food collector egg hunter and hatcher

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3:30am Jul 30 2013 (last edited on 12:57am Aug 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
I need tu so I've decided to do a few services. I will collect food for you, gather eggs you request, and I will also hatch eggs for you.
Oh also totally off topic but I also have an unnamed albino gondra, unnamed mutant valabex, and an unnamed lemon ebilia for sale(:

When I am done gathering the things you want I will either Rmail you and when I get the tu or the other form of payment I will send over the things or else you may pay in advanced either way works fine. 

~Food Gathering~
Give me a little bit and how many pieces of food you want and I will have it all sent to you ASAP

1 piece = 1,000 tu

~Egg Hunting~
Give me a list of eggs you want and I'll Rmail you when I'm done 

15, 000 = 1 egg

When you send the eggs I will Rmail you the results and you give me the names you want

1 hatch =  100,000

~Payment Options~

* TU 
* May do it for different pets
* Anything you have to offer that I agree to

Thanks for you time and I hope to hear from you soon!(:

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4:11am Jul 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 362
I'll buy 6 hatches :) Sending 600k and 6 eggs~


2:22pm Jul 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Okay well I can do that; however today I have 0 hatches so you will not be able to have them all hatched until Thursday. I apologize for any trouble this may have caused you. If you want me to send the eggs and tu back then I will, or else you can you just wait till Thursday. 

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2:34pm Jul 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
Opps never mind haha >.< I'll Rmail you the results in just a little bit. 

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1:30am Aug 1 2013

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10:04pm Aug 1 2013

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