So give me your comments on this...

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10:49pm Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 1,416
During the two hours of driving to Palm Springs, I had a long time to think about...stuff. So I was looking at the beautiful scenery and thinking of horses and then that trailed off to eagles and then for some reason, dragons. x3 So, suddenly an idea started forming in my head.
I want to send a game request to Nintendo for the Wii.
So what happens is you play as different animals all over the world.
You start in a certain area of the world and once you complete all the animals in that area, you unlock new areas to explore.
As an animal you hunt, defend yourself, or do whatever the species of animal you're playing as requires.
And once you finish all of the real life areas, you can start unlocking fantasy or extinct lands with dragon, unicorns, pegasi, and dinosaurs.
Yes it would be hard to create all the animals needed for this, but think of Endless Ocean for Wii. It has hundreds of different species of sea creatures. This game idea would require about forty or fifty different sea and fresh water critters plus many land animals as well to create more of a variety and long lasting game play.
So what do you think? Comments or suggestions? Maybe pros and cons?

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11:00pm Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 1,775

I dunno, I wouldn't play it because I'm an RPGer xD

This would appeal to gamers like my litter sister and brother though. They tend to like playing games like these and it might sell. It really depends if any developer would be willing to do this though.


Feel the love man D:<


11:53pm Jun 19 2010

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Posts: 1,416
Thank you for the comment Ping. <3
It is true that it'd depend on what you're into playing, but there are plenty of animal lovers around, like me. :) 

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12:40pm Jun 20 2010

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Posts: 1,416

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7:00pm Jun 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,046
I would buy it. Simple.

You gotta get lost if you want to get found...

7:13pm Jun 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,416
You would? Thank you. :)

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