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1:54am Jun 8 2012 (last edited on 2:53am Jun 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 338

Well this is my latest idea to help the people of rescreatu...

So below I have a KIR SECTION
 So..... pretty much the idea of it is you get your name on the list of what you need for Kir!
So basically you send me 10k and post here what you need for Kir and I will put you on the list <33

The idea is you can see what people need for Kir and maybe rmail them if they are interested in buying your creatu, or the other way around!

It only costs 10k to get on the list and then you are set, never having to pay again!
Its great right, so post are send the tu and you will be listed forever!
But be sure to keep me up to date with what you need for Kir :)

and if you want to be taken off the list at any time just say! :)


I have a few people their name on for free! :)

serpent: blonde vogar
Headache and Zariaz: calico skayldr
SonicHeroine: blonde vaspi
ThornlessRose & Sheta: calico skaldyr and ginger uilus
Blixii & Jaryk
: calico ebilia
JaakuFan: blonde vaspi
Gunmetal: albino aukira
3mmique: silver kurrabi


-Zari x

7:22am Jun 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,058
I'm looking for a kir partner!
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