LF Cave Explorer(s)

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7:51pm Oct 26 2023 (last edited on 7:31pm Oct 28 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 344
Hi, I'm visually impaired and doing the cave explorations for events is unpleasant at best, and sickening at worst.

So I have decided to try a thing like the FR people with the coli and offer some currency for your time.

I'm looking for someone, or maybe a couple people to do the Cave Exploration feature for me for a bit. You search a cave of your choice in the allotted time and give me the items you've found from the cave in that time.
This is an honor system thing, so I'm hoping you will be nice to me.
I am not really expecting a lot from this, but something's better than nothing!
I am NOT looking for eggs. I wish. But no. Use your egg time for you please.

Tentative offering rate is 5cp per 30min.
I can pay with Res currency and FR currency.
I pay half up front, half at completion.
I can put tu tokens in trades as a pledge/way for you to send items if you prefer.

my exchange rate:

1cp : 3mtu : 10kt : 10g

or it would look like this for this thread.

5cp : 15mtu : 50kt : 50g

Currently buying an hour / 2, 30 minute sessions.
Thank you!!

Previously purchased so far: 1 HOUR

Please do not start without approval, I would hate for you to do this and not get properly paid.

ad: [url=https://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/wantads/lf-cave-explorer-s-/~page/1/#post_2136935] looking for cave explorer(s)


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