New Rescreatu Users

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10:46pm Jan 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 934
Hello! Welcome To Rescreatu!

This thread is to basically to give you an idea of what to do, where to go, How to get stuff... the basics.
Us people in PINK usernames in the Sb (ShoutBox, Chatroom) are Rescreatu Assistants, Helpers. If you have a question, ask one of us! We will gladly help.

This thread will be constantly updated for your convenience!

All questions will be posted on the second page, in case you have a question the same as another user.
 Post away!


11:24pm Jan 25 2013 (last edited on 11:25pm Jan 25 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 934
 Asked Questions: 
Q: How do I get a pet? 
A: You can do many things: Option A: You can hatch your very own pet, by finding eggs around rescreatu and hatching them! You do that by going to the tab Explore> Pick any planet (Scria, Reiflem, Relcore, Atquati, except Uldavi.) You will see a notice in an orange background with a picture of an egg. There will be a link that says Click Here to get the egg. You then may find your egg in your Hatchery. The hatchery icon is an orange egg that is cracked. Click that, and you will see your egg! You will have to incubate your egg to 100% to get best results at hatching. You can name your pet almost anything you like, if that name isn't taken! Option B: You can buy pets from other users! You buy pets with tu. Tu is Rescreatu currency. (money) Option C: You can win pets from raffles, or sometimes you can visit Atquati's Forest for pets that other users have abandoned, and adopt them for free! Option D: You can win pets from Pet Auctions, by bidding certain amounts of tu. There are many other ways to obtain pets as well! 

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