.: Design (With Pet) Auctions! :.

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12:29pm Nov 10 2013 (last edited on 12:31pm Nov 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 105
.: Auctions of a Former Res Artist :.

Ever wanted a super cool design, but never knew what pet to use it for?
Those days are over!

This is the thread for an idea I had that ended up being great stress relief between commissions and stuff.  (Don't ask about those, they're USD and offsite).

What's so special about this thread?

This is the place where you can get PETS that HAVE designs!  That I make =u=

So how does that affect the price?

There will be a base price for the pet, depending on what it is and/or what it's named.  (**NOTE names can be changed if you provide the tag).  There will then be the base price for what I value the design at, approximately.  THAT TOTAL will be the Starting Bid.

Great!  How does it work?

There are three categories, to make this easier and more fair for people.  Common, Seasonal, and CS.  Common are pets that can be naturally found and hatched (including dyed colors).  Seasonal is pretty self explanatory, as is CS (Cash Shop pets).  Generally, since most of my money is coming from the design, the pet will be a bit cheaper than shop price.

Each auction will last three days, give or take a few hours.  Whenever I post it, three days later, at reset, it'll end.

Please, for the love of everything holy NO SNIPING.  No waiting till the last minute to stick your bid in there just so you can win without bumping the price.  If I feel like you're repeatedly doing this (once or twice on accident for adding last minute is fine), I will ban you from auctions.

There are no Autobuys.

What do I get if I win?

You get the design, the pet, the name /of/ the pet (if it's special that's a plus I suppose), and the original design artwork.  You can use the artwork for a pet profile or even your profile, as long as I have credit for it.

Yeah yeah, quit talking, Kitty.  Let's get to the auctions!

Well alright, you asked for it.


Calico Vogar, Female
11/10/13 - 11/13/13 11:59:59pm

Full View - http://oi44.tinypic.com/23robj8.jpg

Base Pet Price - 12mil
Base Design/Art Price - 8mil

Starting Bid - 20mil
Minimum Bid Increase - 2mil

Highest Bid - n/a


Cream Ebilia, MALE (baby form)
11/10/13 - 11/13/13 11:59:59pm

Full View - http://oi40.tinypic.com/30my2ir.jpg

Base Pet Price - 2mil
Base Design/Art Price - 12mil

Starting Bid - 14mil
Minimum Bid Increase - 2mil

Highest Bid - n/a


(Working on it)


If you'd like to donate a pet to be designed! 
I will reimburse you for the base pet price, if you'd like, once it sells.

** If you donate for FREE~! **
 me and I will put your name in a raffle (via the point system).  Once a
 week, I will pick someone's name and they will get a FREE, RANDOM
DESIGN (without the pet) from me.  Design type will correspond to the SECTION of pet you donated, if you win.
(N - Natural, S - Sepia, C - Cream, B - Black, G - Ginger, Si - Silver, Bl - Blonde, A - Albino, Ca - Calico, Ac - Achro)

N - B = 1 point
G - Bl = 3 points
A - Ac = 5 points
Dyed = 4 points
Trance = 5 points

N - B = 3 points
G - Bl = 7 points
A - Ac = 15 points
Dyed = 8 points
Trance = 10 points

N = 5 points
B = Automatic Free Design
A - Ac = I'm going to assume nobody would donate one of these ahah
Dyed = 12 points
Trance = 15 points


(SB Ad) Ever wanted a pet design and the pet to go with it?  Check out my Design and Pet Auction thread!  [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/-design-with-pet-auctions-/~page/1/]  Awesome designs and awesome pets for all! C:

8:01pm Nov 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 652
i love this idea of yours Sher, Best of luck on the sales ^^


12:43pm Nov 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 211
I really want to bid on Narceiss but I want to wait to see what CS pet you do and how it looks. lol
Lovely idea and I like how you set this up. Good luck with this Kitty and to those that participate! :D

2:43pm Nov 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 105
Hhh thanks guys but this doesn't seem to be going as well as I'd hoped.  I might just sell the damn things. ene;

7:57pm Nov 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 211
Maybe it just needs a little bit more advertise and a bump to support it. Sometimes other threads can get lost in the bunch. But do whatever decision you feel like doing. I just hope you continue to do art that helps release your stress. :)

2:59pm Nov 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 211
Well now that I finally have tu I can bid 20mil on Narceiss. :)

12:09pm Nov 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 105
Kay well in that case Ill just keep this going until I feel like it since apparently deadlines aren't doing much xD

Thank you for the bid hee
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