Should We?

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12:29pm Feb 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 498

Okay, I gotcha.


In that case I would still keep to my point, probably. It's already pretty difficult to get a credit token, and even then the smaller token amounts would only allow for one CS purchase. It's not like acquiring 25mil for 100 credits to buy one item is going to create a huge imbalance, especially not when a few dollars can get you more and thus allows more incentive for users to try real money.


6:02pm Feb 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

Yes, Bow, I see the tokens as still as a credit-tu exchange, it's pretty much the same thing, just with set prices.


I like the idea of the smaller tokens only purchaseable with TU, but I think pat should increase it to inclue the 100 credit token too, if not all of them.


Most people arguments with this is that if the tu-credit exchange were to be completely removed, they wouldn't EVER IN 100000 MILLION YEARS be able to get cs items/pets. this is simply NOT TRUE. There are 2 types of people buying credits. those who are using the credits for themselves, and those who are selling the items they buy with them. those two groups of people will still exist without the credit exchange.

 On the issue of users pricing however they want, since most users are already familiar with the credit-tu exchange, prices may rise a little but not by much, since most of these prices would be going based on the old credit-tu exchange.

A CS egg bought with cash right now would be worth approximately 18mil, if the tu option were to be removed, most likely the prices would remain at 18-20mil, or possibly even fall back down to the older prices of 10-15mil for quicker sales.


More than likely some players might leave, but the rest would be fine with the change since a good chunk of res doesn't buy cs items from the CS shop, but rather from other players since they only need one or two of an item that might come in a pack of four or five.


It's cheaper to buy items for user right now if those users are the ones buying the 1000 and 500 credit tokens, since they will be the cheapest. But those players are still dumping hundreds of millions of tu out of the system via the CS to buy those items.

With the option to buy credits with TU, there is no incentive to buy with cash. I have never payed with cash for credits on this site. not because i can't, but because there was no need for me to do so when the credits for TU were so easily availible. they still are, really, 25mil is 50k in one good stock, or a few good hatches. it's nothing, really.


If credits could only be purchased with cash, i'd have an incentive to buy. it would be a profit for me to sell them, or I could get some nice bonuses that aren't /required/ to play the game, but are still nice to have.


Perhaps pat can try a test period of 2-4 weeks without the TU-token options and see what happens? 


6:27pm Feb 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
I think 2-4 weeks is too soon. As you know, our economy is rather slow and it would take a longer period to test it efficiently.


6:58pm Feb 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Well, I meant for testing user reaction, but yes, for the economy to show would take a couple of months at least. o3o Still, I'm in favor of testing it.


9:21pm Feb 24 2011 (last edited on 9:23pm Feb 24 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 340

Taking away the tu credits exchange would benefit users who buy credits with real money heaps, and frankly, they deserve to benefit because they are one of the main reasons we still get to play on this web site at all.


As many people have said it would also open the opportunity for people selling credit shop items to compete with prices. Before recently, many people wouldn’t buy a CS item priced well above the exchange rate unless they were desperate for it, because they would just think “Why should I buy something for more than it’s worth?” This factor causes less incentive for people to buy credits with real money and sell CS items unless they wanted to sell for base price. No exchange rate would mean no set value for CS items giving people who are selling them room to move with pricing and competing.


I joined a site recently that has no exchange for in game currency to credits and frankly it is quite annoying because there is so few users on the site and only a small amount of them spend real money on the site. That leaves credits in very high demand so the worth of credits in game currency continues to rise constantly. After playing that site for a while I realised how lucky we are here to be able to exchange tu for credits at all, even if it is expensive at least it is still possible.


But I think that this method of no exchange may work better on res because there are far more players and many of them buy credits to my knowledge. This means that CS items will still be plenty available for non-credits buyer to buy off credit buyers but will reduce the number of them in the game, making them rarer and more special. I would love to see the natties of the new CS’ers going for more than 10 mil, making them actually worth something, like the retired CS’ers are, so that when someone hatches a natural ezahni they don’t think “Pffft, junk.”, and instead actually appreciate the worth of them as a CS item.


The only problem I can foresee is that of the worth of beans. All the other CS items do special things that makes them worth buying no matter what their price increases too. But beans just give you a different colored pet, which can also be achieved though hatching or buying one someone else has hatched. At the moment with the exchange increase you have to spend 8 mil just to get one chance at getting a blonde or albino, which are nearly the only colors worth over 8 mil, and it is most likely you will end up with a lower color which is now a huge loss. You could buy a blonde for the price of one bean, or an albino for the price of two. If there is no longer any set exchange rate for credits, people will look back on this exchange rate for a sort of indication of value of CS items, and then probably sell for even more. Beans could eventually become redundant, since few people want to pay the price of an albino for a chance at a albino. Even now, and especially if this idea ever got put into place, I think something different will have to be done with beans.


