Res Mafia

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6:07pm May 4 2013 (last edited on 7:04pm May 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 612

For many years The Res Mafia has been run under the unknowing eyes of the public, everything has be done and people have been taken care of under the watchful eye of the old Mafia leader. But, little while ago the leader and his crew made a rookie mistake and gotten themselves taken to jail for life sentences each. So now the Mafia died out and no one ever heard of the Mafia again, until now. One creatu prevailed over everything and behind all closed doors and watchful police eyes is slowly building the Mafia to prevail again. 

This, is Ajeno. The mastermind behind the Res Mafia, she took over the mafia with her cunning hitman skills and lack of morals. Since the day she was born Uldavi has trained her to be the top shooter of her home planet and Rescreatu. Her stealth and agility came natural in her training and aided her in her missions. The people of Rescreatu look up to her to protect them and keep the planet in order. Now she is running the stocks, the flow of the money and the shops to aid the creatu and humans of Rescreatu.

The Silencer, Sterope, does the nightly dirty work which the leader is asleep she does the work for Ajeno. She does just what the ti
tle says, she silences the treats and problems when the leader cannot. 
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