Why, hellur there Rescreatu. o:

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8:56am Jul 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20

I'm Lesley and I signed up a loong time ago. Then I got an email and I thought to myself, hrrm, why not?

Then I returned and discovered what a vast improvement has been made. I'm liking it here. I think I'll stick around.

Anyway, would someone mind explaining to me what 'zapping' is? o3o And what beans/dyes do? I know you can hatch certain colors, but I don't which.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

1:53pm Jul 7 2009 (last edited on 1:55pm Jul 7 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 4

Hi!  LOL, your story is exactly like mine.  I just got an email today.

I was wondering about zapping too. Undecidedtle="Undecided" />

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