The Human Nature Debate

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6:40pm Aug 30 2009

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Posts: 450

I suppose I shall partake as well. :3


x How do you define greed?

  Everything is situational in terms of greed. Out right hurting someone just to enjoy your wealth is of course wrong. However, I'm not going to give away things I've worked hard for just so someone else who hasn't worked hard can enjoy them too.


x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

 There's good and bad in everyone. I believe we only do "good" things for others if we see a benefit in it for ourselves, even if that benefit is just that positive feeling of having done something good. And this is not bad - if that feeling encourages us to do good things, it's okay to be selfish in that respect. 


x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

 I am an atheist, so no, religion has no hold on me. 


x How social are you? 

 Considering I spend a lot of time online, I suppose not very social, let's be honest. =P But I have a few close friends and a boyfriend whom I do in fact love very much. And I need interaction, I need to party atleast a little, and I need to be out among the rest of the human species from time to time. Though it's true, I really dislike spending time with most people in my age group (I'm 17).


x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

  As I stated in the SB, I believe none of us are as unique as we like to believe. We are all raised by other human beings, therefor we are their creation, we have bits of our parents/guardians in us whether we like it or not. And we can fight it all we want but we will always behave in the ways we were taught. And such is life that we pick up the behaviors of those around us. We will always be made of that which surrounds us.


x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

 I like to look into different philosophies, and as far as a way-of-life goes, my beliefs (for the most part) match up with Modern Satanism, though I do not belong to the church. 


[Sorry for not keeping up with the current debate, there's too much lag!]


7:59pm Aug 30 2009

Normal User

Posts: 969

I'm just going to hop in off-time. c:

x How do you define greed? a personal set standard. I think it comes to morals when people think "greed." We can all agree on two extremes on exactly what it is, but otherwise it's kind of hard to pin on a definition.

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

Over the years human nature seems to be decaying. Not necessarily dying out, doesn't suit like it used to. I remember reading in History cl*censored* about the Silk Road and all the friends and trades made between countries. Where's that harmony gone? Down the bowl. Not only in worldwide affairs, but simply a man on a street calling another man out for an invalid reason, or for a valid reason but in public where it doesn't belong. Simple things.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

Not on the particular matter, no. But religion is hurtful. People can believe what they believe, nobody has a right to change or influence that--but when called to mind you only think of the set differences between two highly religious people, and there's no telling how much could go wrong. So...I suppose typing it out, it slightly effects my opinion on human nature, but not much.

x How social are you?

I like to pretend I'm social. X3 But I'm not a people person. I tend to start fits I never intended to happen, even when I'm not instigating. And I instigate about half the time. Maybe people just don't like me because I'm not wearing the newest Abercrombie shirt or I can't make people laugh outside my circle of friends as much as others.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

On occasion. Being an aquarius I seldom give my emotions away without a fight. If the company we're talking about is for moral support or just a good listener, I could very well do without. It's different if I'm giving the company--I'm a listener. I enjoy socialization to a point. As long as emotions are void, I enjoy it. But that could just be me rambling and you having no idea what I'm typing out. I'm typing as I go, I promise. x__x;

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

Different. If there's any word I don't want to elaborate on, it's "unique." Or any synonym of unique.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

Philosophy as far as...?


8:09am Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 8:51am Aug 31 2009)

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Posts: 1,775

x How do you define greed?

It doesn't really affect me much, so I don't have much of an opinion on it.

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

Really depends. Everyone has their own nature. You can't really blame people for not having the same opinion as you.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

Yes it does. I'm religous, but I don't see why people want to make religous people think it's bad. Seriously, it isn't. All of them think all we do is just worship people in the sky and don't think about the other bits. We learn how to be nice people (at least in my religion), give us a feeling of re*censored*urance when we're in trouble. If there isn't people in the sky, does it really matter?

x How social are you? 

Not really. I have loads of friends. But I don't exactly spend tons of time with them.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

Family, yes. Others, no.

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

When there isn't something that is similar.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

Yin Yang-ish thing. I like to think that people aren't as bad or good as they seem. Y'know, if they aren't bad then they're incomplete sort of thing?


Feel the love man D:<


8:34am Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 8:43am Aug 31 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 583

This looks snazzy. Thoguh I missed out some questions because I don't think I quite get them |D

x How do you define greed?
Well I think you guys are going pretty well about the Greed discussion. Greed is I think wanting too much and like hurting others to get it. 

But on this note, do you think it's right for the rich and famous to keep spending all their hard earned money on their own 'uneccesary desires' as oppose to -oh I don't know- giving their money awayto charities and other less fortunate people? It's just something that sparks my curiousity.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?
Depends on who you're talking about. For example, I'm Buddhist and I consider myself pretty religious. For me, my opinion on the matter is mostly basic morales, I mean we all know that stealing or killing is bad whether we are religious or not right? For me, religion helps guide me. Mentally, I'm not strong, I believe in ghosts and the afterlife but I use religion as a rea.ssurance that I will be protected so long as I'm good. But I see Buddhism as pretty lax compared to other religions and it's not like we'd go down to the underworld if we don't support it. That's how my mother taught me though and she also plays a big influence on my beliefs and ideals.

