Try out my Quiz?

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4:48pm Jul 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

I made another. xDD Post your results here. Yes, I know its fail. xD


4:49pm Jul 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 341

What Warrior Cat are you?
Your Result: You are Blazefang of ThunderClan!

You are an orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a bushy tail. You have just become a warrior! You doubt anything that doesn't look right. You trust only a few cats in your clan. Kits are the least of your thoughts. You have no patience and show no mercy in fights. You are in love with Sleetstorm, a grey longhaired tom with amber eyes. You do not believe in StarClan, though you are loyal to some cats. If something is bad, you'd report it right away! You are dangerous when your angry and will stop at nothing to reach your goals.

You are Jaystripe of ShadowClan!
You are Ravenflight of WindClan!
You are Foxpaw of ShadowClan!
You are Lilypaw of RiverClan!
You are Swiftpaw of WindClan!
You are Petalpaw of ThunderClan!
You are Reedwhisker of RiverClan!

They don't sound very much like me/my warrior fursona haha. Cool quiz though ^.^ 

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6:09pm Jul 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
There was a few questions that would leave tp the answer, they accidently got deleted. xDD

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