over the side of the bed and began to walk away. “Hey! Where are you going?” Rozi asked. I shook my head, unable to answer. I simply pushed open the door and walked out into the sun. Ready to search for answers.


12:56am Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
So I was in Rescreatu now, huh? This might not be so bad. I mean, look at the world outside… so many problems were going on, at least here there was some peace. No war. No famine. No death. Just a utopia filled with people and their pets.

            “Wait… Pets… Oh my god! My pets!” I exclaimed. Excitement filled my soul as I glanced around. Part of me expected that they’d just miraculously appear before me, though the other part knew it was hopeful thinking. “I probably have to end up hatching them…” I whispered to myself, a bit dismayed. It was then that a loud voice boomed from… the heavens?


            “All members, please report to Relking Island on Relcore. There is something important we must discuss.”


            The voice became silent. My eyes gazed up to the sky. Was God here too? Or was I hearing things again? I thought the three years of therapy took care of Edgar, but I suppose not. Relking Island. Where was that on Relcore? I sat down on the grass, then lowered to my back and placed my hands behind my head, eyes set on the sky as though they had never moved from when I heard the loud voice. What was this ‘important thing’ that we needed to discuss? Maybe that loud voice was just going to kill us all. Wait, a voice, killing us? Impossible. Deafen us, maybe. But not kill. Though, behind that loud voice there had to be some one there. Some one big… Maybe that would kill us?

            As my thoughts rambled on and on, contemplating every possible outcome of this, I found myself speaking out loud. Eventually, several creatu had migrated my way and were starting to stare. I glanced around. They didn’t look… friendly. They were Berroks. They seemed a bit upset, to say the least. Their lips had curled into snarls and they crept closer to me. I jumped to my feet and stared at them with a bit of horror, like a crippled deer would look upon the pack of wolves inching closer to it.

            The Berroks drew nearer, closing in on me. The only place I could think of to wish I was at was the place I just heard, and knew there would be many, many people there. “Oh god… I wish I were at Relking Island…” Then suddenly, a blur of colors.

            It was an odd feeling. Like being sucked out of an airplane flying high above the earth and feeling yourself plummet, falling further and further from the sky and closer and closer to the ground. I had the urge to scream, but was too stunned to do it. By the time the colors stopped, I found the will to scream and did so.

            Many, many people were standing before me, and they all turned around to look at me. Glancing around a bit, I noticed some one next to me, a scape goat. I pointed at them for a minute, hiding my hand from their view. He seemed a bit dazed, glazed eyes. He wouldn’t have noticed anyways.

            I quickly made my way through the crowd, finding a place to hide and sighed in relief. My haven… among thousands and thousands of people. Odd, but I felt safe, none-the-less. I’d rather be with millions of humans staring at me, than surrounded by killer bears.


            “Citizens, it would appear as though some sort of catastrophe has happened,” I glanced up at this voice, it was the loud voice, but it wasn’t from the heavens, it was from… a man on top a hill. He looked familiar. “At first it was just a few of us, now there’s thousands. I’m afraid we’ll all be sucked into Res eventually. This means that we’ll need more people to enforce the laws. Starting next week, I will be taking in all applicants and we will start hiring people to work for us. Many people. For every 20 persons, I want one law enforcer. That means you have a 1 in 10 chance of being accepted.” That didn’t add up. Patrick must not be very good with fractions. Whatever. Wait, how did I know that was Patrick? The voice? The appearance? It was starting to make sense now. No wonder he looked familiar. Thoughts reflected back to that time I drew a caricature of him, then threw it out. “Also, many of you were wondering about your creatu. Well, I found a way to get them to you. Our staff members here will be taking your usernames, then distributing the eggs of your creatu. They will hatch in the color and species that you had them in, regardless of how you got them. A-E will be with WhiteRaven27, F-I will be with Sunshine, J-M will be with Gelgarin, and M-R will go to ricki, and R-Z will come to me. Let’s go guys. Line up orderly and this will be done in minutes.


            I glanced around a bit, entirely lost. I knew I was supposed to go to Gelgarin, but where- “Alright you maggots, line up here!” I turned to where the voice came from. It was like a neon sign raised directly over his head. Gelgarin was shouting and making strange arm movements to people, yelling at the top of his lungs. I got in the line-up and awaited my turn. Several minutes later, I was next. “What’s this I smell? Is that… an ego?” Gelgarin stared at me with a blank ex
pression. Then a grin creased his features.

            “LeTainted, LeTainted. When will you ever learn? Ego doesn’t smell, it reaks.”

            I giggled a bit with delight. Gel hadn’t changed. “How about them eggies, Gel?”

            He stared at me with a grin and leaned back. “What would you give me for them?” Gel asked me. I quirked a brow and grinned a bit lopsidedly.

            “How’s about I won’t destroy your ego with a few screen shots that I have saved around here?”

            It worked. Eight eggs appeared on the table in front of Gel and me. I picked them up. Each was differently colored to match the creatu that was hidden within. “How do we hatch them?” I asked.

            “The Hatchery, duh.” Was his response.

            I sneered a bit and mimicked his voice, adding a bit of stupid to it. “In duh Hatchurry ah-durrr.” Then walked away. Feeling proud that I had too, made a complete idiot of myself.

            My next stop was the Hatchery. Wherever that was. Though I’m sure wishing my way there was the right way to go. Though for now. I’d explore.


