Hummingbanners v2.0 (´∀`)♡

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11:58pm Nov 23 2013 (last edited on 11:59pm Nov 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
hello uwu
i am curre ntly trying to pay Dustfeather back for my Jaaku Spirit!! so i've decided to reopen my banner shop since i'll have some free time now
okay so here are the ground rules:

1- be nice please uwu 
2- be patient as well! i have a life other than banners (surprise!)
3- please highlight the next line
                                               4- please fill out the form correctly. make the form a different color
5- for images, please use DESKTOP BACKGROUND sizes!!! i cannot stress this enough. 


big text:
little text:
font style (gothic, handwriting, typewriter, etc):
pet image (optional):
background image:
tips? uwu:
anything i have forgotten:

prices are pay what you feel it is worth with a minimum of 250k 


my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

3:10pm Dec 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,282
Good luck!


11:16pm Dec 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 143
big text: Star Trek
little text: To Boldly Go
font style (gothic, handwriting, typewriter, etc): Star Trek BT
pet image (optional): Instead of a pet image, could it be the Image of the U.S.S Enterprise?
tips? uwu: 
anything i have forgotten: I'll be paying 1mil

4:22am Dec 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 305
big text: Golden
little text: Eat bitter, taste sweet!
font style (gothic, handwriting, typewriter, etc): cursive for the big text and
typewriter for the little text.
pet image (optional): none
background image:
tips? uwu: this is gonna be a siggy banner hmm and I was thinking
a bit bigger than the first image you have there :D
anything i have forgotten: paying 1.2 mil and thanks :)


1:55pm Dec 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 969
Can you do buttons by chance ._. because I need a few of those and I like your work.

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