That is my current only concern though, and everything else seems fine with this idea. There would still be plenty of CS items in the game for users to get their hands on, albeit a bit more expensive, or maybe even not. But tu is free and if everything is just handed to you in a game it nullifies the whole point of the game: it’s meant to be a challenge. I don’t like how common colored new CS’ers are at the moment, they seem to easy to get and not as special anymore.

 As for an idea I saw in an earlier post… do not make CS items unsellable/untradeable. I am sure that the number of people buying credits with money would drop since quite a few buyers simply buy to make an in game profit. And that would also make CS items much harder to get for users who are not allowed to buy credits with real money and would not be able to buy singles of a credit item from a user shop; they would have to buy the whole set from the CS shop with tu, and probably have left over items they do not need.



10:17pm Feb 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,148
What if we made the Credit Shop stock similarily to normal NPC shops? Do you think that this would help put a slow-down to the Credit Shop items flowing into the game and thus keep them rare?


2:28am Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 282
I think that we should still be able to buy credits with Tu even if it's very limited. Alot of the TU on Res ends up in the credit shop, so if we were to take that option away I think that there would be to much TU in circulation. I know it sounds crazy but it would just keep piling up, because people would basically only ever use it in the bm.


2:48am Feb 26 2011 (last edited on 2:48am Feb 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

 I agree that a lot of the TU flowing out is mostly because of the BM, but as far as I know there should be new features coming that will help send out and bring in TU. As it is right now, the problem is too much flowing out, and not enough flowing in. It really almost seems like TU comes in mostly from the stocks and goes out mostly in the CS (and BM). 


Maybe rather than making the items in the CS go in and out like normal shops, why not make the token shop work that way instead? You could limit the amount of credits that could be purchased in a day with TU, and it would stock at random. Tokens not sold before the next refresh could poof so that they don't pile up, meaning less CS items are sold with credits bought with TU, thus keeping them rare, but also avalible all the time to people paying with cash. 


I think I'd be happy with that kind of thing.  o3o


4:35am Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 282
I agree Foo, I think that would definetly help, and I would also be happy with a feature like that c:


9:58pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Yep. p: People would have to make an effort to get the tokens too, so there might even be a better resale value for the tokens themselves and not just the CS situation if you ask me.


10:22am Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 10:38am Mar 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 552

wouldnt that affect the money purchased credits?

i mean, would someone buy with real money if theres a chance the credit token just pufs if they dont use it the same day?


Also, i think we sould try searching for a positive approach. Instead of thinking ways of makeing it harder for new/poor/young players to get credits, try finding ways to make it easier for those who already purchase and more apealing/rewarding/easier for those same new/poor/young players who cant or wouldnt buy now with real money. 


11:51am Mar 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,082
Personally, I'd say remove the tu > Credit feature completely.


5:44am Mar 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
When you purchase credits with real money, the credits are added directly to your account, are they not? The only way people paying with cash would be affected by it would be that they wouldn't be able to buy the tokens as gifts if they were too slow, but it wouldn't prevent them from buying CS items or the like. 


7:18pm Mar 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

But how would taking credits-for-tu away make it harder on the new users? Everyone has equal chance at hatching and games, so there's virtually no reason it should be harder for some users and easier for others. The only difference would be that credits would be available specifically for users who pay with cash, everyone will be able to buy the CS items for their tu or items or pets once the users purchase them from the shop.

Do you think that users aren't paying with real money now because the option to pay with tu is available? In other words: do you think that taking away this option will prompt more users to buy with cash, thus increasing the flow of CS items?

It shows potential because you see users saving up their tu and hoarding it to get that one CS item they've always wanted. If them saving up copious amounts of tu will do them no good, they may skip the saving and go straight to buying with cash. Right?


8:31am Mar 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

Sort of.


I think that if they don't mind paying the current CS prices in TU, removing the tu to credit option wouldn't realyl make a dent in that, since they'd still likely be saving up TU to buy from users who buy from the shops, but there would /probably/ be an increase in cash buyers.


I still think making the tokens go in and out of the shop is a good idea. >o> Making them less readily avalible would prompt just as many people as taking the option away completely I think..maybe a little less.  

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