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1:25pm Jul 9 2022

Normal User

Posts: 3

I'm wingedcatdusk, formerly diamond_rose on here way, way back in the day. I think the last time I logged in was in 2015 and I didn't really do much, haha. My last "heyday" was in the early 2010s. You know, when the easero were first released. It's really cool to see how much the site's art has improved and how many more features have been added! I'm still confused on how to make TU though- a lot has changed! If anyone has any "beginners tips" I'd love to hear them!

11:00pm Jul 9 2022

Normal User

Posts: 13
Welcome! I'm in a similar situation so I know you feel. Haha.

What I've been doing to make tu is taking Harlow's donation drive requests, doing the sandcastle seasonal game since it resets every half hour and some regular quests. You could also use the creatu rancher and merchant shops because I guess both classes can use them now? There's also the stock market which you could make a ton but it seems like the good stocks might of changed so I'd ask around first.

Hope this helps! 

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