12:57am Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
My exploring took me all over the four planets. Looking for friends, mostly. I hoped one of them would recognize me, from random photos I had shown earlier to my closest friends, and run up and hug me. Or slap me awake. This whole thing seemed so surreal. I wasn’t entirely convinced that I was awake. I held my eggs close to me, several people had stopped to stare. I saw many, many others with their eggs hatched already. I guess Patrick lifted the hatching limit for just today. Or he adjusted it so it suited every user’s needs perfectly. Thoughts trailed to Allen. How did he hatch those thousand-sum creatu? I giggled a bit and shrugged it off. I hadn’t received any Gondra eggs, that must mean that any creatu in the rancher shops were not eligible to be hatched.

            As I allowed my thoughts to wander, I stumbled across the Trash Isthmus on Relcore. I stared up at the pile of discarded items. Why would anyone stack them up so neatly? Every item was on top of each other. I stepped closer to knock it over – because I’m rude like that – when a strange creature jumped out at me, snarling and hissing. Startled, I jumped back and yelped. This… beast… it wasn’t any creatu I’ve ever seen. It looked oily, and it had only a head and claws. On the head were eyes and a fanged mouth. I stared at this strange beast, frightened indefinitely. The beast snarled, snorted, and hacked a bit, then darted away. The shadowed being had vanished just as suddenly as it had appeared.

            “What… the heck…” I said with ragged breath. That creature... what was it? I had never seen it before, nor had I heard of anything looking like that. I took a personal note of this incident and decided I’d ask Patrick if I ever got the chance to see him again. “Maybe I should hatch my creatu now…” I said while glancing down at the eggs in my arms. All eight of them were colored beautifully. I couldn’t wait to get my creatu out from there. Besides, they’d be able to protect me from whatever that thing was. I was sure of it.

            At the hatchery, the support staff were there once again. This time they were handing out name tags. I stared around a bit and was pushed by another person. “Oi! Watchit!” I said angrily while turning around. There were letters above the person’s head. I stared at them a moment. “Yoshirules… Yoshi?! YOSHA!” I was elated. One of my friends. “Oh thank god! I thought I’d never find you!” Yosha stared at me a moment, she didn’t have any idea who I was. “It’s me, LeTainted.” After another second of a blank ex
pression, Yosha released a squeal and practically tackled me to the ground.

            “OH MY GOD! It’s you! Oh-em-geeeeeeeeee” She said excitedly. I laughed along with her. This was amazing! I never thought I’d meet up with Yosha.

            “How are you? And what are we doing here?” I asked, still laughing a little with glee.

            Yosha draped an arm around me and used my body as support as she got a grip from laughing. “We’re getting name tags for our creatu. All of the names have been written down, you just gotta find the group where your tags are, then you can hatch your creatu, along with their actual name.”

            “Huh,” I said. “That’s pretty ingenious. Who thought of that?”

            “Probably Patrick.”

            Ah-dur.’ I thought to myself.

            I walked through the group of people, and found Gelgarin, assuming that my tags would be with him.

            “Following me, are we LeTainted?” He said, with an royal attitude.

            I laughed at him a bit. “Perhaps. You know how I am. I stalk my victims. I’d watch your back if I were you.” My response was a laugh from him. I shrugged and smiled more. “Do you have my tags?”

            “Oh gee. I don’t know. Should I?” Gelgarin said. I rolled my eyes a bit and leaned to one foot and crossed my arms across my chest. Gel laughed a bit and shook his head. “Naw. I think Raven has your tags. She’s over there.” He pointed to her and sat down on the grass once again.

            “Thanks…” I said a bit distantly.

            I wasn’t really looking forward to confronting Raven about my tags. The past few weeks on Res had distanced me from most of the drama, as I had attempted to get away from it, but found myself sucked in. It was pretty awkward.

            “Hi Raven.” I almost whispered this. In all honesty, I pitied her. To have almost a whole community dislike her so. And we didn’t even know the whole story.

            “Yep. Here are your tags, Tainted.” She said curtly, and handed me the tags. She seemed in a bit of a hurry. I nodded and murmured a thanks and turned away.

            I proceeded to the hatchery, which was filled, literally FILLED with eggs. Gawking, I took a few steps in before I was met with a mechanical hand. It promptly swept up my eggs and darted over to eight empty stalls, and gently placed an egg in each. “It will be an hour before your eggs hatch.” Came a voice from above. I glanced up and saw an intercom. No human, just a machine again. I nodded a bit and walked out silently.

            I was met by Yosha and several other people. “Guys look! It’s Whit!” Our gazes met as I stared at all of them, slightly petrified of what may happen. I anticipated a broken bone to occur, or perhaps a deafening scream.

            The scream came and one of the girls tackled me to the ground, successfully. “WHIT! Oh my god. I can’t believe it’s you!” I wince a bit and glanced up to examine the username. Riyo. I chuckled a bit, unable to get up to hug her back.

            The others darted around and surrounded us. Theyellowflash was there, along with Mugiwara, Dawnheart, Fenikkusu, Starfire01, squeakychan and MageAngel. I smiled to them all. “Hey guys.” I managed to squeak. I struggled to get free from Riyo’s grasp, though she seemed to be in a death-like state, where she couldn’t let go, even if she wanted.

