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11:49pm May 9 2009 (last edited on 11:57pm May 9 2009)

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Posts: 1,731

This is completely opinionated. You have all rights to stand with or against me with my 'part' rant.

Well, first off, the roleplays lately have been bothering me. Now, normally this is of no problem to me, as I like to stay away from roleplaying because I have a horrid tendency to stop posting as real life gets in the way (or procrastination...), but every once in a while I swing back into my mood for a good roleplay.

Lately, I've noticed something about the roleplay forums though. And I mean this in no offense to anyone.

But seriously.

Where have all the good roleplayers gone?!

There are some, no doubt, scattered here and there, but when I read or lurk in certain roleplays they all consist of fully one or two liners. Now, literacy is not my problem here. But when I look for someone (or somewhere) to roleplay (with), I look for someone who will type more than one line. One liners are evil, people. They don't allow people to give a full responce and force them to sometimes give one back in return.

I'm just curious to know if anyone else has noticed this. I've found someone now who seems like a good person to go one on one with, but most of the time if I make a post about what I'm looking for in a roleplay people won't post on it. I don't know if it's because I seem intimidating somehow to roleplay with or what, but it makes me sad.

Oh, and another thing.

Every stinkin roleplay seems to be about romance.

Now, I'm fine with roleplaying romance. Sometimes it adds a little more to an adventure roleplay, and it certainly does in books. But come on people. A whole roleplay just about romance? That's annoying, and it almost seems desperate in a sense. Wouldn't you get tired of always looking for the 'right' person on a roleplay or typing out love scenes?

I might seem hypocritical, seeing as I'm writing a book with romance in it, but come on. It's not the whole dang story. And these animal roleplays that are always looking for mates. Why?!? Can't you just roleplay animals and maybe they'll find them along the way? It's somewhat sick in my opinon. Really, what do you do after you find the right 'compatable partner'? Do the animals just sit there and lick each other or something as signs of affection? I don't see how far you could get with it.

I might add more if it comes to mind.

I really just wanted to vent this. Responces are fine.


12:08am May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 145


I'm so sick of glanceing at the rp forum and seeing kh rp's and this and that rp's, why can't anybody be original and make up your own characters???

In the old days I'd come up with a characater and rp him/her with someone else. We let it flow, if the characters become best friends, then awesome! If they become enemies, it's still awesome! Because the character would grow, have their own personalities and create a unique universe.

But those were for quick rp's, between good friends.

I've even thought of a couple of plots, maybe you and me could collaborate on something in our spare time. 

Start a roleplay and attract some good roleplayers eh?


12:22am May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177

I can see where your comming from.

I dont really roleplay on this site,but I do roleplay in other places.The same problem is everywhere.There are no good roleplays.I find very few that I can actually rp on.

Im with you on the whole romance issue.I love reading romance novels,but I need a break from them too.When I rp wolves or warriors,I dont want my animals to have mates.I just want to rp without all the confusion of romance.In most of my animal rps,I already have mates for my characters,so I dont have to go through the trouble of findning the perfect mate.Animals really cant do much.

 The biggest problem I have with roleplaying is all the high school rpleplays.On the site that I rp on,thats our biggest problem.Most of them are created by illiterates,and all it is is a bunch of cheep romance.Its boring.

I cant even find a decent warrior cat or wolf board.Theyre all made by people who really dont know how to write that well.

 Venting feels good.If only someone would listen.When someone tries to vent on this other site,we get shot down,or absolutly no one listens.The staff is crappy and doesnt even interact with us.And im going to stop before I go too far.


12:31am May 10 2009

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Posts: 1,731

I'd love to start a roleplay with you sometime Toshi. I'm seriously craving a good roleplay right now, no matter if it's short or long term.

And I'm also glad other people agree with me. I can see where you both are coming from in your situations. It just adds on to some of my...frustration, if you can call it that. Maybe sometime in the near future I'll try making a roleplay and see if you guys will join in it.

But Muffinz, you bring up some very good points. I hope where ever you roleplay gets better; it doesn't sound very pleasant in the slightest. Would you mind telling me what site it is? I'm curious. xD


12:48am May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177

Its Neopets.Its a lil kids site,but for the older users,we mostly chat and rp.It used to be really fun;the rps move pretty quick,and they were so much fun when we could get a good plot started.Now its gone to the dogs,and TNT cant do anything about it.Its all one on ones or high school rps.All lame,and the illiterates have taken over.Its awful.the only place I can have a good rp is in my guild.But I do tire of the same old plots evey now and then.

One problem we have is the one on one people being too specific on what theyre looking for in an rp partner.And it all ways the same lame old stuff.

Some of us can get a good one started evey now and then,but neo boards die pretty quickly unless you rp consistantly for a long period of time.Its only the guild rps that last,or the good ones over neomail.


1:32am May 10 2009

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Posts: 1,731

Ah, Neopets. I used to roleplay there when I played on it some years ago. I've moved away from it, partly because I don't like the staff there. Maybe it's just because most of the people on there seem of a younger age--or act like it, at least. Anyways.

