-Holiday Sales-

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12:16pm Nov 25 2012 (last edited on 1:24pm Nov 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 778
Welcome! I have some items and creatu I can sell, and since it is around the holidays I can lower the prices. So now it is easier to buy things for you or your friends. Have fun buying :D

What I Accept:
Other CS creatu
CS eggs
Dye Kits

Next Post: What is for sale.

Thank you for looking!

[url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-holiday-sales-/~page/1/] Selling a lot of items at lower prices for the holidays, including a natural Kioka. Take a look :)!

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave

1:20pm Nov 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 778

Corn Husk Drachid doll- 7 million
Corn Husk Galta doll- 4 million
Corn Husk Goiba doll- 800k
Corn Husk Iluvu doll- 140k
Corn Husk Kioka doll- 190k
Corn Husk Mirabilis doll- 140k
Corn Husk Noctis doll- 6 million
Corn Husk Paor doll- 750k
Corn Husk Quelis doll- 140k
Corn Husk Sirleon doll- 250k
Corn Husk Uilus doll- 600k
Corn Husk Vogar doll- 160k
Pile of Gold Stardust- 150k
Pile of Silver Stardust- 400k
Voodoo Cookie- 100k
Deep Sea Necklace- 8 million


Name: Samudra (I may need the name back)
Gender: Male
Species: Kioka
Price: 45 million

Name: Haoma (May need the name back)
Gender: Female
Species: Mutant Paor
Price: 850k

"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
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