            The girls proceeded to pick me up and hug me. I exhaled whatever air I had left and coughed a bit. I wasn’t used to this many people hugging me… this tight. “Whitney can’t breathe girlies.” I wheezed. They all laughed and let go of me, allowing sweet air to enter my lungs and save me from unconsciousness.

            Our chatting went on for a while. Although, one by one, they began to leave to collect their now hatched creatu, and then leave. It was down to Mugiwara and I. She had placed her creatu in the hatchery around 10 minutes before me.

            “So how do you like it here? Pretty awesome, huh?” She asked, a fake smile on her expressions.

            I shrugged a bit, sitting down on the grass and sighing a bit. “I dunno… it still seems like a dream, y’know? Like I’m ready to wake up any second now…” Mugiwara proceeded to pinch me, I yelped in pain and rubbed my arm. “What was that for?!” I exclaimed.

            “Obviously you’re not asleep.” She said with a grin.

            Her logic couldn’t be denied. You couldn’t feel pain in your sleep, nor anything physical. I sighed a bit and closed my eyes, thinking about how to get out of this. As nice of a place this was, I wanted to go home.

            “Mugiwara, your creatu are hatched.”

            That voice again. I stared over to the hatchery, then back to Mugi. “I can stick around if you want.” She said sweetly. I shook my head and smiled to her. “Go ahead.” I said.

            I waited a bit, sitting by myself. Was I the last person to come to get my creatu hatched? No one else was around. Once again, I felt so alone in this strange world.

            “LeTainted, your creatu are hatched.”

            I pushed myself up and walked over to the hatchery. There they were. Easero, Vogar, Omni, Liyure, Draqua, two Meikos, and an Aukira. Their respective colors, and all babies. I smiled a bit and knelt down. They all crawled towards me and circled around my legs, the liyure crawling up and rubbing against my stomach, starting to purr a little. I wrapped my arms around him slowly and buried my face in his soft fur, allowing a few tears to be shed.

            I pulled out the name tags and placed them all on the collars of the creatu. How convenient was that? The creatu came with collars. I examined them all and smiled happily. “Let’s go guys.” I said while turning around and walking away.


12:57am Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
It had taken a while, but I managed to find my way back to Relcore Market Place. There, I saw hundreds of people, humans, and their creatu all walking around. Some people already had adult creatu, whereas others were still holding their babies in their arms. I glanced down to my creatu. I was holding my omni now, seeing as how he didn’t have eyes to see and he wasn’t old enough to know how to control his hearing and walking as one thing. The others were surrounding my feet, staring around in awe at all the others. I assumed they couldn’t speak, after all they were only creatures.

            I began walking around, reading the usernames above people’s heads to see if I could fine some one I was familiar with. I eventually saw cian, one of the older users. I smiled and walked a bit closer, though I was cut off by a large, golden Liyure standing in my way. I stopped and stared at the creatu, a bit disgruntled. “Excuse me, please.” I attempted to read the name tag, though it was hidden under all that mane it had.

            “My owner wishes to see you.” The voice was deep, almost a thunder’s rumble. I stared at the Liyure in shock, not really expecting the creatu to be able to talk. I glanced down at my own creatu, who returned the gaze. I shrugged and followed the Liyure to his owner.

            I saw a young woman up ahead, surrounded with many valuable creatu. Another gold Liyure, a gold Kioka, a black Kioka, a cream Easero, and an Azure Ebilia. I smiled once I saw the username. Kitty.

            “Hey Whit.” She said with a lopsided grin.

            “Hi Tori.” I responded.

            “Looks like you got all your creatu.” She said nodding to my colored babies.

            I laughed a little and nodded. “Yep I did. They hatched just a few hours ago. I came to town to buy some food for them. What are you doing here?”

            Tori stroked her gold Liyure’s mane and pulled out a big grocery bag from her waist bag. “Shopping myself. Got some food and got my babies zapped with my friend’s Regression Ray.”

            “No kidding! Who’s your friend? I might want mine to get zapped.”

            A voice from behind grabbed my attention. “I can zap ‘em for ya, Whit.” I turned around, and there Cian was, holding her Regression Ray like a weapon at her side. Her finger on the trigger already. I smiled to Cian and chuckled. “Well good to see you too.” I said.

            Tori laughed along with me and shrugged. “Well, I just wanted to see if you needed help or anything. I should get going. Oh, I heard Patrick mention he’s working on getting some homes created, like, make room for it. You should hang around a bit if you live on Relcore.” I nodded to her and waved as she, and her creatu, walked away.

            “How does Patrick plan on doing that?” I asked Cian, returning my attention back to her.

            Cian shrugged. “My guess is as good as yours. I’m thinking maybe Patrick has some power to make life easier here. Though that’s something you’ll have to ask him when you get the chance.”

            I nodded. It was nice to know that Patrick still had some control over this new situation. I glanced down to my creatu, who were pawing at each other and growling. I smiled and glanced up to Cian. “Does the Regression Ray make them more mature?”

            A laugh was my response for the time being. We both basked in the enjoyment of my little creatu having a go at one another. They were harmless, so it was nothing but mere child’s play for them. So I let them have their fun.

            “I’ve noticed that depending on who uses the Regression Ray,” Cian said after a bit. I glanced to her to show I was giving my full attention to her. “Will decide what attitude their creatu will have. For example, Allen borrowed my Regression Ray and zapped his two creatu, Pure and Evil. They acted almost exactly like him, though they had their own certain quirks.” I nodded, turning to my babies, who were now piled on top of each other. My omni was still in my hands, his ribbons twitching to every strange sound, and his head turning towards it.

