LF: Someone Who Can Shade

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6:32pm Oct 9 2023 (last edited on 8:10am Oct 10 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 2,091
Found Someone!


I'm looking for someone to help me shade in this little guy below.
It does not have to be Res Style nor does if have to be colored. I can do the coloring myself, I just can't shade to save my life lol. 

The only requirements I can think of are:
- The finished product needs to be in layers. That way I can color it. If you don't know what layers are I can (try) to explain through rmail. 
- I'd prefer to see an example first. It does not have to be of just shading, but something that showcases it. 
- If interested in coloring as well we can discuss that too. 

I've got a lot of Tu saved up, so I'm good with somewhere in the 100-300+ mil range. Maybe Cp if I really like your example. 

Basically, if interested shoot me an example and name your price!

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