I do agree that roleplays there are fast paced. x3 I prefer slower ones, like here on Res, as most of the time I'm not online to just sit and roleplay. But one on ones were always good when I roleplayed on neopets. Guilds, too, since they were of a selected bunch.

But I know what you mean about people being too specific. I seem somewhat specific, as I try not to, but it's mainly with what genre I'll play. I only do fantasy of some sort (doesn't have to be heavily influenced in the roleplay or anything), and only in the past or present. Other than that I'm open to almost anything, though I prefer not to roleplay with pre-made characters (harry potter, kingdom hearts characters, etc.).

And I agree that's one downfall to neopets roleplays--being so short they don't last but a moment unless all the people are on at one time. That's why I stuck to neomail, anyways. x3


2:31pm May 10 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177

Now a days there is just younger kids.Older users and roleplayers stick to private rp guilds. Thats what I've resorted to.

I can't roleplay with book character;it just feels wrong,like stealing the authors character.

I havent really roleplayed here on Res,so im not really used to the roleplays lasting all that long.But Im guessing its kinda like our guild rps on Neopets,as long as you keep comming back and roleplaying.And like our forum roleplays.

My guild friends and I got tired of all the lame filters on neopets,so we created our own forum that some of us still go on.Its fun.


6:26pm May 10 2009

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Posts: 3,642


I've still been hanging around the Roleplays board pretty much entirely for one roleplay that began ages ago, and it's just been getting worse and worse in there. I s'pose I've just been.. too reclusive about it lately to say anything...

I know there have nearly always been roleplays like that. But just a few months ago, when I was pretty well a regular to that board, very rarely did anyone actually join them. Few people wanted to join a roleplay in which the person who'd started it couldn't put the effort into spelling/capping their ti
tle correctly or give a decent plot, or where there were one-liners every two posts. Yet now, it seems as though that's nearly all there is! D:

Does no one have any patience or creativity anymore? Where's the fun in acting out the same plots over and over, or even copying them from other people when someone actually does bring about a good concept?

The romance. Ugh. It kills me inside to see those sorts of roleplays. The surge of 'Win [insert character name]'s Heart' roleplays were bad enough, but now romance just seems to run rampant even more than it did then. D; And it doesn't even attempt realism. Can't you at least let a few days of roleplay-time pass for them to get to know each other? Sure, a few days in the roleplay may take a few months or more in our time, but it's better than just asking if your character can 'like' another and have them 'fall in love' within the first few posts.

And titles. What the heck is with the titles? A ti
tle is not supposed to be a synopsis of plot; it's supposed to capture the essence of the roleplay within a few words. There's a difference. You do not need something like.. *pulls a random ti
tle from the back of the board* '(I'll Do What It Takes) I Can Fly! (Till I Touch The Sky) {Wolves, foxes, and coyotes with wings rp}'. Just say, 'Touch the Sky' or something. A lot more effective and interest-sparking, in my eyes. |o

ALSO *is getting ranty* Why do people still make continuations? It was perfectly understandable with the old forum system, since after a while it could start taking quite a while to load, but that's exactly why there are pages now, is it not?



2:17am May 11 2009 (last edited on 2:19am May 11 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 853

Yeah, I stopped roleplaying about... ohh two or three years ago? 

I haven't roleplayed in a while because of the annoying lack of good roleplays. I have always hated romance roleplays (usually because I always played crazy murderous people.) and preferred really mundane casual roleplay about every day life and stuff. Or really crazy plot stuff, but those always derailed themselves, because my character was a psycho murderer and people don't like that, I guess. 

Anyways, yeah, I haven't even hoped that good roleplays would pop up on the sites I go to. I have given up looking. I had almost stopped altogether, but I was invited to a roleplay forum a month ago, so I spend my time there and I am happy. Yep.

I probably wont start roleplaying here, either, so I hope you guys can go on without me. =P



 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

12:33pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 149

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticing all this. =3

I've never been much of a girl for forum roleplays - I've mostly stuck to one-on-one roleplays with the few friends for the past four years or so. The few times I have tried to join forums, I was chased off by the lack of response I got, either from the one-liners being intimidated or no one liking my ideas. Someone even had the nerve to tell me no one wanted me there, so I just left.

The lack of creativity is getting to me, too. Is it really getting that hard to make up your own stories and characters instead of using the same old plots over and over, or even characters that aren't yours in the first place? That's kind of like stealing, if you ask me. 

And is it that hard to take a few extra minutes and at least use a spell check? Or a thesaurus? I don't like repitition; using synonyms makes reading and writing interesting. But when I browse for people to roleplay with, all I can find is either one-liners who use nothing but chat speak or
"elites" who seem to have taken their "grasp of the English language" to u
nprecedentedly ridiculous heights.

And I have to agree on this whole romance thing. Romance novels are good, romance in a roleplay is even better, but like anything, you can overdo it. Easily. Pure romance has no real twists or turns and it's like staring at a simple, 2D picture painted in a low key in shades of the same color. It melds together to form a shapeless, uninteresting picture that has no depth.  

It'd be nice to see you guys start a good roleplay. =3 Maybe I could even bring myself to join, once I come back.