            “I hope my creatu don’t turn out like me,” I said with a laugh. “I think one Whitney is more than enough, no?” Cian chuckled a bit and nodded in agreement.

            She held out the Regression Ray to me and nodded her head. “Go ahead, I think you should have a go at zapping them.” I nodded and gingerly grabbed the Regression Ray.

            My first zap would be on Khamora, my albino Draqua. “Mora, sweetie. C’mere.” I said while kneeling down and holding out my hand. I showed the Regression Ray to her, so she wouldn’t be surprised when I pulled it out on her. She pulled herself closer and wiggled her tail, then glanced up at me. I smiled to her and explained calmly while holding the Regression Ray up to show her. “I’m going to use this to make you older, okay? It won’t hurt you.” The Draqua nodded and clicked a few times. Maybe they couldn’t talk, but they sure understood me well.

            I stood up and aimed the Ray at my Draqua, then pulled the trigger. As I pulled it, I though about how I wanted my Draqua to be. Fun, noble, loyal, caring, and responsible. She grew to a Teen and stopped. I stared and turned to Cian, a bit baffled.

            “You have to adjust the age here, Whit.” Cian stepped closer and adjusted the knob on the side of the Ray. I blushed and smiled bashfully. “Oh…” I said.

            I zapped Khamora one more time and she was finally an adult. I stared at her, and she stared back. Her big, crimson eyes almost penetrating my soul.  Eventually her lips curled into a smile and she flashed her pearly whites. “That was fun.” She said with a chuckle. I grinned more, smiling ear to ear now. I jumped and hugged my Draqua, who was now my size while standing. She hugged me back and laughed more. “Whoa whoa. What’s this? Affection?” I laughed a bit and wiped my eyes from the tears that had formed. “Sorry, Mora. I’m just… so amazed. I didn’t think you’d be able to talk.”

            Khamora laughed and shook her head. “You’re so strange. Now hurry and zap the others so we can get going. I bet you’re starved.” I quirked a brow and tilted my head. How did she know? Just then, my stomach growled, loudly. Another sheepish laugh came from me and I blushed a bit.

            As I zapped my creatu to their adult stages, I though about what their personalities should be, how I wanted them. Once I was done, I returned the Regression Ray to Cian, who smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Whit. I’ll see you later.”

            I waved to her too and said. “No, thank you. See ya.” I turned to my creatu and sighed a bit. They were all grown up now. My omni was no longer in my arms, but was standing next to my Easero, who was standing on her hind legs and cooing a bit, a content smile on her face. “So where to, guys?” I asked them.

            “Antonio’s!” Said the majority of my creatu. Although Allen simply shrugged and glanced away, seemingly uninterested in what was going on.

            “Umm… okay. Antonio’s it is…” I stood there staring at my creatu, unsure of how to actually get there. Did I have to wish myself there like I did before?

            My Liyure spoke up. “There’s a transplanet highway that we may take,” Rykushio turned and nodded in the opposite direction from which we came. “We can take that and be to Reiflem within two hours.” I smiled patted Rykushio gently.

            “Thanks, I’m glad you know more about this place than I do.” I said with relief. I began walking, and my creatu followed close behind.

            Once we reached the transplanet highway, there was a large cluster of people standing around, they seemed quite… angry.

            “Or you could just shut your dirty pie hole and we can get on with our lives!” Shouted one person.

            “Yeah, real clever! I bet your mom must be real proud of you now, you twit.”

            The argument ensued, blocking the highway from being used. My creatu and I stood back, watching the people argue at each other.

            I glanced around at the usernames and found WhiteRaven’s. I stared for a moment at her, wondering what she was doing to stop this fight. She was leaning back against her albino Meragon.

            Just then, Gelgarin mysteriously appeared and pushed his way through the crowd and to the two quarrelers. He pulled out a hammer, and clunked the two on the top of their heads. Instantly, they stood straight and all light in their eyes vanished. Their faces went pale and expressionless. Gelgarin spoke up loudly. “Right! The next person to initiate this fight again will receive a three day banning. Unclog the highway and get going to where you wanted to go. Now!”

            I was taken back by Gelgarin’s apparent anger. I decided to not bother him with my thank you’s or teasing him like I usually did. Instead, I quickly slipped into the crowd and began my trek towards Reiflem. I glanced back to see him approach Raven. He still didn’t look happy. Arthius, my Aukia, stepped between me and the two and shook his head. “It’s best if we just mind our own business, Whitney.” I nodded to him and continued onward.

            We were about 10 minutes into the walk when I stopped. “Uhh. This is supposed to take two hours?” I asked while turning to Rykushio. He nodded slightly. I could see in his eyes that he was wondering what I was getting at. “Wouldn’t it be faster if we ran there?”

            “Yes, it would,” Thaki, my black Meiko spoke up this time. He sat next to me and grinned. “Did you have anything in mind?”

            I stared back at Thaki, almost as blank as the two newly banned users back at the entrance to the highway. “Uhh…”

            It was at that point that my Easero, Whitatoodanis, slid her head between my legs and lifted me to her back. I clung onto her in surprised and laughed a bit. “Hang on Whitterz.” She said to me. I wrapped my arms around my Easero’s neck and signaled to her that I was ready. My Easero darted off quickly, my other creatu close behind.

