[T] A Silver and An Indigo Myotis for.......

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7:35pm Aug 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 96
A Bino Myotis.

I need one for Kir and the Springs hate me so I'm willing to trade both for a Bino Myotis.

I don't care if the two combined are worth more than a Bino but if the Bino is worth more than the two combined, I'll add as much TU as I can.

So yea. That's my offer. The Silver and the Indigo are on my profile.

Oh! I have Silver Stardust Earrings, a Starglass Urn, a Silver Stardust Urn (couldn't decide which pet to use it on so might as well offer it), two piles of Gold Stardust, and a pile of Silver Stardust if I don't have enough TU to cover the difference for the Bino if there is a difference. Or if you want to trade (which I doubt) a Bino Myotis for one of the above items. Just let me know. Thanks :)

Current Kir Quest: Albino Myotis\r\n\r\nMeragon and Draqua Collector
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