Need homework help? COME GET SOME.

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7:30pm Feb 11 2013 (last edited on 7:31pm Feb 11 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 655
This is a thread for people to ask for homework help with explaining concepts or clarifying confusing things they're trying to learn, and for others to answer these questions. Or if you even have a random question just for knowledge's sake, go ahead and ask it!
Because this thread has the potential to become extremely disorganized, please follow this basic protocol:
1. if you have a question to ask, post it here
2. if you are answering a question, either Rmail or post
3. once your question has been answered, please edit your post to indicate that your question has been, well, answered
4. don't worry too much about repeating questions, but try to look around to see if your question has already been answered anyway
5. If you're answering a question, please cite a source; for instance, any websites you may have gotten an answer from or if you are a professional or majoring in a subject or whatever

And if worst comes to worst and you still don't understand what is going on in class, try Wikipedia, Yahoo Answers, your textbook, or your library - or ask a friend, parent, or teacher. If you're consistently having difficulty academically, you may want to consider online courses or a tutor.

I do not advocate people doing others' homework for each other, and the thread should not be used as such. This is only for help with general concepts; people still ought to be doing their homework on their own or in their designated groups at school. I also take no responsibility if someone gives you inaccurate information, and I recommend double-checking info to be on the safe side.

And remember: this is not a place to spread around your political, religious, or world views. Furthermore, just because a theory may be wrong does not mean someone still does not want that theory clarified for the simple purpose of understanding it. that means if someone asks about evolution that you don't flip your ships and start a huge debate. just explain the concept and say nothing more.

I'm also not here to debate about the accuracy of Wikipedia. If you don't like it, don't use it.

they/them/theirs :)

7:30pm Feb 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 655
reserved for potential FAQ section

they/them/theirs :)

8:23pm Feb 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 655

they/them/theirs :)
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