Browse & Buy (Shop)

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12:49am Sep 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 65

Hello everyone! 
Recently I have become a rancher and therefore shut down my merchant shop "Browse and Buy". In the case of that closing I actually had to find another way of selling my items. I will try to refresh my list as much as I possibly can. Please either offer or buy from here, another way to get in contact with me would be rmailing me. 
That being said, this is my following list of items I wish to get rid of and the price I am willing to sell it for:

  1. 1) 100k Cake - 20k
  2. 2) Aqua Rounded Gem - 60k
  3. 3) Blessed Flower x 3 - 40k
  4. 4) Clear Rounded Gem - 35k
  5. 5) Colorful Ribbons - 60k
  6. 6) Pink Rounded Gem - 30k
  7. 7) Resurrection Potion - 730k
  8. 8) Shimmering Shell - 80k
  9. 9) Enchanted Seaweed x 2 - 10k
  10. 10) Relcore Shoes - Offer?
  11. 11) Silver Crescent Moon Earrings - 230k 
  12. I will Haggle if you ask politely and it is within reasonable pricing. 

  1. Thank you everyone for looking! 
  1. ~*StarlessDawn*~


1:52pm Sep 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 65
Bumping myself =3 Will try to stock again soon!

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