Will you buy an intelligent creatu for more tu?

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3:33pm May 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6

I was wondering, and I'd like to hear other people's opinions about this - if you see in a rancher shop or a pet auction a creatu that is trained - both their intellect and stats - would you pay more for it? If so, how much more will you pay? What will be the difference in price between, for example, a 0 intellect, a 30 intellect and a 60 intellect creatu?

 I've had the impression, after looking at many profiles and creatu for sell, that most people here don't train their creatu even if they do collect books. Am I wrong about this? Or perhaps I'm placing too much of an emphasis on training my own creatu? I'd like to know what other people think about this.

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