Join The Blood Moon Wolf Pack!

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7:06pm Sep 20 2012 (last edited on 7:18pm Sep 20 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 318
A lupine figure appears out of the shadows and sits before you in the bright light of the full moon.
She stares at you with emerald green eyes. As she stares at you a presence brushes against your conscience.

"Hello there human. How would you like the chance of a life time? A chance to become a wolf?
To live and work as a wolf in an actual pack? To see how we live from a wolve's point of view?

I come to you now with an invitation. an invitation to join me and my brothers and my sisters in
my pack. We are a pack of wolves born of shadows, hate, blood lust, and revenge.

We are not normal wolves. We are wolves with the elemental abilities. We are wolves that were
born with wings. Wolves that were born with special. Abilities.

I hope to see you there!"

Click on the banner below to join me!!

I am so awesome I have a Ninja Rainbow Unicorn <3 Beat That!
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