            Whitatoodanis was fast, really fast. The wind was sucked out of my lungs and I coughed a bit, grinning and hiding behind Whitatoodanis’ head. Everyone around me was a blur. It was like I was passing through time. I saw my omni next to us, easily avoiding others. He surely matured and honed his skills well enough that he acted like he was one of the other creatu with eyes.

            It took a while, but we finally came to a stop outside Antonio’s Pizza. I hopped off Whitatoodanis’ back and stumbled a bit. Rozitler held out her head to me to keep balance. I laughed and patted her head. “Thanks, Rozi.” I stepped inside and opened the door. It was nice inside. Not too warm, not too cold, and there were a fair number of people in there.

            Ordering pizza was relatively uneventful. I ordered about five of them to store for later, and we ate about 10 of the boxes. (Well, I ate three slices while my creatu devoured the rest.) Once we left, we heard an announcement come on. “Houses will not be available until tomorrow. We’re sorry for this, but the shop keepers will allow those to rest in their shops until we can get the houses up and running.” And with that, Patrick’s voice was gone. I heard several people jump up to ask Antonio if they could stay there, the night. I glanced to my creatu. “What do you want to do?”

            My omni, Saosin, brushed his head against my hand and stood next to me. “I’d much rather sleep under the stars, if you don’t mind, Whitney.” The others nodded in agreement. I smiled and stroked Saosin’s soft fur.

            “Okay, then. Let me buy a blanket.” I turned around to find a shop where I could buy fabric, but Rykushio stopped me. “No need, we can keep you warm.” He said. I smiled a bit and patted his head too.

            We returned to Relcore, and by the time we did, it was dark out. We found a large field to lay down in. Rykushio curled around for me to use him as a pillow, Saosin laid across me, resting his head between his forelegs, Thaki and Rozitler laid down behind Rykushio, using their wings as a blanket for each other. Khamora curled into a tight ball and laid next to me, and Whitatoodanis used her feathers as the rest of my blanket. Allen, however, stayed away and watched the area, making sure no one, or nothing, came by to disturb us.

            “Thanks guys…” I whispered before I lulled off to a deep slumber.


3:17pm Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 542

That was such a fun read ^^ That would be awesome, to be trapped in Rescreatu =D


Are you planning on writing more, or is it finished?


3:52pm Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

I post this chapter at a time, Kirsti. (: I update it whenever I have an itch to write. I think today I'll post another one, but again, it's up to my creative mind. xD


Thanks for your comment. It's muchly appreciated.


4:43pm Dec 4 2008

Normal User

Posts: 355

i love this story, i can imagine being right there, with my creatu too!

Lost has left
For information:

1:41pm Dec 7 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

            The sun was the first to wake up that day, it seemed. I pried my eyes open and yawned, greeting its warm rays on my face. I began stretching my joints, back, and memory. Everything that happened yesterday seemed so surreal. I glanced down to see my omni, Saosin, still laying over me, and my Easero, Whitatoodanis, still using her feathered wing as a comfortable, warm blanket. I some how managed to pull my legs out from underneath Saosin, and move out from under Whitatoodanis’ wing without waking anyone, or causing a commotion. I began to walk away from my creatu and towards the top of the hill nearby. I sat down on the lush grass and crossed my legs at my ankles and leaned back, watching the sun pull itself from behind the horizon.

            “You’re an early riser.”

            I jumped and turned around, getting blinded slightly by the sun reflecting off my silver Vogar’s metallic skin. I relaxed and sat back down in the same position, breathing a heavy sigh. “I couldn’t keep myself asleep. It’s just so… weird. I never planned on this.”

            Allen shrugged and sat next to me. He was my height, so our heads were level with eachother. His sharp eyes stared straight ahead, unblinkingly. “No one could have been prepared for this, Whit. Save it be the one who did this.”

            I sat up straight and turned to Allen. “What?! You know who did this?”

            The silver Vogar shook his head. “You are jumping to conclusions. I said no one would know except the one who did this. I said nothing about knowing who it was.”

            “But… you know some one did this, how would you know that?”

            “Think, Whitney. We were just a game before, and now we are reality. Two realities do not combine for no reason. Some one did this.”

            I stared at the ground, entirely shocked. It made sense, lots of sense. I leaned against my Vogar’s side, staring just as unblinkingly as he was, except I had a mixture of shock, concern, and thoughtfulness combined into one in my facial features. My Vogar’s frame tensed and he sat straight as I leaned against him. I glanced up and smiled a bit sheepishly. I probably created the worst combination of creatu. A strong, loyal creatu that would do nothing to hurt me, mixed with the personality of a human who was viciously honest, seemed uninterested with anything, and was stubborn beyond all belief. Not only that, but the real Allen didn’t like people touching him, and here I was leaning against my creatu. No doubt Allen didn’t feel comfortable.

            I pushed myself away from him and pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, and closed my eyes. “What do I do, Allen? Can we get out?” I asked him. I needed a comforting answer. Something that would put me at ease.

            “Probably not.”

            Great. Thanks Allen. Your stinging honesty is greatly appreciated, though just as greatly unneeded. I opened my mouth to speak when I was interrupted by Patrick’s loud voice.

            “My apologies on waking you all so early, but we have an urgent announcement that everyone must be present for. Please meet on Relking Island.”

            I turned to Allen, who was already up and walking away. “Oh thanks!” I said and jumped up, running back to my other creatu.

