Hi, guys.

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11:12am Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
I'm Nyghtshade named for the plant with deadly properties. Think of me as a "pretty little poison". In small doses I should be fine (I think).

Well, I'm technically finishing my last year in high school but I'm taking a couple of subjects at the university since I've finished the high school version over the summer. I just wanted out, like NOW. I live with my dad and my siblings; my Mom is now in palliative care and won't be coming home again. I go see her every day. Sometimes it gets too much and I go stay with my Gran. She's the one that told me about the online pet sites and I thank her so much for that because I really, really, really need that out and away from reality.

I don't remember exactly when I joined but I see that two of my pets are dead. I quickly moved the others into storage so they wouldn't die, too.

I'm enjoying the egg hunt.

Goals: get 1 of all the naturals first, then cream, then ginger and so on. I have a very LONG way to go.

Nice to meet you!

7:11pm Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
Hi Nyghtshade! I'm Arcanine! But you can call me Arc or Sammie! I'm actually an assistant here at Rescreatu so if you ever have a question; please never hesistate to ask! Its what I'm here for :) 

I think it's great you visit your mother every day, I have a similar relationship with my Nana. I visit her daily. So many people just let those relationships fade and I love meeting someone else who doesn't. 

Let me know if you need any help with colors, im financially irresponsible so i blow a lot of tu, but I'm happy to help wherever I can. 

So yeah! Great to meet you, and i hope you enjoy the site! Have you read our rules yet? Or have you gotten your newbie pack? 


8:28pm Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 2
I've gotten some goodies from Tiberias but I don't know if he's with the goodie pack or not. Right now I'm working on the egg hunt and collecting the keys for the event/quest.

8:57pm Nov 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 5,512
Tibby is a she actually ;) but yes! She does the newbie packs.

Good luck collecting keys! I bought all of mine :P

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