So it's all down to how you percieve your 'religion' frankly. For some, it does affect their decisions. For others, not really.

x How social are you?
Not very, I do believe I have the mindset of an eighty-year-old though xD I don't like to socialise with others, I'm rather withdrawn and would rather stay home and read than go and hang out. But the thing is I would adapt to the situation, if people want me to talk or there's a new person needing help, I'd offer myself or entertain them. In the end many people consider me their friends but deep down I don't see myself as having a very active social life.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?
Depends on the others xD I get along best with my family because they understand me best and heck, I can finally stop being the person I feel I ought to be with others and just goof off and chat with them and stuff. Friends, not so much. Especially with those around my age, I just can't seem to get along nor relate to them as easily.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?
You can strip yourself down but not to the point it gets ugly ;o

Which I guess basically means yes being yourself is good but remember that things you do can hurt people. I mean it ticks me off when people say "oh I always hate people and kick them...but I can't change anymore because that is who I am." Because if you don't change these things about yourself then it's no wonder no one likes you.

Also I guess I follow another philosophy about being happy and content with yourself. Because too many people out there think their lives suck without knowing what really is suffering. When I see my parents' hands and when I see my grandparents. I know what I am going through can't even amount to a tenth of what they've been through. And yet they still laugh and smile and scold their children for being cheeky.


Whoo! I'm ready for TOK now! >O


8:50am Aug 31 2009 (last edited on 8:56am Aug 31 2009)

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Posts: 1,775
Actually, I don't think there is such thing as greed. You have the right to treat yourself to nice things, you have the right to keep your hard earned cash. But dotation and stuff  is not nessesary. If you feel like you don't need that extra cash, sure thing, donate it. But this shouldn't be compulsory. I think the term 'greed' was invented by jealous people who thought people who had privileges were being greedy and keeping it to themselves.


Feel the love man D:<


4:41pm Aug 31 2009

Normal User

Posts: 15

I think greed is determined when rescources aren't being dispersed and this dirupts the flow of rescources and eventually hurts everyone; including the person who is witholding the rescources.

Greed is when you take rescources that you never earned and expect to gain more for no cost.

A person who takes someone else's time all for their self can be considered greedy. Taking their time from important things; like a spoiled child that demands expensive luxuries at the expense of the entire family eating.

In retrospect, greed is when one person is allowed to take what isn't rightfully theirs at the expense of their self and others. Greed is when people don't stop this one "greedy" person from creating a black hole in which rescources are lost with a negative impact on all rather than a positive one for everyone.

Maybe people have a reason to be jealous sometimes. Why should the man who works in the corner office make more money than the man who puts his life on the line? Why should a hard-working single mother who is bringing up the new generation make do with less when those lucky enough to be born in privilege make do with more?

The jealousy is oft misplaced, but when there is imbalanceyou can't help but feel your standard of living is sub par.

You can't blame a person born in prestige to be born in prestige, but you can't blame a person born in sub par conditions for being born in sub par conditions.

Greed may as well be when someone believes they deserve something that may be proven otherwise. What do we deserve? Does a person who works in a corner office deserve monetary compensation? Does a person willing to put their life on the line deserve to have it taken? Though sometimes this happens and sometimes it doesn't.

What I want to know is what is it we deserve? Why do we deserve it? Do we deserve anything if at all?

If you find Kratos, please rMail me.

3:24am Sep 1 2009

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Posts: 1,775

How are you being greedy by earning more money than others? You work for it, so you deserve the money. The ones who work all day long don't get as much cash as others beacause their work isn't worth that much money. Why spend a large portion of your life on education if a low skill job would give you more pay? Sure the low skill work requires more time and effort, but all that work isn't really worth much. Ones who work in an office get paid more because they are supporting all of those low skill people, so if they quit it would destroy many peoples lives. You get what you deserve, you have your right to keep it. You are not required to give any of your hard earned cash away. Giving to the needy is generous, but not giving to the needy isn't greedy.

Okay. Who here saves up money to buy things for themselves?

Now how many people save up money to buy things for others who are needy and you don't know very well?

This ain't a rhetorical question, go ahead and answer it.


Feel the love man D:<


6:17pm Sep 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 917

Oh my.


x How do you define greed?

I find greed as wanting something. What I see often is that people say the need something, like a Liyure, for example. They would go around and ask for TU, the egg, or the creatu. They would beg, and you could clearly see that that's all that they think about. They fail to see that the Liyure is only a lovely image, because they are blinded by the fact that having a Liyure would make them powerful and maybe popular on Res.

