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6:51pm Oct 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hi, I'm kinda new, its been a few yrs since I last played on here.... I was wondering if there was any tips youd like to share? or just become online buddies and chat about anything we can think of? I love talking and I'll be on everyday
bye? I guess?


1:39am Oct 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi Shorty! Welcome back to Rescreatu!  We're happy to have you. :)

There have been lots of changes to the site in the past few years so I'm sure there's lots to learn and lots to re-learn! I took a hiatus a while back, so I definitely understand that. What kind of tips would you like? I know for general tips and suggestions, there are many wonderful guides for new users sprinkled over the first few pages of this subforum~ If you have anything specific in mind, I'd be happy to help. If you haven't yet, it may be helpful to read over the site rules: http://www.rescreatu.com/rules.php
They're a good starting point for new users, and I'm sure there have been additions over the years if you've already read them in the past.

Otherwise, feel free to Rmail me any time with questions or just post here as I'll be subscribed. I hope you're enjoying getting re-acquainted with the site, and I'm sure I'll see you around~!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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