i create my little ponys

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9:03am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 115
because i like to create things i decided to start creating my little ponys , so if u want one just tell me and i will create one for u 

prices are : ponys with backgrounds and accessories = 1mil 
just ponys are 600k :) 

hope u are interested in one of these offers 

time flys when your having fun

9:20am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 306
Hey cool, I'd love to have you draw me a pony. Would payments be possible? I was able to do that with Little Fuzzy Thing's but everyone is different ^_^ I wanted to make sure beforehand


9:23am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 115
of corse :3 and if u want me to change the price higher or lower than just ask 

plus U can tell me what U want Ur pony to look like or I can design one of my own for u just tell me if u want a normal one or one with accessories and a background :3

time flys when your having fun

9:23am Dec 15 2013 (last edited on 9:27am Dec 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 115

time flys when your having fun

10:09am Dec 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 280
Hey, are you drawing those ponies yourself, or are you using some program or thing on a different site to make them?  Because you have to make sure that you aren't doing art theft, which can be a serious offense.  And by serious offense, i'm meaning on Rescreatu and in real life legal issues.

If you are using some way to create them other than drawing them yourself, this may still be ok.  You just have to check on that site and see if they allow you to use the art in any way that you want, which includes selling it.  And if they do, you should state where you're making them, so it doesn't look like there is any sort of theft going on.

If you're drawing them yourself, then none of that applies.  8D  

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