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

I think that everyone could be nice and accepting, no matter who they are. It's justwanting power and stature that makes them mean. That, or they would feel insecure, or they were hurt early in life; they would then bully to make them seem stronger and cover up the pain.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

I'm religious, but I would have to say no. Religion affects the people at my church, but that's because they strongly believe that God is their salvation. I strongly believe in God as my salvation also, but I look at other people in a rather stoic nature, and I see that some peole at my church would instead accuse other religious teachings as false and teach things irrelevant to the teens today. I'm saying that because I had been given a whole lesson on dinosaurs in the Biblical times. I think that maybe a topic on sex would be a better topic. And our teacher would repeat things over again, just worded differently.

x How social are you? 

I am often very social, but talking about my own feelings is a topic that I fail to verbally express. Instead, I would write a note and give it to the person in which I am talking to.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

Yes, mostly the companionship of my friends because I fail to find ny attachment to my mother. Unfortunately.

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

Unique means to be able to express oneself freely without caring what others might think or say about you. I often dream about the day when one could walk the streets nude without feeling shame, and without being shunned.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

This question truly confuses me. :P



4:31pm Sep 2 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,007

How interesting ^_^ 

x How do you define greed?

 The chosen action of denying help to someone in need when you have a excess of whatever it is that they need. Also striving only to access more of whatever it is that you may have the surplus of, not cring of the cost it may have on others.

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

  Human nature is amung one of the most complex that one can describe. The nature of one person differs greatly from those of their peers, whether they would like to admit it or not.  However, as a m*censored*, we humans appear to strive for acceptance and uniformity amongst ourselves. Even as we strive for independence and difference from those we disaggree with, none seem to want to go it alone. And yes, I do understand this doesn't exactly answer the question ^_^

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

Slightly. I understand what my religion places forth as the standard and code, but I also understand that all have different views and this mixture is what truly is the root of our nature.....if that makes any sense

x How social are you? 

Fairly. I take part in almost all of my school's activities, have many friends, and am active at my church.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

Greatly, I love being with others

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

Different from whatever the norm may be defined as in that general region.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

uh.....If you don't look down on life, life won't look down on you.

And here we witness the rarely seen Pippit in her natural habitat. Let's observe

2:10pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 2:24pm Sep 4 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 533

x How do you define greed?

When a person wants more and more, and will do anything to get it, including hurting people or animals.

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

I hate it. We're stupid, and selfish.We think we can have anything we want just by hurting and distroying things. Say you want a mall, so you knock down a forest killing million of animals. It makes me sick.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

Uh what do you mea by that?

x How social are you? 

A good ammont. I rather be with animals thou, i feel more at one, with a animal then i do a human.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

Only my best best best friend. I could tell her anything. We alway stick up for eachother and are very tough. She moved to bellingham WA awhile ago. So now i have to be friends with a mean public schooler.

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

When you break away from the croud, do diffrently then others. I am usally friends with that one person, I hate following a croud, I like feeling like the only one of my kind.

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

God said "do not call what i have made unclean" (or some form of that) In the bible, and I try to follow that daily. 

I want to move to bellingham to see my life long friend, So i always think how horriable it is here and how buitiful it is there. Then i think, God made this land that i'm standing on, i should be thankful for it.


2:38pm Sep 4 2009 (last edited on 2:39pm Sep 4 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

x How do you define greed?

As the others have said, wanting more even though it is not a neccesity isn't horrendous and doesn't make someone greedy.  You work for it, then enjoy the fruits of your labor.  It's fair that what you get is what you earned.  

x What is your opinion of human nature/people in general?

Everything and everyone makes mistakes.  Yes, we have truly done many wrong things that have caused pain to each other.  We've started wars because we have to quarrel, we mess things up and cause trouble.  But at the same time we try to fix them and dedicate some of our time to undoing the damage we had caused such as being enviromentally friendly.  As most things, we have our good and bad characteristics.

x Does religion effect your opinion on the matter?

I am not the most religious person and I can't say I know much.  I'm not going against what people believe because I do believe in God, but religion doesn't affect my opinion on anything, really.

x How social are you? 

I have to admit that sometimes I'm too quiet and end up coming off as unfriendly.  The people that I know for a while though I am very close to, and I am much more sociable with them.  If someone does come off to me as someone I might be friends with, I won't be as shy as I usually am.  Sometimes I'm just scared of making someone mad at me or having someone hate me and never forgive.

x Do you enjoy the company of others?

Yes and no.  Depending on the person, I could enjoy their company.  If you stick me in a room with strangers by myself, I probably won't enjoy the company.  But, like how I started middle school, I will enjoy the company of people I don't know very well if I am with someone that I do know.  I'm not very picky in who I like to spend time with.  Besides, if I was locked in a room with someone who played on Rescreatu, I'd probably enjoy their company because we'd have something to talk about instead of sitting in an awkward silence staring at the walls.

x What does the word 'unique' mean to you?

To me, it means doing whatever you want or being whoever you want without being pressured towards being like what the majority of people are. Who you are should be who you want to b, not what most of society already is.  As I have heard, "An original is always worth more than a copy."

x Is there a certain philosophy you follow?

Love as much as your heart can hold and be loved as much as others are willing to.

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