What do you think of the Narwi?

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1:12am Dec 29 2010

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Posts: 3,426

I'm curious because, honestly, to me it's just a narwhal. It's probably the second most unoriginal creatu after the Zenirex. The only thing they really changed from the narwhal was making the horn shorter and giving it a bit more fluff and shape. Even the name doesn't seem to have a lot of effort put into it.

Maybe I'm just being cynical, but so far I'm not at all impressed with the Narwi. And I'm also not impressed at how this is the first creatu in quite a while to be "easy" to obtain. All our latests creatu were CS or the Kir pets, neither of which were exactly easy to get for most users.

To me, it's like Res is giving us less quality for less work. I mean sure, there's always going to be the sought after CS pets with their G&S DK, but giving us a "less original" pet just because it's easier to get seems a bit lame. Why have a new creatu like that if your just going to lower the quality? I'm pretty let down after seeing all the new and interesting creatu and hoping that the new Seasonal would be just as great.

Other than the art style (obviously) the Narwi just does seem like a Creatu. It's just a (and I dare say it) anime-ish style animal. I admit that it's cute and the artist did a stunning job on it, but even that doesn't make me all that excited because the same skill could be applied to a better pet.

This is just my opinion, and I also want to make it clear that I'm not asking for the Narwi to be removed. It's pointless to suggest such a thing as it would never happen. Like I said, I'm just curious as to what everyone else thinks. 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

1:41am Dec 29 2010 (last edited on 1:42am Dec 29 2010)

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Posts: 130
Nobody likes every single Creatu. I think it's important to recognise that disliking a particular pet does not mean there is something wrong with it.

There are quite a few Creatu I don't like, but I know that it's just my taste and not a problem with the pet itself. Evidence of this lies in the fact that many others enjoy it.

Those who don't like Narwi don't like it because they don't like it—not because it is in any way faulty. Narwi is obviously very successful and I am sure the artist would not have designed it any differently in light of any perceived "faults"—they are obviously doing a great job.

Hopefully you will enjoy future releases more. We are lucky to have a large enough variety on Rescreatu that there's plenty to hatch and collect regardless of what we think about new pets.


3:53am Dec 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 8
I would have to agree. Out of all the 'easily' obtainable creatu I only like 11 of them really. The others just aren't that interesting to me. Although I do like the narwi because whales with horns growing out of their faces are awesome! But from a creative standpoint compared to something like the Easero, no I would have to agree that it's not that creative.

7:42am Dec 29 2010

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Posts: 437
I think it is all personal preference. I do not see anything wrong with the Narwi. I do not like it, because I do not like whales, dolphins, walrus, seals or narwhal in general. Others think differently^^.

I like 21 of the common pets, and I do not think any of them would be inferior to the CS ones. And actually there are 2 CS pets that I do not like at all, again, not because they are not creative or nicely drawn, but because I am not fond of animals of that type.

The reason why the recently released pets were mostly CS might be that Patrick made a promise a while ago, that 6 new CS will be released in 6 months. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to promise something like that, but I think once a promise was made, it is nice that they are trying their best to keep it.
I am also glad that staff keeps up a good pace with updating the old-style art of the existing pets. I think that should be completed before adding new ones.

I am sure more common pets will be added in time too. No need to be impatient about it, seeing how much work the stuff does to keep the site interesting and active day after day.


10:22am Dec 29 2010

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Posts: 2,082

I agree with Yaiz and Gun.

I have a theory that is impossible to test out. It's that people would appreciate the common creatu (like a drindian) more if they were to be a CS. As in, from the beginning. 

The narwi, I do think it is rather uncreative, but I love it anyways. :3 What I'm really disappointed in is the name. Narwi? Couldn't they think of anything more creative? xD because on rescreatu we don't really hae any names that just, give the creatu away like that. :P



10:29am Dec 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 437
Lol, I bet it would be so^^.
If Ahea or Chimby would be CS everyone would want one (I think those two has really epic art, still they are not very appreciated). Or Gondra. Everyone would go "OMG, dragon11!!1 I want 1! Why is it CS??" xD


11:50am Dec 29 2010

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Posts: 8
I do have to also say that I am SUPER impressed with the system they've developed for ranchers. Unlike on other pet sites, because of the hatching system I really DO grow a bond with these little guys. Which aside from games like Pokemon and sites like Valenth, I haven't experienced that. But it's not to the point where like Valenth, you have to put in a crapload of effort to get anywhere with your pet. It's still a casual gaming experience. Which like I said, is unique to this site as far as I know.

5:38am Jun 18 2011

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Posts: 5

I think Narwi's are adorable <3

I'm currently doing art commissions for one :D


7:05am Jun 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,158
Whats really wrong with it? If people like it, it stays! I do not DISlike it. I do not love it. Although I do know of my friend who adores them a lot. I got her an azure.


8:15pm Mar 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6
I'd like to say to the people who said it is easy to get Narwi, it is NOT easy for me, and I collect different Creatu, so I look for more Creatu all the time...still no.

The herpderper.

9:29pm Mar 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Dizzy, please check the dates of the previous posts on the thread. It's considered Necroposting, which is against the rules, to post on a thread older than four weeks unless it is your own.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:44pm Mar 2 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6
...oh...well sorry i'm a newb. Idk this stuff I've only been on for like 16 days :/ and also how do u get Narwi

The herpderper.

1:15am Mar 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
Have you read the rules yet? ^^ You probably should.

Narwis are what I call "Secondary Seasonals." Meaning they're Seasonal pets that you get their eggs by trading in the other, findable seasonal's eggs for. Narwis are Winter seasonals, along with the Uilus. You would need to trade in two Uilus eggs for a Narwi egg when they are in season.

You can also most likely buy an egg off another user, or find a Narwi in a Rancher Shop.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:05am Mar 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 6
ok thanx i'll read the rules.

The herpderper.
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