The World Weekly

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9:50pm Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 9:42pm Feb 3 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,652
T h e   W o r l d   W e e k l y


  LaCortoriReturn - Publisher
Winterlove - Editor
totalgleek021 - Editor

 To apply for a staff position, rMail a request to LaCortoriReturn detailing the desired position, a sample of your work, and requested payment.


 To receive your copy of The World Weekly, rMail LaCortoriReturn with a request.


 If you wish to have a Ad placed in the World Weekly, rMail LaCortoriReturn with a li.nk to your forum or shop, details on the advertisement, and the package you would like. Each advertisement package is good for one week only.

 Premium package - Your Ad will be placed at the top of the page, with a 200 x 100 banner and a descr.iption.
 Cost: 10,000tu

 Delta package - Your Ad will be placed under the Premium Ads, and will be given a 100 x 50 banner and descr.iption.
 Cost: 6,000tu

 Basic package - Your Ad will be placed at the bottom of the page, and will be given a 50 x 25 banner and a brief descr.iption.
 Cost: 3,000tu


5:33pm Feb 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 203

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