Hmph. WHY?!

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12:14am Mar 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 12

Well, I'm up at a rather late time... Because I can't get to sleep...

But, I want to kick reality to the curb, and go track down my BFF...
Because I usually talk to him for a while to go to sleep. But he's not on... DX

So, I'm just going to whine here. XD

Anways... I've been daydreaming again of getting my own little TV show (or something of that sort), like a random talk-show  that I can talk and goof around with my BFFs...
The original idea, was from a story-group idea that I'm plotting with my friends over yonder in other sites...
Called "Tall Tales or Truth" (TTOT)...
Before me and Namey edited it, it was "Daily Dose of Drama" (DDOD).
... I should do DDOD here, and TTOT on other sites...


One exception...
I don't know anyone who's good with drama stories. o3o
So... Scratch that idea for now.

... Is it weird/normal that I've been daydreaming about having a TV show with my and my BFFs? ;_;
First it was an idea called "Welcome to Crazy School", where I would be playing my persona, Kylar... My BFFs would be playing my BFFs in the show (Josh/John/Joel and/or Rose/Lilly)... How ironic. XD

... I'm babbling again. PM me if you want more details on any of this stuff. (just a suggestion. *shrug*)
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