Blood Freaks

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6:54pm Feb 19 2010

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Posts: 1,120
yup.  but its soooo good :) (its like icecream to some ppl)


11:36pm Feb 25 2010

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Posts: 1,060
Blood is my form of water. ;o


1:45pm Feb 27 2010

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Posts: 448
Haha! Its kinda true though. Pool water kinda tastes good too but then people pee in it and stuff so once u remember that u wanna spit it back out... -.-"


3:12pm Feb 27 2010

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Yeah.  I know what that's like.  You really wanna throw up when you accidentally swallow it.  Nausteh!  >.<

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4:10pm Feb 28 2010

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Posts: 448
Yeah. Well when u think about what people did in the water... Eww.... There's millions of possibilities...


7:29pm Mar 1 2010

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yeah, i know.  especially in a public pool.  so many nasty things floatin' around in there.  Well... there's a possibility that someone could end up bleeding in a pool...

KCAD!  I watched the most disgusting video that Sammy showed me.  It was some weird thing of a new moon parody.

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9:50pm Mar 1 2010

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I think blood tastes good. I'm not like obsessed or anything, but still. o3o

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:03pm Mar 1 2010

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Posts: 398

I do happen to enjoy the taste of blood, though I tend to keep to my own for sanitary reasons. It seems to be more of an aquired taste *Cough*addiction*Cough*


9:06pm Mar 2 2010

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Oohhh... I don't mind it as long as it's not spewing outta me or something.  I mean, I got some sorta cut the other day, and I've been licking the wound.  (i know, it's a bad habit of mine.)

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7:23am Mar 5 2010

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Dunno 'bout you guys but I also love drawing blood and bloody things. ;D

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

6:46pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 6:47pm Mar 5 2010)

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... That's one thing with which I can agree and not be creeped out. xD Blood is like, one of the best things to use when trying to make a drawing seem negative. It can horrify, bring awe, cause pity, incite rage.. Just a delightful number of emotions. 8D

I would say lard, I must sound all crazy, but.. I dunno. A lot of you guys sound much more crazy than I. o3o I almost wanna tell myself you must be simply playing it up or something.


8:05pm Mar 5 2010

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Posts: 234
its funny i went skiing the other night fell 18 times on one mt and a few more on a different mt. no bllod went to school fell bleed went to jim and totally biffed it more blood. i just more blood at school then on ski's

Animi Nutur Pictures, Images and Photos

8:11pm Mar 5 2010

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c: I have no idea what you just said BellaStar. ~

Yosh; I love using bright red ink pen to colour blood on sketches. o3o It's very fun, and the contrast is awesome.
Also, I know what you mean. xD I thought I was weird for liking the taste and stoof. But after reading some of these posts...

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:39pm Mar 5 2010

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Uhm. o3o I think punctuation has been forsaken. And after reading that, I wouldn't want my name to be Jim at all. People exercising in me.. Gives new meaning to feeling butterflies.


That is a fun thing to do, although I don't use it often. x3 I rarely use pens; I've only really started even trying to get used to them recently. Randomly started doodling in red pen during Earth Science, and suddenly it really grew on me.. *on a tangent*

Yus. I'm afraid. 8( *hides under a log*


9:43pm Mar 5 2010

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Posts: 4,093
Is that so? o3o Drawing anything in pencil makes me twitch. Seriously. Pens are my life.
You should see my tests. ^o^ And my agenda. And my binder. And my science fair project. Oh, and about everything else in my life.
Covered in doodles.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:58pm Mar 5 2010

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Huh. So we're kinda opposite. xD You love pens, I love pencil.

I guess I just don't really trust myself much with a pen yet. They're too.. glidey. Too smooth in comparison to the paper-gripping pencil. So I feel shaky, like I'm slipping and don't really have control over what I'm doing.

'S why I always hate when people ask you to sign things in pen. My pen signatures are certainly not my best. x3

And I bet they're booteful doodles. ;o I s'pose I mostly just stick to my notebook for doodling - especially the math section. I guess it's because I start taking notes, but then I figure I can just look up how to do the problems in the book, and I wander off..

Ahah. We've gone so far from talking about bludz. I just keep following random little strings of thought. xD


10:27pm Mar 5 2010 (last edited on 10:28pm Mar 5 2010)

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Indeed we have. o3o;; I have a tendency to stray from whatever someone is talking about. Oh well.

The reason I don't like drawing with pencil is because it's dull. ;/ It's hard to have any variety with pencil, in my opinion, whether it be the épaisseur thickness (couldn't think of the english word for a sec D:) of the lines or anything. Just yeah. It all seems monotone.
If I draw anything with pencil it has to be a mechanical pencil.

Pen is like... bold and clear and very a.ssertive. I don't really feel like I'm slipping everywhere, in fact, I like the smoothness of it. c:

Naw, they are odd and seriously confusing doodles. ;o I am currently seeing if I am capable of drawing anime. (Not going so well.) I can only ever doodle animals and stoof.

GAH. I should stop talking otherwise we'll just get further in this subject.

Blood. Think blood. xD;

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:08pm Mar 5 2010

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I do agree that pen seems like it can be more expressive. I find myself loving the gritty texture it gives (whether I'm trying for it or not *fail*), while still being cleaner than I could ever, ever get with a pencil. Accidentally shading everything with the side of your hand is the worst. x3

But I still love how much more exact I can be with a pencil (oh, and yes, mechanical is definitely the best ♥), without worry of being unable to fix something. It enables my ridiculously touchy style. xD All the line-jumping and different thicknesses and.. obsession over it all. Nurhur. x3

Well, odd and confusing are ftw. ;o

Mebbe. x3 Well. BLUUUUDDD. /caps

Think I'm about to fall asleep anyway.. xD So. G'night.


8:20pm Mar 7 2010

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Posts: 1,359

All this blood talk...

I haven't come into contact with any blood lately...

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12:14pm Mar 8 2010

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Posts: 12
Are you guys just blood likers or Sangs? 0.o
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