            They were all awake by then, still laying down and talking to each other when I arrived. “C’mon, guys.” I said while running to Whitatoodanis. “It’s just over that body of water. I’m sure w-“

            “We aren’t supposed to go on Relking Island, Whitney.” Rykushio said. I stared at him, shocked. “W-Why not?”

            “It’s forbidden. Humans only are allowed there for now.” Rozitler replied.

            I glanced down and sighed. I didn’t want to leave them behind. I felt unstable without them close by. I nodded though, and thought about Relking Island. “I wish I was at Relking Island…” and the mysterious force pulled me to my destination.


            Once there, I glanced around to find a secluded spot to sit. There was a nice, big tree just to my right. I began to approach it when my arm was tugged on and I was pulled into a tall man’s strong embrace. “Oh my god it’s Whitney!” He exclaimed. I could feel my lungs crushing, and hear them wheezing for release. Once I was set free, I coughed and quickly filled my lungs with air. I turned to my “assailant” and was surprised to see the rebel user, HarryPotter, or Chris, as he is really named. “You’re a lot shorter than I thought you’d be…” He said, performing the elevator on me. I rolled my eyes a bit and  attempted to stand straight, still feeling the strain he put on my body from his… exuberant hug.

            “And I thought you were a lot weaker…” I muttered under my breath. He laughed and patted my back.

            “And I thought you were a lot stronger.”

            “I’m going to punch you right in the jugular…” I growled. I wasn’t happy. Hopefully he’d get the hint.

            “Oh you love me and you know it, Whit.” He said happily, patting my head now like an owner would their kitten. I heaved a sigh and rolled my eyes, yet again.

            “What do you want?” I asked. I tried to sound as… nice… as possible. Though it was hard with this pain of my muscles still trying to recover from the squeeze they were just in.

            Chris gasped and covered his mouth with his hands, a shocked ex
pression on his face. “What do I want?! What do you mean by that? Can’t I just come and give a friend a friendly squeeze?”

            I stared at him a moment, then crossed my arms over my chest and turned around, causing a burst of laughter from Chris. “Oh Whitney, you kill me.”

            “Awesome.” I murmured softly so he couldn’t hear.

            At that point, Patrick began speaking, distracting Chris long enough for me to quickly climb the tree to a thick branch, and sit there, watching Patrick and listening to what he had to say.

            “Thank you, everyone for your attention. In my hand, I hold two resignation letters. One from our dear staff members, Sunshine, and WhiteRaven27,” instantly a clamor began. People whispered to each other in shock. Some were happy, others with dismayed. Though this seemed… out of the blue. “Please, wait till I am done. As a result, we have found ourselves greatly understaffed, and require fresh, new support staff to enforce the law while we are here on Res. I will personally handle all applications. You must deliver them to me, and me only. Do not give your application to Gelgarin, do not give it to your best friend Suzy May. Give it to me and I will look through them and decide on what to do. Thank you for your support and I hope to hear from some of you soon.” And with that, Patrick vanished.

            Everyone spoke with excitement. At first it started out about as quiet as it could get with over sixty-thousand people around, and then it grew into a roar of noise. I sighed and began making my way down the tree. Though kept on the lookout for Chris. Once at the bottom, I leaned against it and heaved a heavy sigh, once again. Should I apply? I had before my whole world turned upside down. Though the stress…

            “Do it, Whitney…”

            A soft voice whispered to me. I glanced around, shocked at the sound, no one was looking at me, nor were they close enough to practically whisper in my ear. “Who’s there?” I asked, a bit alarmed.

            “You are needed, Whitney. Do it. For the good of your friends.”

            I felt a chill run down my spine. I had to get out of there.

            “I wish I was back with my creatu.” And with that, I was transported to the field where my creatu were before.


10:30am Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 355
oh my goodness, the best fanfic ever!!

Lost has left
For information:

11:27am Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 350
What a great story! I can picture everything you write, it would be neat to have a conversation with my pets. I can wait for the next installment!


2:46pm Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,007
Oh my gosh tainted!!  This is soooo cool!!!  Can't wait for the next part!!  Oh, it would be so cool if this happened!!!

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe

4:43pm Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 704
Zomg Leo you rock! I give you permission to put me in if you want. Lol XD

Sig in progress

8:46pm Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 129

Lol Whit this is amazing ;D

I love how my part in the story is to piss of Allen a little. He's kinda a jerko in this ;o You got him down perfect ;o

I love you babay ;P


9:53pm Dec 8 2008

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Oh, how I wish this was real. X3 How awesome would the experience would be. Wonderful writing, Whit. Keep it up, SRSLY.


2:04am Dec 9 2008

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
I'll be adding a bit of everyone who I'm close to in here, no worries. And Rozi, you've got the best part, I think. :3 I've got more planned in store for you hun. xD


3:05pm Dec 9 2008

Normal User

Posts: 129

Lol Whit xD

I can't wait ;D I would kill for your writing skills ;o

Like seriously I all tried to write a story yesterday

like after reading yours and stuff, and omg it was just a tragedy. ;o


11:28am Dec 10 2008 (last edited on 1:50pm Dec 10 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

            The next few weeks on Res went pretty smoothly. I got the hang of things easily. I learned that I didn’t have to “wish” I was at the place, I just had to speak the name and I’d be transported there. (Good thing only my creatu heard me wishing.) Houses were built and I managed to get my dream house. It was quirky, to match my personality. I had it rainbow, with purple polka dots, and a red roof. Inside seemed pretty normal, because the structure would fall apart if I had constructed a labyrinth within those walls. It had 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3 stories and a basement. I considered it humble, compared to how many creatu I had, which was 10 now. I hatched a silver Jaaku and albino Veram by then. I felt content, like I had a huge family that could easily replace my old one.