I love you Omena. <3
"If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur." -- Doug Larson

4:17pm May 11 2009

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Posts: 1,731

I'm really glad to see there's a good bunch with the same opinions as me. xD I was surely thinking this would pull some complainers out about what I'm saying, but none so far.

And I have to say I agree with you all. I'm really interested in making a roleplay now, and I think I just might. For now, I need to think of a good plot to keep the roleplay going. I'll rmail you guys once I have it down and such, and hopefully you guys are okay with fantasy incorperated somehow, as I tend to only roleplay those.... One I have it all down I'll post the summary here, or better yet, I'll make a board and send you guys rmails. Sound okay?

But either way, feel free to also vent here if you haven't. I'm really interested in reading everyone's opinions.


5:52pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 177
Sounds great.Im definately interested in a long term rp on here.And I could do with a good rp that isnt pokemon related.Thats all I rp nowdays in my guild.


6:05pm May 11 2009

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Posts: 1,731
I was thinking one more fantasy related, set in some other world with different things like ours, but still different from today. :3 It, hopefully, should be up within the next few days. Depends on how smoothly I can put it all together.


6:12pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
That sounds wonderful. ♥ I always loved your roleplays Uweh. They're so epic an' fun. x3


7:18pm May 11 2009 (last edited on 7:25pm May 11 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 98

There's too much romance. I refuse to do a roleplay in which romance is required. Nor will I pursue a roleplay in which romance is automatic or easy, although there have been exceptions to that. It's generally more interested (and realistic) to let what happens happen.

 The lack of originality isn't what bothers me, because personally I enjoy doing the same plot over and over again, and building up to make it better and better each time. But hey, I only do fandoms. I'm the kind of person who has a knack for building up from existing ideas, rather than starting from scratch. That's just as good as being creative in my book. Not the same, but equal in value and effort.

What bothers me are the particular genres of repeating roleplays. They're either superficial, primitive, or sick. Or some combination of the three. We have our many slavery roleplays in which most people who want them have a sick desire for their character to be beaten or exploited. When I speak of 'primitive' I mean mostly the highschool, hardcore slash, and other things of a romantic nature and beyond. As the thread author mentioned, what do the wolves do once they find their mates? Sit there and lick each other? It's boring. As for superficial, I refer mainly to an excessive amount of anime. Must your characters look like googly blue-eyed dolls with multicolored flowing hair, rippling capes and dresses, and perfect faces? I admit, as an artist, I often find myself inspired by certain characters because of the way they look, but not to an extent where manyl of my characters are anime freaks. Not to that excess.

 You know what else bothers me? That I'm always the one to decide on everything, to make up the plot, and to start. I enjoy it, and so maybe it's my ignorance that's to blame. I just can't IMAGINE how 90% of roleplayers would rather eat their own legs than start, and 70% would rather eat their legs than make up a plot, or any kind of idea, and actually *omg* decide on something! I don't get it! WHY are roleplayers so indecisive? Maybe I'm just overly decisive, but it sure bugs me in any case.

 It also bugs me that... well, I get the feeling that sometimes people are scared away by my long posts or ideas. I've made an effort to start asking my rp partners more questions. Maybe I should give up my ways of deciding when anything seems uncertain, and instead ask for their help. 

Finally, I'm annoyed that people demand to be told when I want to quit, so that they aren't 'sitting and refreshing for my reply'. Come on, people. get off your butts and do something. I can easily give up a roleplay I'm loving, because I know that there's no point in continuing if the other person doesn't feel like doing so. But when I quit on people, 30% of them complain. Why should I have to deal with that just so you can get a message saying I quit? A lack of response is good enough for me.  


9:04pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 165

Okay, I admit that I didn't read EVERY opinion, but I honestly don;t know how to roleplay. It sounded super fun until I attempted to join one in the forums. People were either doing some really lame, love, or the world is a beautiful place plot. And I was also told that I couldn't use one of my own characters, it had to be one that existed in nintendo or pokemon or something. I'm glad to hear that it isn't that way.

It's okay Uwi. Epic roleplayers will return to the forums...AHEM! If they weren't so busy doing other stuff, like writing books and going to track. -^.^- 


9:10pm May 11 2009

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Posts: 1,731



But yeah. I'm trying to get back into roleplaying. Thus why I'm trying to create a plot right now. x3 I've got some of it down.


9:14pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 165

Hehe. I didn't say it was YOU. YOU implied you were the epic roleplayer. 

Oh! This would be perfect for our characters to meet!

How do you roleplay anyway?


9:15pm May 11 2009

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Posts: 1,731

But Balet, I love your opinion. It was very nice to read, and there were so many parts I agreed with. I didn't know you roleplayed, too. ^_^ You're a great artist and writer. Wonderful combo there. Hopefully all the roleplays here haven't totally stopped you from it.

I'll rmail you, Gerychi. :3 You must learn.


9:20pm May 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 165
Balet: That's true. It must be so boring being the only one making up ideas and it would make you look like you're playing by yourself. It's great that you're so decisive though. It takes me a while to think of things. I would love to be able to think on my feet. (This is why I failed my debate in my law class)

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