I need some help....

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5:39pm Oct 18 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1
I'm new to the game, what do I do?Undecidedtle="Undecided" />

10:57pm Oct 19 2009

Normal User

Posts: 911

Welcome to Rescreatu! I'm Cat and will be willing to answer any questions you have. c:

The point of the game is to raise creatu and possibly sell them in the near future. The first thing you need to do to obtain a creatu is travel to one of the four planets in the Rescreatu universe. You can do that by clicking on the explore link, which is under 'Play' on your sidebar. Then click on one of the four planets. Right when you click on a planet [though... it might take some refreshing] you have a chance of finding an egg. Once you've found an egg, take it to the Hatchery under 'My Account' in the sidebar. Then you need to incubate until it has a high incubation percentage. If the percentage is low, then the egg has a higher chance of the hatch failing. Once you've hatched your creatu, name it and then you've got a creatu!

There are two different cl*censored*es you can be:

You can be a merchant. The whole idea of becoming a merchant is so that you can buy and sell items that can be useful to the Rescreatu community. To create your shop, go to the toolbar under the Rescreatu banner and click the shop with the green logo on the top. [right next to the planet shortcut]. Once you arrive there, you can create your shop in a few simple steps. You can only hatch one pet each day, though.

You can also be a rancher. The whole idea of becoming a rancher is to buy [and possibly resell] and hatch creatu to sell. If you are hatching and then selling, make sure to give your pet a good name. The name 'eofindifobn4r' is an example of a badly named pet. If your pet has a name like 'Love' then it is a very cleverly named pet and will most likely get you a lot of tu [res money] when it comes to selling. Pets also have colors as well. The colors range from natural to albino, albino being the rarest and worth the most tu. To create your shop, go to the toolbar below the banner and click on the building with the paw print on the top. You can create your shop just like you would do a merchant shop, follow the instructions I posted. Being a rancher, it allows you to hatch three pets each day.

Those are the main points of Rescreatu. If you like Roleplaying, you can venture over there. Anyway, I hope this helped you understand the basics of Res! Enjoy!

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