            My friends and I had all met up finally, everyone knew I was here, and I knew everyone else was here. We’d meet up during the weekend – or rather, what we thought was the weekend – and eat pizza at Antonio’s and grab some ice cream at the Ice Cream Shop.

            Merchant and Rancher shops were constructed. I anticipated Allen filling his up to the brim with creatu. I had planned on starting my Gondra Collection, though I thought it as inhumane to simply leave them sitting in the rancher shop with no purpose. I wanted to keep my creatu surrounding me. Maybe later I’d get a Gondra I liked.


            “You should apply, Whitters.” Mugiwara said.

            My thoughts were interrupted by this and I lightly shook my head to consciousness. “Really? I’m not sure. I think online it’d be easy, but having to come face to face with the perpetrators, I think I’d be a bit shy and reluctant.”

            Golgiapparatus was next to me. She laughed and nudged me jokingly. “You’ll be great, Whit. Don’t second guess yourself.”

            I smiled sheepishly and reflected back to that strange voice telling me that I had to, and I was needed by my friends. Maybe I should. The rules hadn’t changed that drastically, and I knew how to be a fair person. I could manage to just… give a friendly reminder here and there.

            Uwibami was there as well. She nodded and added on. “Besides, you don’t know 100% if they’ll accept you or not. Who knows? Maybe they’ll reject you because you’re not mature enough.” Everyone laughed. It’s true, at times I wasn’t mature, though I felt that there were other reasons why they would, or wouldn’t hire a person.

            “Maybe…” I said a bit distantly. I stared at the mint chocolate chip ice cream cone in my hand. It was starting to melt, partially because I had been breathing on it, rather than eating it. “I did… sort of write a wanna-be application…” As I reached back to my bag, I felt some one snatch the paper from my pouch.

            I spun around and saw Rozi there, a big stupid grin on her face and waving the paper around. “You mean this?” She said while laughing.

            Rozi was too happy of a person to get upset with. I laughed and nodded, a bit sheepish. “Yeah… it’s awful, don’t judge yet.”

            She tore it open and turned around, waving to SoulyTer and o_O, whom I will call Kaffr and Ter in that respective order.

            Everyone crowded around and began reading my application. Their eyes intent on every detail. I felt as though I was caught passing a note during class and my teacher was reading it aloud to the class. The feeling of sinking into the ground out of embarrassment was dominating my spirit. Maybe if I dug fast enough I’d achieve that.

            “Oh. My. God.” Rozi said finally. I stood straight up and stared at her, wondering what she’d say. She used to be staff, she knew about what sort of thing they were looking for in an application. Her opinion, and Ter’s, would be the most important to me right now. “This is fantastical.” She said with a big grin. I couldn’t help but smile myself.

            “Totally! Yeah! Fer sher!” Everyone else said. I felt reassured.

            I took the paper back and folded it once again, then pulled another envelope from my pouch and put my application inside it. “You really think I’d be accepted…?” I said. Part of me wished they’d say yes, the smaller part wished they’d laugh in my face and kick dirt on my shoes.

            “Definitely! Your application is really, really impressive. They’d be door knobs if they didn’t accept you!” Kaffr said. Her blunt honesty was appreciated, though I knew she’d love to say something else other than “door knob”.

            Their confidence rubbed off on me. I felt the compelling call to submit my application. I nodded and said. “Be right back! Application Drop-off!” And with that, vanished from their sight.


            Gelgarin was there, to my utmost joy. I smiled to him a bit lopsidedly, trying to hide the darn grin. He didn’t look too happy to be on application duty. I walked up to him, with my application in hand, and grinned a bit more. “Don’t look too happy to be here, Gel.” He glanced up to me with a quizzical look.

            “Are you here to torment me?” He asked, sarcastic dismay dripped from his words. I knew he’d enjoy the torment too much, though.

            I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. “Oh you’d love that wouldn’t you. Give you something to do and the chance to pass out threats.”

            “Patrick’s not here.” Gelgarin said to change the subject.

            “I could tell. Know where I can find him?”

            “I’ll give him a buzz.” Gelgarin pushed a red button on the desk. No noise was made. I glanced around the dimly lit room to see if Patrick would magically poof, like seen in all those magic shows.

            “You make a great receptionist, Gelgarin.” I said to tease him.

            “Gelgarin thinks that LeTainted would make a great lawn gnome.”

            “Yes, but I wouldn’t be able to match the witty blandness you’ve managed with your house.”

            Patrick appeared suddenly. I glanced to him, my confident, joking smile slipped to a timid, nervous smile. “Do you have an application, Tainted?” Patrick asked.

            I nodded and held it out. I didn’t speak at all. I seemed a bit… statue-like as he grabbed the envelope and nodded. “Thanks.” He said and walked off, opening it up and reading it as he strode away.

            Gelgarin examined my form a bit, then whispered. “You can move now, the big bear is gone now.”

            I shot a glare at him and brought my arm down to my side. “Shut your face.” I said and walked away. Gelgarin got the best of me. Only with the help of Patrick, though. Gelgarin’s time will come.


