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9:20am Aug 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,020
Ahahahh o-o I would have uploaded your commission yesterday Dreamers, but I wasn't on at all XD I'll get it uploaded soon enough though x3


5:48pm Aug 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336
Okay~ I've been a bit busy myself but I bump this board whenever I can ^^

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

3:36pm Aug 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

4:17am Aug 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,020

Eheh I forgot about this board for a while o-e Well anyway, some good news. My mum has been doing some tinkering and has found a way around our scanner problem ^-^ Meaning I can scan things up now instead of taking pictures of them x3

I'll scan things as soon as I can. I might not today because it's my sister's birthday and results day for my other half *prods him* XD


10:06pm Aug 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336
Hope she had a good bday ^_^ !

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

9:28am Aug 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

2:42am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

7:44pm Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,372

Hey! <3
Could I get a colored pencil one done? :3

Unoriginal enough, the basic shape for my fursona is a wolf. It doesn't necessarily have to be a certain age, it would be a puppy (which would be rather cute, I think) to teen to adult (also nice o3o ). The fur is whitish-silver-gray, and the eyes are a bright green color. Well...eye, rather, because across the left side of her face runs a long scar, going from the top of her head, across her eye, down to her neck. It is very important this is on the left side.'s where things start to get a little more interesting.
You know how birds and bats' wings are basically like their arms? That's kind of how this wolf's front legs are. They retain the shape of the legs, and have the paws, but instead of fur, they're covered in long feathers/wings, silver-gray, with reddish pink on the ends/edges. I would like this feather theme to carry on throughout the body, scattered maybe, but at least around the neck and/or back areas, with the same pink-red and silver coloring.
And last but not least, a black unicorn's horn in the middle of her forehead that holds a small crown in place on her head. The crown colors and shape are up to you, I won't be picky about that <3
The fursona's name is Analeisia, or 'Ana' for short. As a person(thing..), she is stubborn, intelligent, and graceful, and tries her best to appear very powerful and elegant in the presence of others. She is a might bit spoiled, at that is because of her royal status, the fact she always gets what she wants sooner or later, from her mate, a king who loves her dearly. 
When she isn't trying to be prim and proper or get her way, she is surprisingly cheerful, and quite cute and innocent, but at any moment she can turn the other claw and show anyone who tests it that she really is a wolf, and wolves bite.


5:04pm Sep 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,805
lurks... ¬_¬ hmm, should i? i like your art, but i dont know what to commish.

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat
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