Old Newbie Needs Help!

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8:10pm Sep 16 2011 (last edited on 8:11pm Sep 16 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 4
I have been gone for quite some time and I was wondering if someone could help me. Thank you for any questions you can answer ^_^

1. Where did the chat / shoutbox go? is this the thing on the bottom..?
2. How do I look up how much people are selling a certain item for in their merchant shops?
3. What is an "old creatu egg"... i have a bunch that are listed as old; what's the difference between these and old ones?
4. Have any pets "retired" or gone out of circulation in the cash shop (their eggs anyways) while I was gone?

Thanks again ^_^

9:52pm Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
1.yes. click on that chat bubble icon and click chatrooms and chat! You can also chat just with opne person by clicking who's online and clicking on the person
2. on the top right corner it says Search... in a box and shop and search and type in the 1rst box, use the 2nd one to change the catagory and the las one to search!
3.a old creatu egg has more of a chance to fail. creatu eggs except seasonals, CS and kir eggs have a chance to fail.20% chance reguler and it adds when its old
4. no O_o

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