            Once outside, I spied Rozi, Kaffr, Ter, and Allen together. Allen looked a bit… annoyed… to say the least. I watched them humorously as they antagonized him.

            “Hey Fatso!” Kaffr said.

            “Hi Stinko.” Came Allen’s reply.

            Allen was pretty quick witted, mature, and it seemed as though his brain was fully developed so he made great choices and gave great advice. I think it was safe to say I saw him as a role model. With that thought, I wondered if he too, had handed in his application.

            “How’s your Ranch coming along?” Rozi asked.

            “So-so.” He said.

            Rozi smiled strangely. “You don’t have a bajillion creatu yet?”

            “Working on it.”

            “Are you feeding them lots of Candy Pizzas and making them fat?”

            “No, not really.”

            “Do you want some pizza?”

            Allen met this question with silence. Rozi grinned still, pleasantly happy with this how things were going. He hasn’t told her to shut up yet, that’s a bonus.

            Kaffr glanced up and saw me standing there watching them. She waved me to come over, so I did. “How’d it go?” She asked me. I simply shrugged a bit. I didn’t know how it went. I didn’t want to know right now.

            “’lo Whitney.” Allen said.

            “Hi Allen.” I replied.

Ter placed an elbow on my shoulder and leaned on me a bit, causing a bit of pain, as my shoulders weren’t feeling so great at the moment. “Do you think you’ll get in?” She asked me with a smile.

“I don’t know.” I said. I felt about as silent as Allen did. And Rozi noticed.

“Golly, you two are sure talkative!” She said with sarcasm.

Allen shrugged a bit and turned around. “It seems as though my sarcasm detector is going off. That’s my time to leave.” He whispered something, and vanished.

“Did anyone hear where he went?” Kaffr asked. A collective shrug was given, and she sighed. “Ah well. He’s probably off to find a cat or something.”

“Or eat pizza.” Rozi said. The three girls laughed. I smiled a little again. “Well, we should get going back to our creatu.” We all nodded in agreement and with that, the group parted.


My creatu were all out and about, except Lethbridge, my albino Veram, and Zyxel, my silver Jaaku. I walked in the door and was met with Lethy pouncing up into my arms and whining, pointing towards the living room. I smiled and placed him down, then went to the living room. Zyxel was up to her old trick, scaring poor Lethy out of his fur.

Lethy didn’t follow me, however. He remained curled into the corner farthest from the living room. I sighed sadly. Whatever Zyxel did this time, she’d have to be punished for it.

As I stepped into the room, I felt… scared. I glanced around to see if I could spot any of Zyxel’s glow in the dark room. I went to flick the light on, but it was already on. I glanced up to the ceiling, and that’s when I saw it.

That same creature I found when I first came here. It was covering my light. It’s yellow eyes staring at me. I stood still, returning the gaze. I stepped back ward, but the creature moved closer. It was after me.

I spun around to Lethy. “Get out of the house! Go! Find Allen!” Lethy nodded and ran towards the door. As I turned around, I saw the creature was on the ground now, crawling remarkably fast towards me. I spun back around and ran to the closet, grabbed the broom and swung down at the beast.

I felt the adrenaline pumping at this point, and I was shaking, breathing heavily. My heart pace raised radically and my pupils dilated. The room became dark as well and the creature’s claws could be heard on the linoleum floor. As I heard it get closer I swung the broom along the ground, hitting the fiend. I ran over to the table and jumped on top of it and glanced around on the floor. I could make out shapes and figures, though I couldn’t see the little invader. I held my breath a moment to see if I could hear it’s breathing.

Nothing… I pulled the broom up closer to me. Just as I did, something fell on top of me and knocked me to the ground. I fell face first, but managed to quickly scramble up and back myself into a corner. Where was Allen?

Just as I had let my thoughts slip, I felt that creature jump on me and pin me to the ground. I struggled and squirmed, screaming for some one to come in and help, though no one was around to hear. I managed to get my right arm free, and just as I brought it up to push the thing off me, the monster bit down on my arm, puncturing my flesh and drawing blood. I screamed out in pain and pushed on the little beast to get off.

A streak of silver appeared and I saw my Jaaku push the monster off me. I curled up into a corner and held my arm and watched in horror as my little Jaaku fend off the creature.

I heard the door open and in came my silver Vogar, who successfully swatted the beast against the wall, and caused it to disintegrate. Light returned to the room and Allen pounced next to me. I was placed on his back and rushed to the Scria Hospital, though I didn’t make it outside my house door before I passed out.


2:50pm Dec 10 2008

Normal User

Posts: 355
Allen is a good vogar lol

Lost has left
For information:

3:27pm Dec 10 2008 (last edited on 3:31pm Dec 10 2008)

Normal User

Posts: 989

x3 Dude. I could not stop giggling the entire time I was being mentioned.


...Also, I'm greatly confused by the fact that this is amazingly good. (Seeing as it's a Res fic.) Dx Whitt0rz, you're too much of a win for us. *bows down*


>o And of COURSE I'd rather say something besides 'doorknob'! 'OMNIhead' will do just fine!

And I wanna be able to talk to my creatu xD Just so I can yell at Yutao "WTH >O! GET A JOB! MOMMY'S BROKE!"


D; It hurts my eyes reading all the tiny letters so close together. But if you get a minute... x3 Moar pl0xdesu.

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